Page 104 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 104

ANTHROPOLOGY          101

                  ANTHROPOLOGY                  102H                                104
                                                HONORS CULTURAL                     MAGIC, RELIGION, AND
            101                                 ANTHROPOLOGY                        WITCHCRAFT
            PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY               3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            3.0 Units
                                                ANTHR 102H explores how anthropologists   ANTHR 104 is a cross-cultural survey of
            ANTHR 101 introduces the concepts, meth-  study and compare human culture. Cultural   religion and the supernatural. The course
            ods of inquiry, and scientifi c explanations   anthropologists seek to understand the broad   includes an examination of magic, witch-
            for biological evolution and its application   arc of human experience focusing on a set of   craft, and forms of religious expression in a
            to the human species. Issues and topics   central issues: how people around the world   wide variety of cultures around the world.
            will include, but are not limited to, genet-  make their living (subsistence patterns);   The course considers the forms and func-
            ics, evolutionary theory, human variation   how they organize themselves socially,   tions of supernatural beliefs and rituals in
            and biocultural adaptations, comparative   politically and economically; how they   various societies to derive insight into the
            primate anatomy and behavior, and the   communicate; how they relate to each other   roles of religious beliefs and institutions in
            fossil evidence for human evolution. The   through family and kinship ties; what they   human life. The course covers ritual, witch-
            scientifi c method serves as foundation of   believe about the world (belief systems); how   craft, magic, symbolism, altered states of
            the course. The course may include a lab   they express themselves creatively (expres-  consciousness, and religious change. Lecture
            component. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   sive culture); how they make distinctions   3 hours. Recommended Preparation: ENGL
            Preparation: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Course   among themselves such as through apply-  191 or ESL 141 or equivalent. Course Typi-
            Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  ing gender, racial and ethnic identity labels;   cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:
            Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID    how they have shaped and been shaped   CSU, UC, USC.
            ANTH 110)                           by social inequalities such as colonialism;
            102                                 and how they navigate culture change, and   105
                                                                                    CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION
            CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY               processes of globalization that aff ect us all.   3.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           Ethnographic case studies highlight these
                                                similarities and diff erences and introduce   ANTHR 105 is an introductory course that
            ANTHR 102 explores how anthropologists                                  serves as a foundation for understanding
            study and compare human culture. Cultural   students to how anthropologists do their   language from an anthropological perspec-
            anthropologists seek to understand the broad   work, employ professional anthropological   tive, addressing such core questions as how,
            arc of human experience focusing on a set of   research ethics, and apply their perspectives   what, when, where, why and with whom we
            central issues: how people around the world   and skills to understand humans around the   communicate. This course surveys three core
            make their living (subsistence patterns);   globe. The honors course presents students   areas in linguistic anthropology--structural
            how they organize themselves socially,   with the opportunity to complete an original,   linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphol-
            politically and economically; how they   individual research project or paper and   ogy and syntax, as well as the biocultural
            communicate; how they relate to each other   present the fi ndings to the class. Lecture 3   basis of language; historical linguistics:
            through family and kinship ties; what they   hours. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 120   origins and evolution/change, dialects,
            believe about the world (belief systems); how   or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   and language families; and sociocultural
            they express themselves creatively (expres-  (C-ID ANTH 120)            linguistics: language acquisition in cultural
            sive culture); how they make distinctions   103                         context, emphasizing the relationship
            among themselves such as through apply-  PREHISTORY                     between language and culture, and issues
            ing gender, racial and ethnic identity labels;   3.0 Units              of language conservation and loss. Lecture
            how they have shaped and been shaped   ANTHR 103 is an introductory course   3 hours. Recommended Preparation: ENGL
            by social inequalities such as colonialism;   students interpret archaeological materials   191 or ESL 141 or equivalent. Course Typi-
            and how they navigate culture change, and   and information to see how archaeologists   cally Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            processes of globalization that aff ect us all.   can reconstruct and inform our understand-  UC, USC. (C-ID ANTH 130)
            Ethnographic case studies highlight these   ing of prehistory and periods of early history.
            similarities and diff erences and introduce   Stress is placed on studying worldwide   111
            students to how anthropologists do their   prehistoric cultural sequences and exploring   PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY
            work, employ professional anthropological   the transformative processes and cultural   LABORATORY
            research ethics, and apply their perspectives   changes leading into the historic periods   1.0 Unit
            and skills to understand humans around   of developing civilizations. The course   ANTHR 111 is the laboratory course for
            the globe. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   specifi cally addresses early and signifi cant   Physical Anthropology. Laboratory exercises
            Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course   examples of domestication, urbanization,   include the observation and interpretation
            Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  developing social stratification, social   of: natural selection and evolution; Mende-
            Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID    confl ict, manifestations of religious activities   lian, molecular, and population genetics;
            ANTH 120)                           and advances in technological development.   non-human primate anatomy, taxonomy,
                                                Note: This course is eligible to be taken on a   and behavior; fossil evidence of hominid
                                                Pass/No Pass basis. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  evolution; forensic anthropology; human
                                                mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   osteology; and human physical variation.
                                                120 or ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered:   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: ANTHR
                                                Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  101 (may be taken concurrently).  Recom-
                                                                                    mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
                                                                                    120 or ESL 151  Course Typically Off ered:
                                                                                    Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                                                                    (C-ID ANTH 115L)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109