Page 121 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 121


        134                                 138                                 143
        INTERCOLLEGIATE WOMEN’S             TRACK AND FIELD                     VOLLEYBALL
        TENNIS                              2.5 Units                           2.5 Units
        1.0 to 2.5 Units                    ATHPE 138 is an advanced course designed   ATHPE 143 is an advanced course designed
        ATHPE 134 provides instruction and practice   for students who plan to compete at the colle-  for students who plan to compete at the colle-
        for intercollegiate women’s tennis focusing   giate level in the sport of women’s track and   giate level in the sport of women’s volleyball.
        on fundamental techniques of competitive   fi eld. This course emphasizes advanced skill,   This course emphasizes advanced skill,
        women’s tennis. This course is designed to   theory, tactics, strategy and intercollegiate   theory, tactics, strategy and intercollegiate
        provide further advancement in individual   competition. Student athletes are required to   competition. Student-athletes are required
        skill, team strategies, eff ective communica-  meet the standards of the California Commu-  to meet the standards of the California
        tion, and conditioning for intercollegiate   nity College Athletic Association (CCCAA)   Community College Athletic Association
        competition. Note: ATHPE 134 is off -season   eligibility guidelines and decorum policies.   (CCCAA) eligibility guidelines and decorum
        training for students who are interested in   Note: ATHPE 138 is designed for the intercol-  policies. Note: ATHPE 143 is designed for
        competing on an intercollegiate women’s   legiate women’s track and fi eld team. Lecture   the intercollegiate volleyball team. Lecture/
        tennis team. Each student-athlete must   1.5 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:   Demonstration 1.5/Laboratory 3 hours.
        provide their own tennis rackets. Lecture   None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4
        0.5-1.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5-3.0 hours.   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   times for credit. Course Typically Off ered:
        Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.        Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        times for credit. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   139                       144
                                            MEN’S INTERCOLLEGIATE TRACK         OFF-SEASON TRAINING FOR
        135                                 AND FIELD                           INTERCOLLEGIATE VOLLEYBALL
        INTERCOLLEGIATE MEN’S TENNIS        2.5 Units                           1.0 to 2.5 Units
        2.5 Units                           ATHPE 139 is an advanced course designed   ATHPE 144 provides instruction and prac-
        ATHPE 135 is an advanced course designed   for students who plan to compete at the   tice for intercollegiate volleyball focusing
        for students who plan to compete at the   collegiate level in the sport of men’s track and   on fundamental techniques of competitive
        collegiate level in the sport of men’s tennis.   fi eld. This course emphasizes advanced skill,   volleyball. This course is designed to provide
        This course emphasizes advanced skill,   theory, tactics, strategy and intercollegiate   further advancement in individual skill,
        theory, tactics, strategy and intercollegiate   competition. Student athletes are required to   team strategies, eff ective  communication,
        competition. Student-athletes are required   meet the standards of the California Commu-  and conditioning for intercollegiate competi-
        to meet the standards of the California   nity College Athletic Association (CCCAA)   tion. Note: ATHPE 144 is off -season training
        Community College Athletic Association   eligibility guidelines and decorum policies.   for students who are interested in competing
        (CCCAA) eligibility guidelines and decorum   Note: ATHPE 139 is designed for the intercol-  on an intercollegiate volleyball team. Lecture
        policies. Note: ATHPE 135 is designed for the   legiate men’s track and fi eld team. Lecture   0.5-1.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5-3.0 hours.
        intercollegiate men’s tennis team. Note: If a   1.5 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:   Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4
        student has taken PE 266 prior to Fall 2016,   None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   times for credit. Course Typically Off ered:
        such classes will count towards the four total   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        enrollment limit. Each student-athlete must   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.     145
        provide their own tennis rackets. Lecture   140                         WOMEN’S INTERCOLLEGIATE
        1.5 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:   OFF-SEASON TRAINING FOR   BEACH VOLLEYBALL
        None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   INTERCOLLEGIATE TRACK AND   2.5 Units
        Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   FIELD
        Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                                   ATHPE 145 is an advanced course designed
                                            1.0 to 2.5 Units                    for students who plan to compete at the
        136                                 ATHPE 140 provides instruction and prac-  collegiate level in the sport of women’s beach
        OFF-SEASON TRAINING FOR             tice for intercollegiate women’s and men’s   volleyball. This course emphasizes advanced
        INTERCOLLEGIATE MEN’S TENNIS        track and  fi eld focusing on fundamental   skill, theory, tactics, strategy and intercol-
        1.0 to 2.5 Units                    techniques of running and  fi eld  events.   legiate competition. Student-athletes are
        ATHPE 136 provides instruction and practice   This course is designed to provide further   required to meet the standards of the Califor-
        for intercollegiate men’s tennis focusing   advancement in individual skill, team   nia Community College Athletic Association
        on fundamental techniques of competitive   strategies effective communication, and   (CCCAA) eligibility guidelines and decorum
        men’s tennis. This course is designed to   conditioning for intercollegiate competition.   policies. Note: ATHPE 145 is designed for the
        provide further advancement in individual   Note: ATHPE 140 is off -season training for   intercollegiate beach volleyball team. Lecture
        skill, team strategies, eff ective communica-  students who are interested in competing   1.5 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        tion, and conditioning for intercollegiate   on an intercollegiate women’s and men’s   None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.
        competition. Note: ATHPE 136 is off -season   track and fi eld team. Lecture 0.5-1.5 hours/  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        training for students who are interested in   Laboratory 1.5-3.0 hours. Prerequisite: None.
        competing on an intercollegiate men’s tennis   Note: May be taken 4 times for credit. Course
        team. Each student-athlete must provide   Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer Credit:
        their own tennis rackets. Lecture 0.5-1.5   CSU, UC, USC.
        hours/Laboratory 1.5-3.0 hours.  Prerequi-
        site: None. Note: May be taken 4 times for
        credit. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126