Page 126 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 126

BIOLOGY       123


                                                             Although Biology 115 is not a prerequisite for Biology
                                                             120, it is strongly recommended that students without a
                                                             science background in biology take Biology 115 prior to
                                                             Biology 120. Students who have taken Biology 115 are
                                                             better prepared for the rigor of Anatomy and Physiology.
                                                             Students are advised NOT to take Biology 112 concurrently
                    Biology 115 -  4 units                   with Biology 120 or Biology 121.
                      Human Biology
                   Transfer to CSU, UC, USC                  Students are recommended to take the chemistry
                                                             requirements before or with Biology 120.

                                                               Required                      Recommended
                    Biology 120 -  5 units             Biology 121 -  4 units             Biology 112 -  5 units
                      Human Anatomy                  Introduction to Physiology              Microbiology
              Recommended Preparation: BIOL 115      Prerequisite: BIOL 120 and       Prerequisite: CHEM 110 or 120
                   Transfer to CSU, UC, USC           CHEM 101 or 110 or 120            and BIOL 101 or 120 or 122
                                                      Transfer to CSU, UC, USC           Transfer to CSU, UC, USC

            125                                 125H                                126
            MARINE BIOLOGY                      HONORS MARINE BIOLOGY               FIELD AND LABORATORY
            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           INVESTIGATIONS IN MARINE
            BIOL 125 is a general survey of the ecosys-  BIOL 125H is a general survey of the ecosys-  BIOLOGY
            tems and biodiversity of life in the marine   tems and biodiversity of life in the marine   1.0 Unit
            environment. The course includes a brief   environment. The course includes a brief   BIOL 126 is an introductory science labora-
            introduction to the sciences of geological,   introduction to the sciences of geological,   tory off ering a general survey of the diversity
            chemical and physical oceanography as   chemical and physical oceanography as   of life in the marine environment and the
            the basis to understand the environment   the basis to understand the environment   ecology of some of its major ecosystems. This
            where marine organisms have evolved.   where marine organisms have evolved.   course covers aspects of microscopy, pH,
            A comparative approach is used to study   A comparative approach is used to study   cell respiration, photosynthesis, biodiver-
            the anatomy, physiology, and evolution   the anatomy, physiology, and evolution   sity, ecology, and evolution. The laboratory
            of the major groups of marine organisms.   of the major groups of marine organisms.   exercises utilize the comparative method
            This course compares the ecology of the   This course compares the ecology of the   in order to study the anatomy, physiology,
            following marine ecosystems: epipelagic,   following marine ecosystems: epipelagic,   and evolution of some of the major phyla of
            deep sea, hydrothermal vents, intertidal,   deep sea, hydrothermal vents, intertidal,   marine organisms. This course requires the
            estuaries, coral reefs, and polar. Aspects of   estuaries, coral reefs, and polar. Aspects of   participation in three or more  fi eld  trips,
            evolutionary, cell, and molecular theory are   evolutionary, cell, and molecular theory are   which introduce the student to research
            addressed throughout the course. The impact   addressed throughout the course. The impact   methods, marine biodiversity, evolution, and
            of humans on the marine environment is   of humans on the marine environment is   the ecology of marine ecosystems. Field trips
            analyzed by studying historical and current   analyzed by studying historical and current   total a minimum of 9 hours. Laboratory 3
            problems regarding pollution and fi sheries.   problems regarding pollution and fi sheries.   hours. Prerequisite: BIOL 125 (BIOL 125 may
            Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  The Honors course will be enhanced in one   be taken concurrently.)  Course Typically
            tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101. Course Typi-  or more of the following ways: 1) Students   Offered: Fall/Spring/Summer.  Transfer
            cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.   will complete a set of selected readings from   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      science journals or books. Critical analysis of
                                                these readings is expected and the students
                                                will be evaluated with extra questions during
                                                the regular examinations of the course.
                                                2) Students will attend a  fi eld trip where
                                                they are expected to work in groups for the
                                                collection, analysis, and presentation of data.
                                                3) Students will prepare a written and oral
                                                presentation on a specifi c topic that was not
                                                covered in lecture. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-
                                                mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
                                                101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131