Page 101 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 101


        120                                 155                                 202
        3.0 Units                           1.5 Units                           SECURITY MANAGEMENT FOR
        ADMJ 120 is concerning the origin, develop-  ADMJ 155 is presented to fulfi ll the require-  HOMELAND SECURITY
        ment, philosophy, and constitutional and   ments of the P.C. 832 Module II training   3.0 Units
        procedural considerations aff ecting arrest,   specifi cations. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory   ADMJ 202 examines intelligence analysis and
        search, and seizure, kinds and degrees of   1.5 hours. Prerequisite: None.   its relationship to the security management
        evidence and rules governing admissibility,   165                       of terrorist attacks, man-made disasters, and
        judicial decisions interpreting individual   INTRODUCTION TO FORENSIC   natural disasters. It also explores vulnerabili-
        rights and case studies. Lecture 3 hours.   SCIENCE                     ties of the United States national defense and
        Prerequisite: ADMJ 101 or equivalent. Trans-  3.0 Units                 private sectors, as well as the threats posed
        fer Credit: CSU. (C-ID AJ 124)                                          to these institutions by terrorists, man-made
                                            ADMJ 165 focuses on the history and princi-  disasters, and natural disasters. Students
        129                                 ples of forensic science. Topics include crime   will discuss substantive issues regarding
        SPECIAL CRIMES AND DANGEROUS        scene investigation, identifi cation, individu-  intelligence support of Homeland Security
        DRUGS                               alization, and collection and preservation   measures implemented by the United States
        3.0 Units                           of physical evidence; the establishment of   and explore how the intelligence community
        ADMJ 129 is designed to give all levels of   identity through fi ngerprints, dental records,   operates. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended
        law enforcement offi  cers  a  fundamental   and DNA; biological and trace evidence;   Preparation: ADMJ 201 and Eligibility for
        understanding of narcotic addiction and the   health and safety issues at the crime scene;   ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        eff ects of hypnotic drugs as these factors are   and crime scene documentation through
        involved in the daily routine of police work   case notes, photography, videography, and   203
        review of the principles of detecting and   sketches. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   TRANSPORTATION SECURITY AND
        investigating special crime off enses.  The   ADMJ 101 or equivalent.    BORDER PATROL
        course also focuses on gambling, confi dence   170                       3.0 Units
        games, loansharking, prostitution, and other   ETHICS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT  ADMJ 203 provides an overview of modern
        crimes associated with organized crime   3.0 Units                      border and transportation security chal-
        activity. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended                                 lenges, as well as different methods
        Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or   ADMJ 170 defi nes the principles of a person’s   employed to address these challenges. The
        ESL 151.                            character as they relate to ethics. It examines   course covers the time period from post 9-11
                                            how ethical choices impact the professional   to the present. The course explores topics
        130                                 law enforcement environment and the   associated with border security and security
        LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPERVISION         subsequent eff ect on police service. Addi-  for transportation infrastructure, including:
        AND MANAGEMENT                      tionally, the course considers how character   seaports, ships, aircraft, airports, trains, train
        3.0 Units                           and personal values infl uence the training,   stations, trucks, highways, bridges, rail lines,
        ADMJ 130 provides an overview of the basic   supervision, management, and leadership of   pipelines, and buses. The course includes
        concepts, problems, issues, and concerns of a   successful law enforcement organizations.   an exploration of technological solutions
        contemporary police organization. The four   This course addresses the implications of   employed to enhance security of borders
        major areas the course examines and evalu-  societal changes and the challenges they   and transportation systems. Students are
        ates are: the preparation of the individual   create in modern police work. Lecture 3   required to discuss the legal, economic,
        offi  cer for future promotional examinations,   hours. Recommended Preparation: ADMJ   political, and cultural concerns and impacts
        the current major police supervisory prin-  101 and Eligibility for ENGL 101.   associated with transportation and border
        ciples and ideologies, the proven techniques   201                      security. The course is designed to develop
        and skills required in the practice of sound   INTRODUCTION TO HOMELAND   students’ understanding of the variety of
        supervision in police service, and a survey   SECURITY                  challenges inherent in transportation and
        of management theory. Lecture 3 hours.   3.0 Units                      border security. Lecture 3 hours.  Recom-
        Prerequisite: ADMJ 101 or equivalent.                                   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
                                            ADMJ 201 will introduce students to the
        134                                 vocabulary and important components of   120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        REPORT WRITING                      Homeland Security. The importance of the
        3.0 Units                           agencies associated with Homeland Security
        ADMJ 134 encompasses a survey of report   and their interrelated duties and relation-
        writing and Records and Identification   ships will be discussed. Students will exam-
        Bureaus. A study to aid police offi  cers  to   ine historical events that impact Homeland
        analyze what they see, and to make a perma-  Security, and explore state, national, and
        nent and coherent record of facts to be used   international laws impacting Homeland
        in criminal prosecution and administration   Security. The most critical threats confront-
        procedures. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   ing Homeland Security will be examined.
        Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
        ESL 151.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106