Page 110 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ART     107

            120                                 131                                 134
            HISTORY OF WESTERN                  DESIGN II                           GRAPHIC DESIGN FOUNDATIONS
            ARCHITECTURE FROM                   3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            PREHISTORY TO 1300                  ART 131 is advanced study in two-dimen-  ART 134 is an introduction to the tools and
            3.0 Units                           sional art structure. The study is developed   techniques of graphic design problem solv-
            ART 120 follows the historical development   in a series of problems. Some problems   ing. The history of graphic design is inte-
            of western architecture from prehistory to   concentrate on advanced color study, some   grated as a foundation for current technique.
            ca. 1300. Sites, buildings, and design will be   on space manipulation, some on understand-  Adobe InDesign on the Macintosh platform
            examined in the context in which they were   ing (through practice) the current concepts   is the primary software utilized for the fi nal
            produced. Selected periods and cultures   at work in the fi ne and decorative art fi elds.   production of assigned projects. Students
            covered include: the Ancient Near East and   Whenever possible problems refl ect direc-  explore aspects of graphic imagery, typog-
            Egypt, Aegean and Greece, Etruscan and   tions dominating the current art scene.   raphy, and layout. The creation of portfolio
            Roman, Early Christian and Byzantine,   Lecture 2 hours/Studio 2 hours. Prerequi-  level work is stressed throughout the course.
            Islamic, Carolingian and Ottonian, Roman-  site: ART 130 or equivalent. Course Typically   Presentation skills necessary to communicate
            esque, and Gothic. Lecture 3 hours. Prereq-  Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   with future clients are introduced. Critiques
            uisite: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall.   UC, USC. (Art Foundation Family)  focus on appropriate solutions, visual inter-
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                          est, and craftsmanship. Lecture 2 hours/
            121                                 TYPOGRAPHY                          Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: ART 132
                                                                                    or equivalent (ART 132 can be taken concur-
            HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE II          3.0 Units                           rently).  Recommended Preparation: ART
            3.0 Units                           ART 132 is an introduction to the history,   133 or equivalent, PHOTO 121 or equivalent.
            ART 121 is a survey course of architectural   theory and application of letter forms and   Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
            styles from the Renaissance to the present.   typography as they apply to graphics,   Transfer Credit: CSU.
            Note: This course may not be taken for credit   advertising and other disciplines within
            by students who have completed Art 180   design and visual communication. Proj-  135
            prior to Fall 1986 (History of Architecture).   ects cover principles of typography, letter   DIGITAL PUBLICATION DESIGN
            Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   structure, typeface selection, fundamentals   3.0 Units
            Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit:   of computer typesetting and typographic   ART 135 focuses on the principles of graphic
            CSU, UC, USC.                       layout. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   design to create layouts that can be viewed
                                                Recommended Preparation: ART 133.   across multiple platforms. Emphasis is
            125                                 Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.   placed on industry standard software such
            MOTION PICTURE HISTORY AND          Transfer Credit: CSU.               as Adobe InDesign, on the Macintosh plat-
            CULTURE                                                                 form. Students integrate typography and
            3.0 Units                           133                                 graphics to create a variety of projects that
            ART 125 is an introduction to the history of   DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION     explore the technical and aesthetic nature of
            cinema from the perspective of its infl uence   3.0 Units                digital publication design through print and
            on popular culture, as well as the reverse   ART 133 is a beginning level digital illustra-  electronic publication (EPUB). The creation of
            infl uence of historic events and cultural shifts   tion course. Students explore illustration   portfolio level work is stressed throughout
            upon the creation of cinematic art. Other   style, problem solving, and the creative   the course. Verbal and visual presentation
            topics will include the assimilation of major   use of Adobe Illustrator on the Macintosh   skills necessary to communicate with future
            artistic movements within the art of cinema,   computer. Students create projects using   clients are emphasized. Critiques focus on
            and the development of fi lm theory. Lecture   course information. The course covers vari-  appropriate solutions, visual interest and
            3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typi-  ous problem solving methods, appropriate   craftsmanship. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory
            cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:   solutions for spot illustrations, and basic   3 hours. Prerequisite: ART 132 or equiva-
            CSU, UC, USC.                       Illustrator tools: palettes, creating and   lent. Recommended Preparation: ART 133,
                                                converting anchor points, creating and
            130                                 reshaping paths, basic coloring, gradients,   134, and PHOTO 121 or equivalent. Course
            2-D FOUNDATIONS                     layers, and creating, styling, and editing   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
            3.0 Units                                                               Credit: CSU.
                                                type. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.
            ART 130 is an introduction to the concepts,   Recommended Preparation: ART 150 or
            applications, and historical references related   equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            to two-dimensional art and composition. The   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            course includes the study of the basic prin-
            ciples and elements of line, shape, texture,
            value, color and spatial illusion. Students
            will develop a visual vocabulary for creative
            expression. The course includes lecture
            presentations, studio projects, problem
            solving, and written assignments. Lecture 2
            hours/Studio 2 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/
            Summer/Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
            USC. (C-ID ARTS 100) (Art Foundation

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115