Page 109 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 109

106     ART

        104                                 109                                 115
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           HISTORY
        ART 104 provides an in-depth study of   ART 109 is a survey of the sculpture,   3.0 Units
        the architecture, painting, and sculpture   painting, and architecture of India, China,   ART 115 is a survey of the art outside the
        of ancient Greece and Rome. Emphasis is   Southeast Asia, Japan, and the Islamic   western European tradition, focusing on the
        placed on the interaction of religious ideas,   expansion in the Near East and Spain. The   major artistic traditions of Africa, Asia, Ocea-
        economic trends, philosophy, and politics   philosophical, social, and political ideas that   nia, North America, and South America from
        of the period and the art objects that are   produced Asian Art from 1200-1850 will also   ancient times up to the impact of European
        produced during the time period. Lecture 3   be considered.  Note: for this course to be   contact. The course will focus on the role of
        hours. Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit:   approved as meeting the C-ID requirement,   visual arts in non-western cultural perspec-
        CSU, UC, USC.                       the student must also successfully complete   tives, including models of sacred ritual, social
                                            ART 108. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ART   authority, medium, and of the human form.
        105                                 108 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   Emphasis will be placed on recognition of
        MEDIEVAL ART                        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  major art works, their artistic traditions, and
        3.0 Units                                                               of what these reveal about the cultural norms
        ART 105 is a survey of the architecture,   111                          and attitudes that produced them. Lecture 3
        painting, and sculpture of the period   HISTORY OF WORLD CERAMICS       hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
        between ancient Rome and the Renaissance.   3.0 Units                   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        It introduces the student to the philosophical   ART 111 is a survey of the most important   UC, USC.
        ideas, economic trends, and political events   and infl uential periods of pre-historic, Medi-
        that produced the art of the period. Lecture   terranean, European, Middle Eastern, Pre-  116
        3 hours. Recommended Preparation: ART   Columbian, and Asian ceramic art. Lecture 3   ART OF AFRICA, OCEANIA, AND
        101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   NORTH AMERICA
                                            Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  3.0 Units
        106                                                                     ART 116 is a survey of visual culture within
        RENAISSANCE/BAROQUE ART             112                                 select regions in Africa, Oceania, and indig-
        3.0 Units                           PRECOLUMBIAN ART OF THE             enous North America emphasizing histori-
        ART 106 is a survey of the art, sculpture,   AMERICAS                   cal, religious, and socio-cultural contexts.
        and architecture in the West from the early   3.0 Units                 The course will focus on the role of visual
        Renaissance through the Baroque periods   ART 112 is a study of the arts of Pre-  arts, including models of sacred ritual,
        (1300-1750). Emphasis is placed on the inter-  Columbian Mesoamerica and Andean South   social authority, medium, and of the human
        action of religious ideas, economic trends,   America. Major monuments of sculpture,   form. The relationship of art to its cultural
        philosophy and politics of the period and the   architecture, ceramics, and textiles from   perspective, including social status, gender,
        art objects that were produced during this   civilizations including the Maya, Aztec, and   belief systems, the environment, and lifecycle
        time period. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   Inca are examined in their cultural contexts.   stages, is also addressed. Lecture 3 hours.
        None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                            Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit:
        107                                 CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID ARTH 145)       UC, USC. (C-ID ARTH 140)
        MODERN ART                                                              118
        3.0 Units                           113                                 WOMEN IN VISUAL ARTS
        ART 107 is a survey of the growth of Nine-  AMERICAN ART                3.0 Units
        teenth and Twentieth Century trends in   3.0 Units                      ART 118 is an introduction to the history of
        painting, sculpture, and architecture in   ART 113 is a survey of art covering major   women as artists in European and American
        Europe and the United States. It explores the   artists, stylistic movements, and cultural   traditions. Women’s roles in non-Western
        relationship between contemporary art and   trends within the borders of the United States   cultures are also discussed as well as images
        our historical and social values. Lecture 3   from the Colonial period to WWII. Emphasis   of women in art. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequi-
        hours. Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit:   is placed on the relationship between art of   site: None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        CSU, UC, USC.                       the United States and European culture, as
                                            well as the indigenous infl uences directing   119
        108                                 the artistic tradition. The course will concen-  CONTEMPORARY ART
        ART OF THE EASTERN WORLD I          trate on integrating the development of art   3.0 Units
        3.0 Units
                                            forms with the geographic, social, political,   ART 119 is a survey of contemporary art from
        ART 108 is a survey of the sculpture, paint-  philosophical and religious character of the   1970 until the present. Students will explore
        ing, and architecture of India, China, Japan,   culture. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   the origins and full development of postmod-
        Korea, and Persia from prehistoric times to   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   ern and subsequent aesthetic philosophies
        1200 A.D. It includes an introduction to the   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.    in the United States and Europe. The course
        religious, philosophical, social and politi-                            emphasizes the emergence of non-traditional
        cal ideas which infl uenced the art of these                             media, as well as painting and sculpture,
        regions and times. Lecture 3 hours. Prereq-                             within the social and political characteristics
        uisite: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall.                           of the contemporary world. Lecture 3 hours.
        Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                          Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                                                                UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114