Page 116 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ART     113

            237                                 245                                 251
            ANIMATION                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           ART 245 provides students with foundation   ART 251 is an intermediate level Web and
            ART 237 provides introductory instruc-  instruction in digital character sculpture,   Mobile design course that uses industry
            tion in the theory and practice of texturing   enabling students to create a basic polygonal   standard software to design, create, publish,
            three dimensional (3-D) computer graphic   mesh in Maya, import this mesh into a digital   and manage Web sites and mobile content.
            objects. The course begins with a thorough   sculpture software application, and then use   Design quality and concept are emphasized
            general review of the Maya interface. Maya’s   the software to add sculptural and textural   throughout the course. Lecture 2 hours/
            rendering module is then discussed in depth   detail to it. The entire toolset of the digital   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: ART 250
            so that students understand thoroughly   sculpture software is covered, in addition   or equivalent (ART 250 can be taken concur-
            how texturing functions within the overall   to practical concerns involved in integrat-  rently).  Course Typically Offered: Fall.
            rendering process. Students learn how to   ing digital sculptural content into movies or   Transfer Credit: CSU
            unwrap UV’s on a polygon object and create   games. Note: Current industry standard digi-  255
            a UV snapshot.  Note: Current industry   tal animation software (ZBrush or Mudbox)   WEB MOTION GRAPHICS
            standard digital animation software (Maya)   will be used. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory   3.0 Units
            will be used. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory   1.5 hours. Recommended Preparation: ART
            1.5 hours. Recommended Preparation: ART   230 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   ART 255 is a Web and device design course
            230 or equivalent.                  Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU   using industry standard software to create
                                                                                    spot and full-page interactive, vector-based
            238                                 246                                 animations for publication to multiple plat-
            ADVANCED TEXTURING FOR 3D           3-D DIGITAL CHARACTER DESIGN II     forms for use on desktop and mobile devices.
            ANIMATION                           3.0 Units                           Design quality and concept are emphasized
            3.0 Units                           ART 246 provides students with advanced   throughout the course. Lecture 2 hours/
            ART 238 provides instruction in advanced   instruction in digital character sculpture,   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: ART 250
            texturing of 3-D objects for integration into   building on skills acquired in ART 245. At   or equivalent (ART 250 can be taken concur-
            a 3-D game environment or photo-real   the end of the course, students will sculpt   rently).  Course Typically Off ered: Spring.
            cinematic sequence. This class is entirely   and texture a highly realistic digital char-  Transfer Credit: CSU.
            project-based. The instructor leads the   acter. The course is project-based and runs   257
            students through the texturing process for a   as a traditional art studio course, with the   ADVANCED WEB DESIGN WITH
            3-D character and a complex inorganic object.   instructor guiding students through the   FLASH
            The process of unwrapping UV’s and paint-  stages of character creation. Note: Current   4.0 Units
            ing textures in Photoshop is covered with the   industry standard digital animation soft-
            focus on developing real world production   ware (ZBrush or Mudbox) will be used.   ART 257 is an Adobe Flash course that
            skills. Note: Current industry standard digital   Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours.   covers Action Scripting for Web designers.
            animation software will be used. Lecture 2.5   Prerequisite: ART 245 or equivalent. Course   Emphasis is placed on project planning and
            hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite:   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   Web environment issues that aff ect design.
            ART 237 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.  Credit: CSU.              Students create projects with industry stan-
                                                                                    dard software such as Adobe Illustrator in
            240                                 250                                 addition to Adobe Flash. Aesthetic presenta-
            INTRODUCTION TO JEWELRY             WEB GRAPHICS                        tion and its relationship to design ergonom-
            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           ics are emphasized throughout the course.
            ART 240 is an introduction to fundamental   ART 250 is an introductory Web graphic   Lecture 2 hours/Studio 4 hours. Prerequi-
            jewelry/metalsmithing techniques and mate-  course that covers Web design principles and   site: ART 255/PHOTO 255 or equivalent.
            rials with emphasis on design, fabrication,   Web graphic creation and preparation for use   267
            forming, and casting. Techniques include:   in the design of Web sites. Emphasis is placed   INTRODUCTION TO GAME
            piercing, soldering, fi nishes, patinas, bezel   on project planning and Web environment   DEVELOPMENT
            setting stones, and lost wax casting. Lecture   issues that aff ect design. Students create   3.0 Units
            2 hours/Studio 2 hours. Prerequisite: None.   assigned projects with industry standard
            Transfer Credit: CSU.               software: Adobe Illustrator and Photo-  ART 267 presents a detailed overview of
                                                shop. Concept and design are emphasized   the game development process, addressing
            241                                 throughout the course. Lecture 2 hours/  subjects such as game technologies, content
            INTERMEDIATE JEWELRY                Laboratory 3 hours. Recommended Prepara-  creation strategies, production techniques,
            3.0 Units                                                               game psychology, and criteria that deter-
                                                tion: ART 133, PHOTO 121. Course Typically
            ART 241 is a continued study in the funda-  Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  mine game success. Career paths in the
            mentals of jewelry and metalsmithing.                                   game entertainment fi eld will be discussed,
            Students will gain greater profi ciency  in                              as well as the history of video game design
            fabrication, forming, and casting while                                 and programming. The student will examine
            exploring articulated and embellished                                   future industry predictions and the relation-
            forms. Class experience will cover jewelry                              ship between industry inner workings and
            concepts, design, production, and presen-                               production tools. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequi-
            tation. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 2 hours.                                 site: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall.
            Prerequisite: ART 240 or equivalent. Trans-
            fer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121