Page 102 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 102


             ALCOHOL/DRUG STUDIES               105                                 112
                                                PHARMACOLOGY: ALCOHOL AND           GROUP COUNSELING AND THE
            50                                  OTHER DRUGS                         THERAPEUTIC PROCESS
            ALCOHOL AND DRUG STUDIES            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            INTERNSHIP                          ADST 105 emphasizes the specifi c  action   ADST 112 is an introduction to the dynamics
            1 Unit
                                                and eff ects of psychoactive drugs, including   of group interaction and the facilitator func-
            ADST 50 is a discipline-specifi c  course,   beverage alcohol, on the human brain and   tions of the counselor. The course emphasizes
            which allows students to earn  1.0 unit   body. The history of drugs as substances of   group process and management in the “here
            in a structured, supervised internship   abuse is presented along with the pharma-  and now” as a method of bringing about
            off -campus site under the supervision of   cological and physiological implications of   behavioral change. The course includes a
            a faculty advisor and/or instructor. It is   tolerance and habituation. The part played   strong experiential component as all students
            designed to provide students with appro-  by pharmacological therapy as a component   participate as both members and facilitators
            priate preparation and a hands-on work   of current abuse and addiction treatment   in group process throughout the semester.
            experience in the chemical dependency,   models is examined. Several prevention   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: AD ST 101 and
            co-occurring or medical chemical detoxifi ca-  models are also presented. Lecture 3 hours.   103.  Recommended Preparation: PSYCH
            tion treatment settings. The purpose of this   Prerequisite: AD ST 101 and 103 (AD ST 101   101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            class is to enhance students’ knowledge,   and AD ST 103 may be taken concurrently.)   Transfer Credit: CSU.
            skill levels, and professional competency in   Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
            their targeted career. This course is required   Transfer Credit: CSU.  114
            and is to be taken simultaneously with those                            SPECIAL POPULATIONS
            students taking AD ST 152 or AD ST 153   110                            3.0 Units
            and requires faculty advisor approval to   COUNSELING TECHNIQUES AND    ADST 114 examines the degree to which
            register. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass   CASE MANAGEMENT           ethnicity, cultural factors, and sexual identity
            only. Laboratory 3 - 6 hours Recommended   3.0 Units                    can contribute to the misuse of alcohol and
            Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or   ADST 110 is designed to prepare the student   other drugs. Discussions include various
            ESL 151. Concurrent enrollment: AD ST 152   for the  fi eld experiences of the addiction   ethnic populations as well as gender, sexual
            or AD ST 153. Prerequisites: AD ST 110 and   counseling internship. It examines several   orientation, and life span issues related to
            AD ST 112. Transfer Credit: CSU.    models of addiction counseling and the theo-  substance use and abuse. Lecture 3 hours.
                                                retical rationale of each. The course empha-  Prerequisite: AD ST 101 and 103. Recom-
            101                                 sizes therapeutic traits needed by a coun-  mended Preparation: PSYCH 104 or ETH S
            ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE AND              selor working with a chemically addicted   121. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            DEPENDENCY                          population. The course also includes the   Transfer Credit: CSU.
            3.0 Units
                                                competencies/functions of a counselor, legal
            ADST 101 surveys the use and abuse of   and ethical issues in counseling, and case   119
            alcohol and other drugs in various cultures,   management of individuals, groups and   CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY AND CO-
            their acute and chronic eff ects on the human   families. Issues of personal and professional   OCCURRING DISORDERS
            body, and the development of psychological   growth are also discussed. Lecture 3 hours.   3.0 Units
            and physical dependence. An overview of   Prerequisite: AD ST 101 and 103. Recom-  ADST 119 assists the student to better under-
            current theories in dependency is presented.   mended Preparation: PSYCH 101.  Course   stand and interact with clients with various
            The course addresses the consequences of   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   mental health disorders that complicate coex-
            chemical dependency on the individual, the   Credit: CSU.               isting substance abuse problems. It includes
            family system, and society. Lecture 3 hours.                            personality and mood disorders and various
            Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   111                          other pathologies, as well as organic brain
            ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically   FAMILY DYNAMICS AND ADDICTION  disorder and their synergistic eff ect  with
            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  3.0 Units                  alcohol and other drugs. The course also
                                                ADST 111 introduces the student to the indi-  covers the diagnostic, therapeutic, and recov-
            103                                 vidual and group dynamics present within   ery phases for these clients. Lecture 3 hours.
            CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY:                the family in which chemical dependency   Prerequisite: AD ST 105 or equivalent (AD
            INTERVENTION, TREATMENT, AND        exists. Family systems and personality   ST 105 may be taken concurrently). Recom-
            RECOVERY                            theories are presented and applied to the   mended Preparation: PSYCH 115.  Course
            3.0 Units
                                                treatment of the family as a unit. The theo-  Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            ADST 103 uses a biopsycho-social perspec-  retical and practical aspects of counseling
            tive to introduce students to the process of   are presented and cover the active phases
            intervention, treatment, and recovery. The   of addiction and early stages of recovery.
            course introduces crisis intervention, treat-  Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: AD ST 101 and
            ment techniques, and other essential tools   103.  Recommended Preparation: PSYCH
            and methodologies needed to help the chemi-  101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            cally dependent person overcome addiction.   Transfer Credit: CSU.
            Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: AD ST 101 or
            equivalent (AD ST 101 may be taken concur-
            rently.) Recommended Preparation: PSYCH
            101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            Transfer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107