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88     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        AA-T — SOCIOLOGY                                      AA-T - STUDIO ARTS
        The AA-T in Sociology is designed to prepare the student   The AA-T in Studio Arts prepares students for transfer to
        for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education   four year institutions and satisfi es lower division require-
        and specifi cally intended to satisfy the lower division   ments for a baccalaureate degree in Studio Art at California
        requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree in Sociology at   State University. Studio Arts AA-T degree recipients will
        a California State University. The major has been designed   demonstrate skill in a range of two dimensional and/or
        to meet lower-division requirements for Sociology majors   three dimensional media, complete a portfolio of original
        at most transfer institutions. Program Learning Outcomes:   artworks, and apply knowledge of art history, contempo-
        Upon completion of this program, students will be able to   rary art, and public culture to a critical understanding of
        critically analyze and evaluate social phenomena, which   art-making in society. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon
        involve social institutions and processes, within various   completion of this program, students will be able to dem-
        contexts from the local to the global.                onstrate intermediate mastery in a range of 2D/3D visual
        Required Core: SOC 101;                               media; employ basic concepts in 2D design and drawing,
        Select two courses (6 units) SOC 102, SOC S 200 or    or 3D design and drawing-for-sculpture; create portfolio-
        PSYCH 200, MATH 136                                   ready, original artworks; and discuss and apply visual
        List A: Select two courses (6 units) Any Required Core   concepts and aesthetics from art history, contemporary
        course not already used. PSYCH/SOC 131, SOC 103, 104;   art, and popular culture.
        ETH S 121; PSYCH 104                                  Required Core: ART 102, 130, 138, 150;
        List B: Select one courses (3 units) Any course not used   List A: Select one (3 units) ART 101, 109, 116;
        above; SOC 105 or 140; PSYCH 101, 101H, ETH S 102, 111,   List B: Select three (9 units) ART 144, 151 or 152, 160, 170,
        123, 125, 132, 165, 166, SOC S 101, 110, 130; ANTHR 102,   180, 186, 220; PHOTO 101.
        GEOG 102; HIST 152.
        Required Units for Major: 18.5-19.5 units*            Required Units for Major: 24-25 units*
                                                              AA-T — THEATRE ARTS
        AA-T — SPANISH
        The AA-T in Spanish is designed to prepare the student   The AA-T in Theatre Arts is designed to prepare the student
        for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education   for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education
        and is specifically intended to satisfy lower-division   and is specifi cally intended to satisfy the lower division
        requirements for a baccalaureate degree in Spanish    requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree in Theatre Arts
        at a California State University. The knowledge and   at a California State University. The knowledge and skills
        skills offered in this degree lead students to develop   off ered in this degree lead students to develop founda-
        foundational knowledge in the field of Spanish including   tional knowledge in the  fi eld of Theatre Arts including
        grammar, composition, oral expression, and literary   those topics and issues related to global, national, and
        analysis in the field of Spanish. These skills also   local aspects of the fi eld of study. Students have a variety
        provide tools for inquiry into local, national, and global   of courses in the fundamentals of theatre including the
        topics within the discipline. This degree is extremely   areas for dramatic criticism, theory, performance, technical
        relevant due to the high percentage of Speakers that   stage, and preparation in all aspects of theatre arts pro-
        live in California. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon   duction. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion
        completion of this program, students will be able to   of this program, students will be able to identify major
        demonstrate reading and listening comprehension skills,   topics, ideas, debates and issues in theater arts. Students
        and oral and written communicative skills in Spanish.   will be able to apply their knowledge of key concepts in
        Students will be able to demonstrate a broad knowledge   theatre arts to discuss, analyze, and synthesize a variety
        of the cultures of the Spanish speaking world and the   of theoretical and practical foci within the discipline.
        history and/or literature of Spanish speaking countries   Students will be able to gain a global, national, and local
        as a foundation for upper-division courses in Spanish.  perspective on issues pertaining to the theatre arts pre-
                                                              paring them for multiple pathways for future study and
        Required Core: SPAN 101, 102, 103 or 115, 104;
                                                              career opportunities.
        List A: Select one course (3 units) HIST 103, 104;
        SPAN 125, 126.                                        Required Core: (9 units) T ART 101 or 102, 103, 160 or 161
                                                              or 162 or 163 or 164 or 180 or 181 or 182 or 183 or 184;
        Required Units for Major: 23 units*
                                                              List A: Select three courses (9 units) T ART 104, 107, 109
                                                              & 110, 123, 160* or 161* or 162* or 163* or 164* or 180* or
                                                              181* or 182* or 183* or 184*.
                                                              *If not used in Required Core.
                                                              Required Units for Major: 18-19 units*

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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