Page 118 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 118


            110                                 101                                 106
            SYSTEM                              FOR INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETES        BASKETBALL
            3.0 Units                           1.5 Units                           2.5 Units
            ASTRO 110 is a survey of the Sun, planets,   ATHPE 101 is designed for intercollegiate   ATHPE 106 is an advanced course designed
            moons, and other objects that make up the   athletic training in short sessions. Students   for students who plan to compete at the colle-
            solar system with a consideration towards   will be provided with instruction in sport-  giate level in the sport of women’s basketball.
            applying this knowledge to new  fi ndings   specifi c training techniques with the goal   This course emphasizes advanced skill,
            in astronomy such as exoplanets. Topics   of improving overall muscular strength,   theory, tactics, strategy and intercollegiate
            may include the history of astronomy, the   endurance, and power. Students will develop   competition. Student-athletes are required to
            practice of modern science, solar system   and maintain a strength and conditioning   meet the standards of the California Commu-
            formation, planetary geology, planetary   program using sport-specific drills and   nity College Athletic Association (CCCAA)
            atmospheres, the physics of astronomy (grav-  equipment. Note: This class is structured to   eligibility guidelines and decorum policies.
            ity, light, conservation laws, etc.), telescopes   provide strength and conditioning programs   Note: ATHPE 106 is designed for the intercol-
            and observational methods, exoplanets, and   specifi c to intercollegiate athletics during   legiate women’s basketball team. Note: If a
            the search for life in the universe. Lecture 3   the short session. Note: This course is Pass/  student has taken PE 160 prior to Fall 2016,
            hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-  No Pass only. Lecture 0.5 hours/Laboratory   such classes will count towards the four total
            ity for ENGL 101. Course Typically Off ered:   3.0 hours.  Prerequisite: None.  Note: May   enrollment limit. Lecture 1.5 hours/Labora-
            Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  be taken 4 times for credit. Transfer Credit:   tory 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Note: May
                                                CSU, UC.                            be taken 4 times for credit. Course Typically
            120                                                                     Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            ASTRONOMY OF STARS AND              103
            GALAXIES                            INTERCOLLEGIATE BASEBALL            107
            3.0 Units                           2.5 Units                           OFF-SEASON TRAINING FOR
            ASTRO 120 is a survey of the methods   ATHPE 103 is an advanced course designed   INTERCOLLEGIATE WOMEN’S
            astronomers use and  fi ndings they have   for students who plan to compete at the   BASKETBALL
            made in their studies of the stars and galax-  collegiate level in the sport of baseball. This   1.0 to 2.5 Units
            ies. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended Prepa-  course emphasizes conditioning, advanced   ATHPE 107 provides instruction and prac-
            ration: Eligibility for ENGL 101.  Course   skill, theory, tactics, strategy and intercol-  tice for intercollegiate women’s basketball
            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   legiate competition. Student-athletes are   focusing on fundamental techniques of
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.               required to meet the standards for the   competitive women’s basketball. This course
                                                California Community College Athletic   is designed to provide further advancement
            ATHLETICS AND PHYSICAL              Association (CCCAA) eligibility guidelines   in individual skill, team strategies, eff ec-
                     EDUCATION                  and decorum policies. Note: ATHPE 103 is   tive communication, and conditioning for
                                                designed for intercollegiate baseball. Lecture   intercollegiate competition.  Note: ATHPE
            100                                 1.5 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:   107 is off -season training for students who
            STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING           None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   are interested in competing on an intercol-
            FOR INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS       Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   legiate women’s basketball team. Note: If a
            1.0 to 2.5 Units                    Credit: CSU, UC, USC.               student has taken PE 156 prior to Fall 2016,
            ATHPE 100 is designed for intercollegiate   104                         such classes will count towards the four
            athletes. Students are provided with instruc-  OFF-SEASON TRAINING FOR   total enrollment limit. Lecture 0.5-1.5 hours/
            tion in sport-specifi c training techniques   BASEBALL                   Laboratory 1.5-3.0 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            with the goal of improving overall muscular   1.0 to 2.5 Units          Note: May be taken 4 times for credit. Trans-
            strength, endurance, and power. Students                                fer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            learn to develop and maintain a strength   ATHPE 104 provides instruction and prac-  108
            and conditioning program using sport-  tice for intercollegiate baseball, focusing   MEN’S INTERCOLLEGIATE
            specifi c drills and equipment.  Note: This   on fundamental techniques of competitive   BASKETBALL
            class is structured to provide strength and   baseball. This course is designed to provide   2.5 Units
            conditioning programs specifi c to intercol-  further advancement in fundamental skill,
            legiate athletics during participation in an   team strategies, eff ective  communication,   ATHPE 108 is an advanced course designed
            intercollegiate sport. If a student has taken   and conditioning for intercollegiate competi-  for students who plan to compete at the
            PE 129 prior to Fall 2017, such classes will   tion. Note: ATHPE 104 is off -season training   collegiate level in the sport of men’s basket-
            count towards the four total enrollment limit.   for students who are interested in competing   ball. This course emphasizes advanced skill,
            Lecture 0.5-1.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5-3.0   on the intercollegiate baseball team. Lecture   theory, tactics, strategy and intercollegiate
            hours.  Prerequisite: None.  Note: May be   0.5-1.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5-3.0 hours.   competition. Student-athletes are required
            taken 4 times for credit. Course Typically   Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4   to meet the standards of the California
            Offered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.   times for credit. Course Typically Off ered:   Community College Athletic Association
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  (CCCAA) eligibility guidelines and decorum
                                                                                    policies. Note: ATHPE 108 is designed for the
                                                                                    intercollegiate men’s basketball team. Note: If
                                                                                    a student has taken PE 157 prior to Fall 2016,
                                                                                    such classes will count towards the four total
                                                                                    enrollment limit. Lecture 1.5 hours/Labora-
                                                                                    tory 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Note: May
                                                                                    be taken 4 times for credit. Course Typically
                                                                                    Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123