Page 132 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            105                                 120                                    CHILD DEVELOPMENT
            5.0 Units                           CHEMISTRY (INORGANIC)               101
            CHEM 105 is an introductory study of   5.0 Units                        INTRODUCTION TO ELEMENTARY
                                                                                    CLASSROOM TEACHING
            the compounds of carbon, including the   CHEM 120 is a course in the fundamentals   3.0 Units
            preparation, properties, and reactions of   of chemistry with the emphasis on health
            both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons,   science related examples. This course and   CHLDV 101 introduces students to the
            halogen derivatives, alcohols, and ethers.   CHEM 121 are designed for health science   concepts and issues related to teaching
            Methods of synthesis are stressed, and reac-  (e.g. nursing), home economics, physical   diverse learners in today’s contemporary
            tion mechanisms and modern structural   therapy, and other majors that need a year   schools, Transitional Kindergarten through
            principles are introduced. Note: Required of   of college chemistry that includes inorganic,   Grade 6. Topics include teaching as a profes-
            pre-medical and pre-dental students, recom-  organic and biochemistry. CHEM 120 covers   sion and career, historical and philosophical
            mended for majors in chemistry, petroleum   inorganic chemistry. CHEM 120 does not   foundations of the American education
            engineering, sanitary and municipal engi-  involve the level of mathematical applica-  system, contemporary educational issues,
            neering, and pharmacy, and for certain home   tions that are found in CHEM 101.  Note:   California’s content standards and frame-
            economics, public health and agriculture   This course is not for science majors. At   works, and teacher performance standards.
            majors. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 6 hours.   Glendale Community College CHEM 120   In addition to class time, the course requires
            Prerequisite: CHEM 102. Course Typically   satisfi es the prerequisite for CHEM 121 only.   a minimum of 45 hours of supervised fi eld-
            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   Lecture 4 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-  work in public school elementary school
            UC, USC. (C-ID CHEM 150)            uisite: MATH 141 or 146 or 246B or 2 units   classrooms that represent California’s
                                                of MATH 246 or one year of algebra in high   diverse student population, and includes
            106                                 school. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  cooperation with at least one campus
            ORGANIC CHEMISTRY                   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   approved and selected certifi cated classroom
            5.0 Units                                                               teacher. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.
                                                UC, USC.
            CHEM 106 is a study of the preparation,                                 Prerequisite: CHLDV 135.  Recommended
            properties, and reactions of aliphatic, and   121                       Preparation: ENGL 101.  Transfer Credit:
            aromatic acids, amines, aldehydes, ketones,   FUNDAMENTALS OF COLLEGE   CSU. (C-ID EDUC 200)
            carbohydrates, heterocyclic compounds,   CHEMISTRY (ORGANIC AND         133
            amino acids and proteins. Analysis as well as   BIOCHEMISTRY)           OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT
            synthesis of compounds is stressed. Lecture   5.0 Units                 3.0 Units
            3 hours/Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequisite:   CHEM 121 is the second half of the year
            CHEM 105. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  sequence and covers the fundamentals of   CHLDV 133 focuses on the appropriate use
            Spring.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   organic and biochemistry. Note: This course   of assessment and observation strategies to
            (CHEM 105 & 106 C-ID CHEM 160S)     is not for science majors. Lecture 4 hours/  document development, growth, play and
                                                Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: CHEM   learning in order to join with families and
            110                                 120. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   professionals in promoting children’s success
            ELEMENTS OF GENERAL                 Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      and maintaining quality programs. Record-
            CHEMISTRY                                                               ing strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and
            5.0 Units                           298                                 multiple assessment methods are explored.
            CHEM 110 is a basic course in the funda-  UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN     Note: Verifi cation of tuberculosis (TB) clear-
            mental principles, laws, and computations   CHEMISTRY                   ance required. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3
            of chemistry emphasizing the descriptive   3.0 Units                    hours. Prerequisite: CHLDV 135 or equiva-
            phases and including a brief introduction   CHEM 298 introduces students to a research   lent Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            to the chemistry of the carbon compounds.   laboratory setting. Students gain experi-  Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID ECE 200)
            Lecture 4 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-  ence in performing group projects, setting   135
            uisite: MATH 141 or 146 or 246B or 2 units   research goals, and searching the literature   CHILD GROWTH AND
            of MATH 246 or one year of algebra in high   for background information. Students design   DEVELOPMENT
            school. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  a target molecule, propose its potential   3.0 Units
            Spring/Summer/Fall.  Transfer Credit:   applications, and develop a reliable synthetic
            CSU, UC.                            pathway for preparation of the compound.   CHLDV 135 examines the major physical,
                                                Students present a research goal and justify   psychosocial, and cognitive/language devel-
                                                the cost, synthetic utility, and pedagogical   opmental milestones for children, both typi-
                                                use of the research outcomes for develop-  cal and atypical, from conception through
                                                ment of the chemistry department. One of   adolescence. There will be an emphasis on
                                                the goals of this class is the long-term devel-  interactions between maturational processes
                                                opment of multistep synthetic procedures to   and environmental factors. While studying
                                                be adopted in future curriculum. Note: This   developmental theory and investigative
                                                course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour/  research methodologies, students will
                                                Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisites: CHEM 105   observe children evaluate individual diff er-
                                                or CHEM 106 or equivalent. Recommended   ences and analyze characteristics of develop-
                                                Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101. Trans-  ment at various stages. Note: Verifi cation of
                                                fer Credit: CSU, USC.               tuberculosis (TB) clearance required. Lecture
                                                                                    3 hours. Recommended Preparation: ENGL
                                                                                    120 or ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered:
                                                                                    Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.  Transfer
                                                                                    Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID CDEV 100)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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