Page 135 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 135

132     CHINESE

        180                                 182                                 102
        PRACTICE - INFANT/TODDLER           PRACTICE - SCHOOL AGE FOCUS         5.0 Units
        FOCUS                               1.0 Unit                            CHIN 102 continues to present the funda-
        1.0 Unit                            CHLDV 182 provides a semester teaching   mentals of Chinese grammar within a
        CHLDV 180 provides a semester teaching   experience in a school age setting. The   cultural context. Students are further
        experience in an infant/toddler setting.   teacher candidate, under the supervision of   trained to pronounce Chinese (Mandarin)
        The teacher candidate, under the supervi-  a cooperating teacher and a college super-  correctly, to build their conversational and
        sion of a cooperating teacher and a college   visor, assumes complete responsibility for   written vocabulary, and to read and write
        supervisor, assumes complete responsibility   the instruction of children. The course is   approximately 150 more Chinese characters.
        for the instruction of children. The course   designed to provide opportunities for prac-  Lecture 5 hours.  Prerequisite: CHIN 101
        is designed to provide opportunities for   tical application of skills and knowledge   or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:
        practical application of skills and knowledge   previously gained in the classes specifi ed   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        previously gained in the classes specifi ed in   in the school age and child development
        the infant/toddler and child development   curriculum. Field experience provides   COMPUTER AIDED
        curriculum. Field experience provides the   the teacher candidate the opportunity to   MANUFACTURING
        teacher candidate the opportunity to partici-  participate in before and after-school activi-
        pate in classroom activities, design and teach   ties, design and provide developmentally   210
        a developmentally appropriate focus under   appropriate activities and tutoring under the   COMPUTER AIDED
        the guidance of the supervising/mentor   guidance of the supervising/mentor teacher,   MANUFACTURING BASIC MILLING
        teacher, assess themselves as a prospective   assess themselves as a prospective teacher,   3.0 Units
        teacher, and participate in seminar discus-  and participate in seminar discussions.   CAM 210 introduces the use of computers
        sions. The environment and routines are   Laboratory 3 hours.  Corequisite: CHLDV   in programming numerical control milling
        emphasized as an integrating context for   141. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   machines. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
        planning instruction. Laboratory 3 hours.   Transfer Credit: CSU. (CHLDV 141 & 182   None.
        Corequisite: CHLDV 141. Course Typically   C-ID ECE 210)
        Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.   210                       211
        (CHLDV 141 & 180 C-ID ECE 210)                                          INTERMEDIATE MILLING
                                            SCAFFOLDING LEARNING IN EARLY       3.0 Units
        181                                 CHILDHOOD                           CAM 211 is an intermediate course in the
        STUDENT TEACHING FIELD              3.0 Units                           use of computers to aid in the programming
        PRACTICE - PRESCHOOL FOCUS          CHLDV 210 compares current cognitive   of numerical control milling machines in
        1.0 Unit                            theories and provides methods for bridging   manufacturing. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequi-
        CHLDV 181 provides a semester teach-  the gap between research and classroom   site: CAM 210 or equivalent.
        ing experience in a preschool setting. The   practice. Strategies and skills necessary to
        teacher candidate, under the supervision of   preparing environments that encourage   220
        a cooperating teacher and a college super-  active learning and problem-solving skills   COMPUTER AIDED
        visor, assumes complete responsibility for   for children are developed. Particular   MANUFACTURING, BASIC LATHE
        the instruction of children. The course is   emphasis is given to the project approach to   3.0 Units
        designed to provide opportunities for practi-  implementation, using the acclaimed inno-  CAM 220 introduces the operation of
        cal application of skills and knowledge previ-  vative Reggio Emilia techniques. Lecture 3   computers in programming numerical
        ously gained in the classes specifi ed in the   hours. Prerequisite: CHLDV 141 or equiva-  control lathe machines. Lecture 3 hours.
        preschool and child development curricu-  lent. Recommended Preparation: Eligibility   Prerequisite: None.
        lum. Field experience provides the teacher   for ENGL 120 or ESL 151 and MATH 145.   230
        candidate the opportunity to participate   Transfer Credit: CSU.        COMPUTER AIDED
        in classroom activities, design and teach a                             MANUFACTURING, BASIC MILLING
        developmentally appropriate focus under the    CHINESE                  PRACTICE
        guidance of the supervising/mentor teacher,                             1.0 Unit
        assess themselves as prospective teachers,   101                        CAM 230 is a laboratory class that allows
        and participate in seminar discussions.   BEGINNING CHINESE I           students to practice on the MasterCam
        Laboratory 3 hours.  Corequisite: CHLDV   5.0 Units                     program and complete assignments from
        141. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   CHIN 101 presents the fundamentals of   Computer Aided Manufacturing 210. Labo-
        Transfer Credit: CSU. (CHLDV 141 & 181    Chinese grammar within a cultural context.   ratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: CAM 210 or
        C-ID ECE 210)                       Students are trained to pronounce Chinese
                                            (Mandarin) correctly, to acquire a small   equivalent (CAM 210 may be taken concur-
                                            working vocabulary which they use in   rently.)
                                            conversation and phonetic transcription,
                                            and to read and write approximately 150
                                            Chinese characters. Note: This course is not
                                            intended for students with oral profi ciency or
                                            who have attended schools where Mandarin
                                            Chinese was the language of instruction.
                                            Lecture 5 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
                                            tion: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.
                                            Course Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer
                                            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140