Page 106 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 106

ARCHITECTURE         103

            130                                 142                                 229
            DESIGN I                            3.0 Units                           ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING
            3.0 Units                           ARCH 142 is a concentrated, in depth explo-  3.0 Units
            ARCH 130 is a study of the concepts of basic   ration of the dynamics of space planning and   ARCH 229 teaches the fundamentals of
            commercial building construction. Emphasis   design, along with the design development   3DS MAX and its use in the Architecture
            is placed on the planning and design of a   phases for residential and commercial struc-  and Engineering industry. Topics include
            small commercial retail center of concrete   tures. The student develops drawings and   residential and commercial building walk-
            block construction. Current construction   studies models to describe the characteristics   throughs, rendering, and lighting, adding
            techniques and applicable building codes   of the interior space and construction tech-  textures and creating presentation fi les for
            are covered. Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5   niques of the structure. The complete design   residential and commercial architecture and
            hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 102 or equivalent.   and documentation process is addressed   engineering development. Current industry
            Recommended Preparation: ARCH 120,   including: building and program analysis,   standard digital animation software will be
            ARCH 250. Transfer Credit: CSU.     space planning, lighting design, colors,   used. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 4 hours.
                                                fi nishes, furniture, and accessories. Each   Prerequisite: ENGR 109 or ARCH 250 or
            135                                 component evolves from the schematic   equivalent.
            COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURAL            design phase, through design development,
            DESIGN II                           to the fi nal presentation phase. Lecture 1.5   230
            3.0 Units                                                               ADVANCED 3DS MAX FOR
                                                hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours.  Prerequisite:
            ARCH 135 is a study of the concepts of two   ARCH 141 or ART 141 or equivalent. Transfer   ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING
            story commercial building construction.   Credit: CSU.                  3.0 Units
            Emphasis is placed on the basic planning                                ARCH 230 teaches advanced features of the
            and design of medium sized, two-story   150                             3ds Max software program. Topics include:
            commercial buildings of concrete block or   BASIC RHINOCEROS APPLICATIONS  advanced architectural and engineering
            tilt-wall construction. Current construction   3.0 Units                projects, importing of drawing geometry
            techniques and applicable building codes   ARCH 150 teaches the fundamentals of   from AutoCAD and other computer-aided-
            are covered. Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory   Rhinoceros software, its use as a design   design (CAD) programs, and advanced
            4.5 hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 130. Recom-  tool, and the ability to digitally fabricate   lighting and texturing techniques. Current
            mended Preparation: ENGR 109, ARCH 250.   the designs. Topics include freeform model-  industry standard digital animation soft-
            Transfer Credit: CSU.               ing in the NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational   ware (3ds Max) will be used. Lecture 2 hours/
                                                B-Splines) environment, complex surface   Laboratory 4 hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 229
            141                                 editing, digital output, rendering, creating   or equivalent.
            INTERIOR DESIGN                     presentations, and integrating Rhinoceros
            3.0 Units                                                               240
                                                with other CAD programs and into a produc-
            ARCH 141 begins with the study of the   tive workfl ow. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 4   ARCHITECTURAL PORTFOLIO
            fl oor plan and architecture background and   hours. Recommended Preparation: ARCH   DEVELOPMENT
            moves through the selection and arrange-  101 or ENGR 101 or equivalent.   2.5 Units
            ment of furniture, fl oor, and window treat-                             ARCH 240 provides instruction in the
            ments, lighting, and accessory planning.   160                          creation of an architectural portfolio. Topics
            Emphasis is placed on the use of design   ARCHITECTURAL COMPUTER        include usage of software, page layout, and
            elements such as color, line, shape, texture,   AIDED DRAFTING LABORATORY  specifi c portfolio requirements for colleges.
            pattern, space, and their interaction with one   2.0 Units              Also included is instruction to assemble
            another in the interior environment. Note:   ARCH 160 provides practice using computer-  a collection of sketches, ideas and written
            This course may not be taken for credit by   aided drafting (CAD) software. Students will   descriptions related to a project. Students
            students who have completed ART 141.   complete architecture-related projects of   will develop new or existing projects for use
            Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours.   their own choosing to further develop their   in their portfolio. Portfolios will be used for
            Recommended Preparation: ARCH 101 or   CAD skills. Students will also improve their   transfer purposes and as a record of work
            equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.   architectural design skills by completing   completed. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 4.5
                                                increasingly complex architectural projects.   hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 120, 130, and 250;
                                                Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 250   or equivalent.
                                                or ENGR 109 or equivalent.
                                                                                    INTRODUCTION TO AUTODESK
                                                                                    REVIT ARCHITECTURE
                                                                                    3.0 Units
                                                                                    ARCH 250 teaches the fundamentals of the
                                                                                    latest version of Autodesk Revit Architecture
                                                                                    design software. Projects of a residential and
                                                                                    commercial nature are utilized. Techniques
                                                                                    used in the creation of fl oor plans, section
                                                                                    views, elevations, schedules, and other
                                                                                    construction documents are covered. Lecture
                                                                                    2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
                                                                                    ARCH 101 or equivalent.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111