Page 114 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ART     111

            191                                 195                                 201
            ADVANCED CERAMIC                    GLAZE CALCULATION                   DRAWING FOR ANIMATION
            HANDBUILDING                        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           ART 195 is an introduction to basic glaze   ART 201 introduces students to drawing
            ART 191 allows the students to explore   and clay calculations. The students learn to   for animation. Learning to draw from the
            complex problems of design and construc-  calculate molecular weights, molecular glaze   imagination is a primary goal of this course.
            tion. They work with the ceramic medium   formulas, and batch recipes. Students use   Students learn to analyze and construct the
            in conjunction with other materials while   general glaze theory with calculating proce-  human  fi gure and animals as well as to
            exploring possibilities of designing for archi-  dures to analyze and substitute (or create   create environments for animated characters.
            tecture. In-depth studies of surface design   from the beginning) glazes and clay bodies.   Topics discussed include gesture and atti-
            and decorative techniques are included.   The course involves simple arithmetical   tude drawing, structure, weight, anatomy,
            Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours.   computations and includes certain ceramic   and perspective. Drapery and lighting are
            Prerequisite: ART 190 or equivalent. Course   laboratory skills and safety precautions for   also be discussed. Lecture 2 hours/Studio
            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   handling chemicals. This course prepares the   2 hours. Prerequisite: ART 152 or equiva-
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  (Ceramics Hand   student for employment in the ceramic indus-  lent. Recommended Preparation: ART 130.
            Building Family)                    try. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours.   Course Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer
                                                Prerequisite: ART 187 or 191 or equivalent.   Credit: CSU.
            192                                 Transfer Credit: CSU.
            EARTHENWARE                                                             205
            3.0 Units                           196                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF ANIMATION I
            ART 192 is an intermediate course in ceram-  ADVANCED EARTHENWARE       3.0 Units
            ics, dealing specifi cally with earthenware,   3.0 Units                 ART 205 provides students with instruction
            or low-fi red ceramics. A variety of forming   ART 196 is an advanced course in ceramics,   in the fundamental principles of traditional
            techniques are studied, including slab and   dealing specifi cally with earthenware, or   animation with a focus on timing. Students
            wheel. Students experiment with earthen-  low-fi red ceramics. Students experiment   learn to apply drawing and observation skills
            ware clay bodies, glazes, underglazes, and   with earthenware clay bodies, glazes,   to a series of animation pencil tests. Prin-
            slips. Specifi c projects include glaze formu-  underglazes, and slips. Students propose an   ciples such as squash and stretch, overlap-
            lation and testing, underglazing, majolica   individual research project to study a specifi c   ping action, and anticipation are discussed.
            (in-glaze painting), and overglazing (lusters,   earthenware technique in depth. Students   Other topics include creating eff ective key
            China paints, and decals). Lecture 2.5 hours/  may choose to focus on glaze formulation   poses and attitude drawings. Lecture 2
            Laboratory 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite: ART   and testing, underglazing, majolica (in-glaze   hours/Studio 2 hours.  Prerequisite: ART
            186 or 190 or equivalent.  Recommended   painting), or overglazing (lusters, China   201 or equivalent.
            Preparation: ART 130.  Transfer Credit:   paints, and decals). Students learn technique   206
            CSU, UC, USC.                       specifi c loading and fi ring techniques for the   FUNDAMENTALS OF ANIMATION II
                                                electric kiln. Oxidation fi ring eff ects will be
            193                                 explored. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 2 hours.   3.0 Units
            RAKU                                Prerequisite: ART 192 or equivalent. Trans-  ART 206 provides students with the oppor-
            3.0 Units                                                               tunity to conceive and execute an animated
                                                fer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            ART 193 is an introductory course in ceram-                             short fi lm, which requires the student to use
            ics dealing exclusively with the raku fi ring   199                      representational skills in service of express-
            process. Projects are drawn from a variety   HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY     ing a well-designed story idea. Lecture 2
            of forming methods including coil, slab,   3.0 Units                    hours/Studio 2 hours.  Prerequisite: ART
            pinch and wheel, which will be fi red by the   ART 199 is a survey of international photog-  205 or equivalent. Recommended Prepara-
            Japanese raku process. Students prepare   raphy from its beginnings through contem-  tion: ART 130.
            Raku clays and glazes to use in the execu-  porary developments in the fi eld. Students   209
            tion of their projects. Lecture 2 hours/Studio   examine photography as a medium of   INTRODUCTION TO CHARACTER
            2 hours.  Prerequisite: ART 186 or 190 or   artistic and social communication. Lecture   DESIGN
            equivalent.  Recommended Preparation:   3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typi-  3.0 Units
            ART 130.  Course Typically Off ered: Fall.   cally Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      UC, USC.                            ART 209 introduces students to character
                                                                                    design for animation. Students explore and
            194                                                                     develop traits of particular characters and
            ADVANCED RAKU                                                           particular archetypes. Students draw from
            3.0 Units                                                               life as well as from the imagination. Topics
            ART 194 is an advanced course in ceram-                                 to be discussed include shape, silhouette,
            ics dealing exclusively with the raku fi ring                            color, caricature, underlying structure, and
            process. Students propose and execute an                                costume. Students will be expected to keep
            advanced research project in Raku forming                               a sketchbook and to create model sheets for
            and  fi ring techniques. Students develop                                their own personal designs. Lecture 2 hours/
            and select Raku clays, glazes, and  fi ring                              Studio 2 hours.  Prerequisite: ART 201 or
            techniques to use in the execution of their                             equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            research project. Advanced fi ring procedures
            are emphasized. Lecture 2.5 hours/Labora-
            tory 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite: ART 193 or
            equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119