Page 129 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 129


        136                                 152                                 164
        3.0 Units                           ORAL                                3.0 Units
        BUSAD 136 covers the basic principles of   3.0 Units                    BUSAD 164 is an overview of the retail busi-
        effi  cient money management. The funda-  BUSAD 152 covers planning interpersonal   ness from a managerial perspective and
        mentals of fi nancial planning and the control   communication, speaking techniques,   focuses on decisions retailers make to satisfy
        of current fi nancial actions to reach future   conducting question-and-answer periods,   the needs of customers in today’s competitive
        fi nancial goals are studied, including such   job interviews, conference leading on the   global market. Factors that lead retailers to
        topics as providing for major investments,   job, objectives of good informal and formal   sustainable competitive advantage such as
        retirement and pension planning, the tax   presentations, use and misuse of visuals in   strategy promotions, visual merchandising,
        environment, and the eff ect of new laws   oral presentations, and bridges and barriers   segmentation and advertising are the focus
        and regulations. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequi-  to communications. Lecture 3 hours. Prereq-  of the course. Instruction on purchasing,
        site: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  uisite: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  pricing, product, location, fi nancial manage-
        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.       Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.       ment and information systems will also be
                                                                                presented. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
        141                                 158                                 Preparation: Completion of or concurrent
        INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT          SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT          enrollment in BUSAD 162 or equivalent.
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
                                                                                Course Typically Off ered: Fall (Every Other
        BUSAD 141 introduces the student to the   BUSAD 158 covers the process of planning,   Year).
        basic managerial functions within an organi-  organizing, and managing a small busi-
        zation, which include planning and decision   ness. Topics include developing a business   165
        making, organizing, staffi  ng, directing, lead-  plan, forming and marketing a small busi-  SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING II
        ing, and controlling. These functions apply   ness, legal aspects of business ownership,   3.0 Units
        to managers at all levels, from small business   accounting, budgeting, fi nancing, and risk   BUSAD 165 introduces students to social
        to top executive management. Lecture 3   management. The skills taught in this course   media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
        hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   help individuals start new ventures as well   Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Yelp, and
        Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  as aid existing business owners to plan their   Pinterest. Students will learn how to use
                                            growth. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   these media forms either as a stand- alone
        144                                 Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 191 or ESL   vehicle or as a component of an overall media
        HUMAN RESOURCES I                   141 and BUSAD 101 or equivalent. Course   plan. The class touches on how each of these
        3.0 Units
                                            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.     channels can be optimized most eff ectively
        BUSAD 144 teaches the roles and responsi-                               for professional objectives such as creating
        bilities of human resources (HR) manage-  162                           a targeted advertising campaign or how to
        ment in the organization. This course helps   PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING   achieve overall campaign success. Deter-
        to prepare students for Professional Human   3.0 Units                  mining the level of social media campaign
        Resources (PHR) and Senior Professional   BUSAD 162 is an introductory course   success is possible through various analyt-
        Human Resources (SPHR) certifi cations.   intended to acquaint students with the   ics programs covered in class, including
        Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   business practices involved in the activi-  Facebook Insights and Google Analytics.
        Typically Offered: Spring (Every Other   ties of moving goods and services from the   The course serves as a foundation for later
        Year).                              producer to the ultimate consumer. The   specialized study and directs the thinking of
                                            course reviews the marketing system and
        145                                 the psychology and sociology of consumer   students to possible entrepreneurial ventures
        HUMAN RESOURCES II                  decisions. Additional areas of interest include   or careers in social media marketing. Lecture
        3.0 Units                                                               3 hours.  Recommended Preparation:
                                            retailing, wholesaling, new product deci-  BUSAD 163 or equivalent.
        BUSAD 145 teaches how human resources   sions, pricing, distribution, advertising, and
        (HR) management impacts the organization.   marketing research. Lecture 3 hours. Prereq-  166
        Emphasis is placed on integrating human   uisite: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  ADVERTISING
        resources and organizational strategies. This   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  3.0 Units
        course helps to prepare students for Profes-                            BUSAD 166 is an introductory course in
        sional Human Resources (PHR) and Senior   163                           the purpose and principles of advertising,
        Professional Human Resources (SPHR)   SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING I          including the organization and functions of
        certifi cations. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   3.0 Units              advertising agencies. Buying motives and the
        BUSAD 144 or equivalent.            BUSAD 163 orients students to the  fi eld   writing of good copy are studied. Radio, tele-
                                            of digital marketing by introducing the   vision, and outdoor advertising methods and
                                            components, characteristics, metrics, goals,   costs are covered. This course is not intended
                                            platforms, and history of social media in   to develop artistic ability, but those who can
                                            survey form. The course serves as a founda-  illustrate their copy will fi nd an opportunity
                                            tion for later specialized study, and directs   to do so. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
                                            the thinking of students to possible entrepre-  Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
                                            neurial ventures or careers in social media   Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                            marketing. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
                                            None. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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