Page 89 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 89


        AA-T — KINESIOLOGY                                    AS-T — MATHEMATICS
        The AA-T in Kinesiology is designed to provide a      The AS-T in Mathematics provides students with the
        fundamental understanding of principles and theories   mathematical concepts and skills to attain upper division
        related to human movement, anatomy, physiology,       status in mathematics at most four-year colleges and
        mechanics and motor learning. The completion of       universities. This coursework will satisfy the lower
        the required coursework will satisfy lower division   division mathematics requirements at the California State
        kinesiology requirements needed to transfer to most four   University. Successful completion of the transfer degree
        year institutions. This degree is intended for students   in Mathematics guarantees the student acceptance to
        who are interested in pursuing a variety of majors in the   the California State University. Students also have the
        Kinesiology  fi eld. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon   mathematical preparation to transfer to baccalaureate
        completion of this program, the student will have the skills   programs in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, or
        necessary to be successful in upper division courses at the   Computer Science. Students must complete all core
        university. The student will be able to demonstrate critical   courses and choose other courses from the additional
        thinking skills necessary to understand and analyze   courses listed to a total of 23-25 units. Program Learning
        knowledge specifi c to kinesiology; exhibit knowledge of   Outcomes:  Upon completion of this program, students
        the skeletal and neuromuscular structures of the human   will be able to solve applications in math and science using
        body; demonstrate oral and written communication that   derivatives, integrals, diff erential equations and linear
        meets appropriate professional and scientifi c  standards   algebra; evaluate limits, derivatives and integrals; solve
        in kinesiology; perform basic motor skills and apply a   a variety of rudimentary and second order diff erential
        variety of concepts, theories, and methods common to   equations; and analyze, synthesize and evaluate theorems
        kinesiology to bridge the gap between theory and practice;   in Linear Algebra.
        and apply and access universal risk management tools used   Required Core: MATH 103 or 103H, 104 or 104H, and 105
        to promote safe practices in physical activity.       or 105H;
        Required Core: KIN 100; BIOL 120 and 121;             List A: Select one course MATH 107, 107H, 108, 108H;
        Select one course from any of the following Movement   List B: Select one course from the following: Any course
        Based Course areas for a minimum of three (3) units:   from List A not used above; CS/IS 112, 135, 139; MATH 136;
        Combative: PE 131, 215, 217;                          PHY 101, 101H.
        Dance: DANCE 110, 111, 115, 116, 120, 121, 124, 124, 125,   Required Units for Major: 23-25 units*
        126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133, 138;
        Fitness: PE 102, 108, 110, 111, 167, 168, 180, 181, 295;   AA-T MUSIC
        DANCE 190, 194;
        Individual Sports: PE 140, 141, 202, 203, 261, 262;   The AA-T Music designed to prepare the student for
        Team Sports: PE 150, 151, 210, 211, 238, 239, 274, 275.  transfer to four year institutions of higher education and
        List A: Select two courses (6 units minimum)          is specifi cally intended to satisfy lower-division require-
        BIOL 115; CHEM 101 or 120; HLTH 102; MATH 136; PHY    ments for a baccalaureate degree in music at a California
        105.                                                  State University. The knowledge and skills off ered in this
        Required Units for Major: 22-26 units*                degree lead students to develop foundational knowledge in
                                                              the fi eld of music including those topics and issues related
                                                              to global, national, and local aspects of the fi eld of study.
                                                              Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this
                                                              program, students will be able to identify major topics,
                                                              developments, debates, and issues in music, students will
                                                              be able to apply their knowledge of key concepts in music
                                                              to discuss, analyze, and synthesize a variety of theoretical
                                                              and practical foci in music. Students will be able to gain a
                                                              global, national, and local perspective on issues pertaining
                                                              to music preparing them for multiple pathways for future
                                                              study and career opportunities
                                                              Required Core: MUSIC 201, 202, 203, 204, 211, 212, 213, 214;
                                                              Required two units: MUSIC 140;
                                                              Select four courses (4 units) MUSIC 143, 146, 147, 230, 231,
                                                              240, 241, 242.
                                                              Required Units for Major: 22 units*

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94