Page 94 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 94

General Education Requirements          91

                                                  Valid through Summer 2020

            The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)   AREA 4— SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES
            will permit a student to transfer from a community college to a campus in      (3 courses, 9 semester units)
            either the California State University or University of California system      Courses from at least two disciplines or an interdisciplinary sequence.
            without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower-division, general      ANTHR 102+, 102H+, 103, 104, 105, 114, 150
            education courses to satisfy campus general education requirements.     ECON 101, 102+ 102H+, 111* (same as HIST 116), 170
                                                                           ETH S 101, 102, 110, 111, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 132, 164, 165, 166
            Completion of the IGETC is not a requirement for transfer to a CSU or      GEOG 102, 103, 106, 110, 170, 171
            UC, nor is it the only way to fulfi ll the lower division, general education      HIST 101*%, 103*%, 116* (same as ECON 111), 118*%, 118H,
            requirements of the CSU or UC prior to transfer. Students may fi nd   119*%, 120*%, 122, 131*%, 135, 136*, 152*
            it advantageous to take courses fulfi lling CSU’s general education   JOURN 101+
            requirements or those of a particular UC campus.               LING 101
                                                                           MCOMM  101+
            The course requirements for all areas must be completed before the IGETC can be      POL S 101, 102, 103+, 104, 108, 110, 111, 115, 170, 171
            certifi ed. All courses must be completed with grades of “C’’ or better.     PSYCH 101+, 101H+, 103**, 104, 106, 113, 115, 131% (Same as SOC 131), 150
            AREA 1—  ENGLISH COMMUNICATION                                 SOC S  101, 105, 1110, 120, 127, 130, 134,
                     CSU - 3 courses, one from each group below.           SOC 101+, 101H+,  102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 131% (Same as
                     UC - 2 courses, one each from group A and B.          PSYCH 131), 140, 171
                     GROUP A: ENGLISH COMPOSITION                          SPCH 108, 115
                     (1 course, 3 semester units)                                                 *May be used in only one (1) area.
                     ENGL 101+, 101H+                                                      **Psych 103 may be used if taken before Fall 2011
                     POSITION                                              (2 courses, 7-9 semester units)
                     (1 course, 3 semester units)                          One Physical Science course and one Biological Science course; at least one must
                                                                           include a laboratory.
                     ENGL 102+, 102H+, 104
                                                                           (Area 5a) PHYSICAL SCIENCE COURSES:
                     GROUP C: ORAL COMMUNICATION  (CSU ONLY)               ASTRO 102, 110+, 120+
                     (1 course, 3 semester units)                          CHEM 101+, 102+, 105, 106, 110+, 120+, 121+
                     SPCH 101                                              GEOG 101, 107, 111
                                                                           GEOL 101+, 101H+, 102, 103, 105, 111+, 111H+, 112, 115
            AREA 2 —  MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS AND                            OCEAN  115,  116
                     QUANTITATIVE REASONING                                PHY SCI 131+
                     (1 course, 3 semester units)                          PHY 101+, 101H+, 102+, 103+, 105+, 106+, 110+
                     MATH 100+, 103+, 103E+, 103EH+, 103H, 104+,104E+, 104EH+,                                 Lab courses are underlined (5C)
                     104H+, 105+, 105H+, 107+, 107H+, 108+, 108H+, 110+, 110A+,
                     110B+, 112+, 133, 135, 136,+ 136H+                       (Area 5b) BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES:
            AREA 3 —  ARTS AND HUMANITIES                                  ANTHR 101, 111
                     (3 courses, 9 semester units)                         BIOL 101+, 102+, 103+, 112, 115+, 120+, 121+, 122+, 123, 125+,
                     At least 1 course from Arts and 1 from Humanities.    125H+, 126;
                     (Area 3A) ARTS COURSES:                               PSYCH 103*, 203
                     ART 101+, 101H+, 102+, 102H+, 103+, 104+, 105+, 106+, 107+, 108,                             Lab courses are underlined (5C)

                     109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120+, 121+, 125, 199
                     DANCE 100, 102                                        LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH
                     MUSIC 101, 120+, 121, 122, 125+, 126+, 127, 211+      (UC REQUIREMENT ONLY)
                     T ART 101, 102, 107                                   Profi ciency equivalent to two years of high school in the same language.
                                                                           ASL 101; ARMEN 101+, 115+; CHIN 101; FREN 101; ITAL 101;
                     (Area 3B) HUMANITIES COURSES:                         JAPAN 101; KOREA 101; SPAN 101+, 115+.
                     ARMEN 102+, 103, 104, 116+, 117, 125 , 126, 127
                     CHIN 102*                                             CSU GRADUATION REQUIREMENT IN U.S.
                     ECON 111* (same as HIST 116)                          HISTORY, CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN
                     ENGL 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 116, 117, 122, 123, 125, 128  IDEALS
                     FREN 102, 103, 104                                    (Not part of IGETC; may be completed prior to transfer.)
                     HIST 101*+, 102+, 103*, 104, 105, 106, 111+, 111H+, 113, 115
                     116* (same as ECON 111), 117+, 118*+, 119*, 120*, 121, 131*,   American History: ECON 111; HIST 111, 116, 117, 118
                     132, 133, 136*, 140, 141+, 141H+, 152*                American  Institutions: POL S 101
                     HUMAN 105+, 105H+, 106, 110, 111, 115, 117, 120, 125     (POL S 101 completed in Spring 2014 or after satisfi es both American Institu-
                     ITAL 102, 103, 104                                    tions and State and Local Government)
                     JAPAN 102, 103, 104                                   State and Local Government: POL S 101, 106
                     KOREA 102                                             (POL S 101 completed in Spring 2014 or after satisfi es both American Institu-
                     PHIL 101, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121      tions and State and Local Government)
                     SPAN 102+, 103, 104, 115, 124H, 125, 126, 131
                                                                  +INDICATES THAT TRANSFER CREDIT MAY BE LIMITED BY UC OR CSU OR BOTH. PLEASE
                                            *May be used in only one (1) area.  CONSULT WITH A COUNSELOR.
                                                                  * COURSES DESIGNATED WITH AN ASTERISK MAY BE COUNTED IN ONE AREA ONLY.
                                                                                % COURSE SATISFIES AREA IF TAKEN FALL 2103 OR AFTER.
                                                                  NOTE:  IGETC MUST BE COMPLETED AND CERTIFICATION MUST BE
                                                                        REQUESTED PRIOR TO ATTENDANCE AT A  UC OR CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99