Page 97 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 97

94     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        COURSE FAMILIES                                       COURSE ID NUMBERING SYSTEM (C-ID)
        New regulations require grouping active participatory   The Course ID Numbering System (C-ID) is a statewide
        courses previously designated as “activities” courses into   numbering system independent from the course numbers
        “families” and limiting enrollment in courses within the   assigned by local California community colleges. A
        families to four experiences regardless of grade.     C-ID number next to a course signals that participating
        Course families are courses with related content where the   California colleges and universities have determined that
        content progresses into levels from one course to the next   courses off ered by other California community colleges are
        (Title 5 §55000) or in which the content is linked around   comparable in content and scope to courses off ered on their
        themes. Areas required to group courses into families are   own campuses, regardless of their unique titles or local
        Physical Education and Visual and Performing Arts. Here   course number. Thus, if a schedule of classes or catalog
        are GCC’s Course Families:                            lists a course bearing a C-ID number, for example, COMM
        ART - Ceramics; Ceramic Hand Building                 110, students at that college can be assured that it will be
        STUDIO ARTS - 2D Art Foundations; Life Drawing; Oil   accepted in lieu of a course bearing the C-ID COMM 110
        Media; Water Media; Printmaking; Special Projects in   designation at another community college. In other words,
        Studio Arts; Sculpture; and 3D Design                 the C-ID designation can be used to identify comparable
        DANCE - Ballet Technique; Modern Dance Technique; Jazz   courses at diff erent community colleges. Students may
        Technique; American Vernacular Dances; Cultural Dance;   consult the ASSIST database at for specifi c
        Choreographic Studies; Performance Skills; Production   information on C-ID course designations. Students can
        Studies; and Movement for Theatre                     confi rm how each college’s course will be accepted at a
        MUSIC - Piano; Classical Guitar; Contemporary Guitar;   particular four-year college or university for transfer credit.
        Voice Training                                        The C-ID numbering system is useful for students attending
        THEATRE ARTS - Acting; Directing, Playwriting, Man-   more than one community college and is applied to any of
        agement; Costume and Makeup; Scenic and Lighting,     the transferable courses students need as preparation for
        Technical Theatre: Stagecraft/Building; Theatre Produc-  transfer. Because these course requirements may change
        tion-Rehearsal and Performance                        and because courses may be modifi ed and qualifi ed for or
        PHYSICAL EDUCATION/KINESIOLOGY -  Adapted             deleted from the C-ID database, students should always
        Physical Education; Badminton; Basketball; Cardio Fitness;   check with a counselor to determine how C-ID designated
        Cycling; Golf; Martial Arts; Motor Performance Fitness;   courses fit into their educational plans for transfer.
        Soccer/Football; Tennis; Volleyball                   Counselors can always help students interpret or explain
                                                              this information.
                                                              All courses that have been approved for C-ID designa-
                                                              tion at Glendale Community College include the C-ID
                                                              number within the course description as listed on the
                                                              following pages.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102