Page 138 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 138


            260                                 270                                 276
            APPLICATIONS                        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            4.0 Units                           CABOT 270 provides students with instruc-  CABOT 276 provides students with advanced
            CABOT 260 provides students with the   tion in beginning features and functions   features and functions of Microsoft Offi  ce
            necessary skills and training to create,   of Microsoft Offi  ce Excel, a spreadsheet   Access, a database software program. This
            enhance, manipulate, and manage  fi les  in   software program. This course prepares   course prepares students for the Microsoft
            four diff erent software programs. Some of   students for the Microsoft Offi  ce  Special-  Offi  ce Specialist (MOS) expert certifi cation
            the topics for this course consist of: creat-  ist (MOS) core certifi cation exam in Excel.   exam in Access. Some of the topics for this
            ing a document with a table, a chart, and a   Some of the topics for this course consist   course consist of creating a report using
            watermark, working with large worksheets,   of: creating a worksheet with an embedded   design view, enhancing forms with Object
            data tables, amortization schedules, and   chart: working with  fi nancial  functions,   Linking and Embedding (OLE) fi elds, hyper-
            hyperlinks, designing, maintaining, and   data tables, amortization schedules, and   links, and subforms, and customizing forms
            querying databases, and creating slide shows   hyperlinks, and creating static and dynamic   using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA),
            with embedded visuals. Lecture 4 hours.   Web pages. Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.   charts, and Pivot Table objects. Lecture/
            Recommended Preparation: CABOT 208   Recommended Preparation: CABOT 208 or   Demonstration 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
            or equivalent (may be taken concurrently   equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  CABOT 275 or OBT 113 or equivalent. Course
            with CABOT 260.) Course Typically Off ered:   Spring.                    Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.  Transfer   271                              280
            Credit: CSU.
                                                MICROSOFT EXCEL II                  MICROSOFT POWERPOINT I
            265                                 3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            MICROSOFT WORD I                    CABOT 271 provides students with advanced   CABOT 280 provides students with instruc-
            3.0 Units                           features and functions of Microsoft Offi  ce   tion in beginning features and functions of
            CABOT 265 provides students with begin-  Excel, a spreadsheet software program. This   Microsoft Offi  ce PowerPoint, a presentation
            ning features and functions of Microsoft   course prepares students for the Microsoft   software program. This course prepares
            Offi  ce Word, a word processing software   Office Specialist (MOS) expert certifica-  students for the Microsoft Offi  ce Specialist
            program. This course prepares students   tion exam in Excel. Some of the topics for   (MOS) core certifi cation exam in PowerPoint.
            for the Microsoft Offi  ce  Specialist  (MOS)   this course include using Visual Basic for   Some of the topics for this course consist of:
            core certifi cation exam in Word. Some of   Applications (VBA), creating templates   using a design template and auto layouts to
            the topics for this course consist of: creating   and working with multiple worksheets   create a presentation, using outline view and
            and editing a word document, creating a   and workbooks. Lecture/Demonstration 3   clip art to create a slide show, using embed-
            research paper, using a wizard to create a   hours. Prerequisite: CABOT 270 or OBT 90   ded visuals to enhance a slide show, and
            resume, creating a cover letter with a table,   or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:   creating a presentation on the Web. Lecture/
            and creating a document with a table, a chart,   Fall/Spring.           Demonstration 3 hours.  Recommended
            and a watermark. Lecture/Demonstration 3   275                          Preparation: CABOT 208 or equivalent.
            hours. Recommended Preparation: CABOT   MICROSOFT ACCESS I              Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            208 or equivalent and CABOT 205 or equiva-  3.0 Units                   281
            lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring/                            MICROSOFT POWERPOINT II
            Summer.                             CABOT 275 provides students with instruc-
                                                tion in beginning features and functions of   3.0 Units
            266                                 Microsoft Offi  ce Access, a database software   CABOT 281 provides students with advanced
            MICROSOFT WORD II                   program. This course prepares students for   features and functions of Microsoft Offi  ce
            3.0 Units                           the Microsoft Offi  ce Specialist (MOS) core   PowerPoint, a presentation software
            CABOT 266 provides students with advanced   certifi cation exam in Access. Some of the   program. This course prepares students for
            features and functions of Microsoft Offi  ce   topics for this course consist of: creating a   the Microsoft Offi  ce Specialist (MOS) expert
            Word, a word processing software program.   database using design and datasheet views,   certifi cation exam in Power-Point. Some of
            This course prepares students for the Micro-  querying a database, maintaining a database,   the topics for this course consist of creating
            soft Offi  ce Specialist (MOS) expert certifi ca-  and creating reports and forms. Lecture/  a presentation containing interactive object
            tion exam in Word. Some of the topics for   Demonstration 3 hours.  Recommended   Linking and Embedding (OLE) documents,
            this course consist of: creating a professional   Preparation: CABOT 208 or equivalent.   creating a self-running presentation using
            newsletter in multiple columns with a table,   Course Typically Off ered: Fall (Every Other   animation eff ects, and using Visual Basic for
            using imported graphics, creating an online   Year).                    Applications (VBA). Lecture/Demonstration
            form with combo boxes and check boxes,                                  3 hours. Prerequisite: CABOT 280 or OBT 111
            working with tables of contents and indexes,                            or equivalent.
            and generating form letters, mailing labels
            and envelopes with mail merge. Lecture/
            Demonstration 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
            CABOT 265 or OBT 100 or equivalent. Course
            Typically Off ered: Fall (Every Other Year).

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143