Page 87 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 87


        The AS-T in Business Administration is designed to    The AS-T in Early Childhood Education is designed to
        provide students with the common core of lower division   prepare the student for transfer to a four-year institution of
        courses required to transfer and pursue a baccalaureate   higher education and is specifi cally intended to satisfy lower-
        degree in Business Administration. This includes      division requirements for a baccalaureate degree in Child
        business degrees with options such as accounting, fi nance,   Development at a California State University. The knowledge
        human resources management, international business,   and skills off ered in this degree lead students to develop
        management, operations management, and marketing.     foundational knowledge in the fi eld of Child Development
        The AS-T in Business Administration degree aligns with   including those topics and issues related to global, national,
        the CSU Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.   and local aspects of the fi eld of study. Program Learning
        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this    Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, students will
        program, students will be able to recognize, analyze,   be able to promote Child Development by developing an
        and assess current economic challenges facing global   understanding of young children and their needs, as well as,
        and domestic businesses; analyze, evaluate, and explain   the multiple interacting infl uences on children’s development
        business problems using basic concepts and terminology   and learning in order to create healthy, respectful supportive
        of accounting and  fi nance; and understand and apply   and challenging environments for all children; build family
        the four P’s of marketing, business law, investments, and   and community relationships; observe, document and assess
        management.                                           child development and learning to support young children
                                                              and families; plan, implement and evaluate developmentally
        Required Core: ACCTG 101, 102; BUSAD 120; ECON 101,
        102;                                                  appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant experiences
                                                              that promote and/or support development and learning for
        List A: MATH 136;                                     all children; and identify and conduct themselves as members
        List B: Select two courses (8 units) CS/IS 101; BUSAD 101   of the early childhood profession, using ethical guidelines
        or 106.                                               and other professional standards related to early childhood
        Required Units for Major: 31 units*                   best practices.
        AA-T — COMMUNICATION STUDIES                          Required Core: CHLDV 133, 135, 138, 140, 141*, 142, 150, 156,
                                                              180*, or 181*, or 182* (*141 must be taken concurrently with
        The AA-T in Communication Studies is designed to prepare   180, or 181, or 182).
        the student for transfer to four-year institutions of higher   Required Units for Major: 24 units*
        education and specifi cally intended to satisfy lower-division
        requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree in Communication   AA-T — ENGLISH
        Studies at a California State University. The knowledge
        and skills off ered in this degree help our students build   The AA-T in English is designed to prepare the student for
        satisfying and productive relationships in their careers as   transfer to four-year institutions of higher education and is
        well as in their personal and civic lives. Program Learning   specifi cally intended to satisfy lower-division requirements
        Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, students will   for a baccalaureate degree in English at a California State
        be able to demonstrate oral and written communication   University. Program Learning Outcomes: The knowledge
        skills to produce eff ective speeches; demonstrate increased   and skills off ered in this degree lead students to develop
        appreciation of the speech communication process, and   foundational knowledge in grammar, composition, literary
        demonstrate the ability to apply critical thinking skills in   analysis, and logical argumentation in the fi eld of English.
        the areas of speaking and listening.                  These skills provide tools for inquiry into local, national,
                                                              and global topics within the discipline.
        Required Core: SPCH 101;
        List A: Select two courses (6 units) SPCH 100, 103, or 104;  Required Core: ENGL 102, 104;
                                                              List A: Select two courses (6 units) ENGL 105, 106, 109,
        List B: Select two courses (6 units) Any course from list
        A not used above; JOURN/MCOMM 101; SPCH 106, 108,     110, 122, 123;
        160, 107 or 111 or 115 or 120;                        List B: Select one course (3 units) Any course from List
        List C: Select one course (3 units) Any course from   A not already used; ENGL 103, 114, 115, 116, 125;
        List A or B not used above; ENGL 102 or 102H or 104;   List C: Select one (3 units) Any course from List A or B
        JOURN 102; PSYCH 101 or 101H; SOC 101.                not already used; ENGL 111, 117, 127, 222; HUMAN 115;
                                                              LING 101; T ART 101; SPAN 124H.
        Required Units for Major: 18*
                                                              Required Units for Major: 18*

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92