Page 108 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ART     105

            127                                 Sculpture (Art 180, 181). The Sculpture Family   102
            20TH AND 21ST CENTURY               exposes students to the problems of historical   ART HISTORY: RENAISSANCE-
            ARMENIAN LITERATURE                 and contemporary interest and importance in   MODERN
            3.0 Units                           sculpture. These courses lead the student through   3.0 Units
            ARMEN 127 provides students with a basic   exploratory investigations of various media and   ART 102 is a survey of western architecture,
            knowledge of Armenian literature from the   techniques, including clay modeling, plaster,   painting, and sculpture from the Renais-
            early 1900s to contemporary authors. Topics   stone carving, and mixed media.  sance to modern times. The visual arts of
            covered include the revolutionary poems of   101                        the Renaissance, Baroque, and Modern
            the 1920s in Soviet Armenia, the “literature   ART HISTORY: PREHISTORIC-  periods in Europe and the United States are
            of nostalgia” of the post-genocide Armenian   GOTHIC                    discussed. Emphasis is placed on integrat-
            Diaspora, literary hardship and stagnation   3.0 Units                  ing the development of art forms with the
            in Stalinist-era Armenian literature, the   ART 101 is a survey of architecture, paint-  geographic, social, political, philosophi-
            stable period of post-Stalinist Armenia, and   ing, sculpture, and related art forms created   cal, and religious characteristics of these
            contemporary literature in both Armenia   by early western cultures and civilizations.   cultures. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
            and the Armenian Diaspora. Lecture 3   The visual arts of prehistoric times, Meso-  None.  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/
            hours. Prerequisite: ARMEN 102 or 115 or   potamia, ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            equivalent Course Typically Off ered: Spring.   and the development of Christian art from   UC, USC. (C-ID ARTH 120)
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                                its origins through the medieval era are   102H
                                                discussed. Emphasis is placed on integrat-  HONORS ART HISTORY:
                                                ing the development of art forms with the   RENAISSANCE-MODERN
                                                geographic, social, political, philosophi-  3.0 Units
            Art includes two families: Ceramics, and Studio   cal, and religious characteristics of these
            Arts. (See page 94 for more information on   cultures. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   ART 102H is a survey of western architecture,
            course families)                    None.  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  painting, and sculpture from the Renais-
            The Ceramics Family includes:       Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   sance to modern times. The visual arts of
            Ceramics (Art 186, 187, 188, 189). The Ceram-  UC, USC. (C-ID ARTH 110)  the Renaissance, Baroque, and Modern
            ics Family encompasses a variety of courses on                          periods in Europe and the United States are
            diff erent forming/glazing techniques; and  101H                         discussed. Emphasis is placed on integrat-
            Ceramic Hand Building (Art 190, 191, 192).   HONORS ART HISTORY:        ing the development of art forms with the
            The Ceramic Hand Building Family focuses on   PREHISTORIC-GOTHIC        geographic, social, political, philosophi-
            hand building techniques, such as slab, pinch,   3.0 Units              cal, and religious characteristics of these
            mold, and coil and includes study of design and   ART 101H is a survey of architecture, paint-  cultures. The honors course will be enhanced
            decorative techniques.              ing, sculpture, and related art forms created   in one or more of the following ways: 1.
            The Studio Arts Families include:   by early western cultures and civilizations.   Students will take essay exams that require
            2D Art Foundations (Art 130, 131, 150, 151). The   The visual arts of prehistoric times, Meso-  analysis of artworks in terms of style, subject
            2D Art Foundations family includes courses that   potamia, ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome   matter, and social and historical context.
            provide fundamental knowledge of the elements of   and the development of Christian art from   2. Students will read assignments prior to
            design and pictorial organization. These courses   its origins through the medieval era are   class sessions in order to use class time more
            are basic and foundational for art students;  discussed. Emphasis is placed on integrat-  productively for further analysis and discus-
            Life Drawing (Art 152, 153, 158). The Life Draw-  ing the development of art forms with the   sion of specifi c examples. 3. Students will
            ing Family contains courses in drawing the human   geographic, social, political, philosophi-  read and prepare a written analysis of one
            fi gure from life where students develop awareness   cal, and religious characteristics of these   or more journal articles from scholarly art
            of the relationship between movement and form;  cultures. The honors course will be enhanced   historical publications. 4. Students will visit
            Oil Media (Art 160, 161, 166). The Oil Media   in one or more of the following ways: 1.   a local art museum and write an analysis of
            Family includes courses that develop skill, tech-  Students will take essay exams that require   a work of art. This analysis must include a
            nique, and composition in drawing and painting   analysis of artworks in terms of style, subject   discussion of the subject matter and style of
            using media such as oils and acrylics;  matter, and social and historical context.   the artwork selected as well as a discussion
            Water Media (Art 164, 165). Students taking   2. Students will read assignments prior to   of how it refl ects the time in which the object
            courses in the Water Media Family study water   class sessions in order to use class time more   was created. 5. Students will be required to
            color medium and techniques and are exposed   productively for further analysis and discus-  write a traditional 5-10 page term paper on
            to the specifi c challenges found when using   sion of specifi c examples. 3. Students will   a topic relevant to the content of the course.
            this media;                         read and prepare a written analysis of one   This paper must be correctly cited and refer-
            Printmaking (Art 170, 171). The Printmaking   or more journal articles from scholarly art   enced. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            Family exposes students to various printing   historical publications. 4. Students will visit   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            processes including linoleum cuts, woodcuts,   a local art museum and write an analysis of   103
            engraving, drypoint, etching, aquatint, and inta-  a work of art. This analysis must include a   ANCIENT ART
            glio. It emphasizes the technical and expressive   discussion of the subject matter and style of   3.0 Units
            qualities of using the various media;  the artwork selected as well as a discussion   ART 103 is a survey of the architecture,
            Special Projects (Art 144, 157, 179, 280). The   of how it refl ects the time in which the object   painting and sculpture from their origins in
            Special Projects in Studio Arts Family allows   was created. 5. Students will be required to   prehistoric time through their development
            students to develop art portfolios. It includes   write a traditional 5-10 page term paper on   in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The
            capstone courses, pre-transfer courses, and   a topic relevant to the content of the course.   impact of these works on today’s art is also
            specifi c courses required by transfer partners;  This paper must be correctly cited and refer-  considered. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
                                                enced. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   Preparation: ART 101. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                                Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113