Page 105 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 105


        114                                 102                                 108
        CULTURE                             DESIGN                              3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           ARCH 108 covers all aspects of architectural
        ANTHR 114 examines how people identify   ARCH 102 is the study of the design of   print reading including orthographic projec-
        and experience gender, sex, and sexuality in   the single family dwelling with emphasis   tion, basic view utilization, residential and
        a variety of cultural and historical contexts.   on the ranch type structure. Discussion   commercial standards, dimensioning tech-
        The course considers the construction and   covers the latest construction innovations,   niques, uniform building code (UBC),and
        performance of gendered identities and   framing techniques, scale detail drawing,   architectural terminology including abbre-
        sexual practices from the holistic perspective   and the drafting of working drawings.   viations and symbols. Note: ARCH 108 may
        of anthropological theories and methodol-  Study explores in greater detail the appli-  not be taken for credit by students who have
        ogy. Students will consider the interplay of   cable building codes pertinent to residential   credit for ARCH 101, 102, 103, 105. Lecture 3
        the biological with the cultural. Comparative   construction, modular construction, solar   hours. Prerequisite: None.
        materials from indigenous, non-Western,   planning, insulation requirements, orienta-  113
        non-industrial cultures as well as Western   tion, and other facets of construction. Lecture   INTRODUCTION TO GEOSPATIAL
        and globalized societies will be used to illus-  1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours. Prerequisite:   TECHNOLOGY FOR ARCHITECTS
        trate course concepts. Cultural institutions   ARCH 101 or equivalent.  Recommended   AND ENGINEERS
        are framed as fundamental in creating, defi n-  Preparation: ENGR 109.  Transfer Credit:   3.0 Units
        ing, and reinforcing categories of gender and   CSU.
        sex. Economy, politics, nation/state, ethnicity,   103                  ARCH 113 teaches the fundamentals of the
        religion, kinship, worldview, language, and   DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY      Geographic Information System (GIS) soft-
        other categories of identity and diff erence   3.0 Units                 ware and its application in the Architectural
        will be explored as they relate to gender,                              and Engineering fi elds. Emphasis is placed
        sex, and sexuality. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  ARCH 103 is a study of the applied science   on applied lessons to: create and modifying
        mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   of graphical representation of lines, planes,   maps, solve spatial analysis problems, and
        120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.  surfaces, and solids. Architectural applica-  import/export data for use with Computer
                                            tions are used for subject matter including   Aided Design (CAD) software. Lecture 2
        150                                 simple shades and shadows.  Note: This   hours/Laboratory 4 hours.  Recommended
        ARCHAEOLOGY                         course is required for architecture majors.   Preparation: ENGR 109 and knowledge of
        3.0 Units                           This course may not be taken for credit by   Microsoft Excel.
        ANTHR 150 is an introduction to the study   students who have completed ENGR 103.   120
        of concepts, theories, data and models of   Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours.   RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURAL
        anthropological archaeology that contribute   Prerequisite: ARCH 101 or equivalent.   DESIGN I
        to our knowledge of the human past. The   Recommended Preparation: ENGR 109.   3.0 Units
        course includes a discussion of the nature   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        of scientifi c inquiry; the history and interdis-  105                   ARCH 120 presents a study of the numerous
        ciplinary nature of archaeological research;   PERSPECTIVE GRAPHICS WITH   considerations required to build a two story
        dating techniques; methods of survey, exca-  INTRODUCTION TO SKETCHUP AND   dwelling. Discussion covers fundamentals
        vation, analysis, and interpretation; cultural   RHINOCEROS             of design, structural considerations, build-
        resource management; professional ethics;   3.0 Units                   ing code considerations, and techniques of
        and selected cultural sequences. Lecture 3                              construction. Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory
        hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-  ARCH 105 is a course in technical perspec-  4.5 hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 102 or equiva-
        ity for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course Typi-  tive. Skills are developed in manual drawing   lent. Recommended Preparation: ENGR 109,
        cally Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   techniques of various architectural subjects   ARCH 105 ARCH 250. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        UC, USC. (C-ID ANTH 150)            using formal two-dimensional methods.   125
                                            Introduction to two three-dimensional draw-  RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURAL
               ARCHITECTURE                 ing programs, SketchUp and Rhinoceros is   DESIGN II
                                            also included. Software topics include graph-
        101                                 ics user interface, surface editing, rendering,   3.0 Units
        DRAFTING AND BASIC DESIGN           2d drawing, extrusions, lofting, and digital   ARCH 125 presents a study of the numerous
        3.0 Units                           output. Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5   considerations required to build a typical
        ARCH 101 is a study in the fundamentals   hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 101 or equivalent.   two story, four unit townhouse or apartment
        of drafting techniques used in architectural   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  complex. Discussion reviews fundamentals
        drawing, and the basic design procedure   106                           of design, building code considerations, tech-
        relative to good residential planning. The   BUILDING CODES             niques of construction, working drawings
        course studies residential building codes,   3.0 Units                  and construction details. Additional work
        drafting of working drawings, scale drawing                             includes structural considerations, heating,
        of construction details, framing concepts,   ARCH 106 offers students fundamental   insulation, sound proofi ng, sanitary systems,
        and proper dimensioning techniques.   instruction regarding the use of current,   foundation design, presentation techniques,
        Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours.   relevant codes and standards required to   and model building techniques. Lecture 1.5
        Recommended Preparation: ART 130,   review and check plans and specifi cations   hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours.  Prerequisite:
        Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151 Transfer   in compliance with non-structural aspects of   ARCH 120 or equivalent.  Recommended
        Credit: CSU.                        the uniform Building Code (UBC). Lecture 3   Preparation: ENGR 109, ARCH 250. Transfer
                                            hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 101 or equivalent.   Credit: CSU.
                                            Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
                                            ENGL 120 or ESL 151.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110