Page 88 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Transfer Degrees       85

            The AA-T in Film, Television and Electronic Media is   The AA-T in History is designed to prepare the student for trans-
            designed to prepare the student for transfer to four year   fer to four-year institutions of higher education and is specifi -
            institutions of higher education and is specifi cally intended   cally intended to satisfy the lower division requirements for the
            to satisfy lower-division requirements for a baccalaureate   Baccalaureate Degree in History at a California State University.
            degree in Film, Television, and Media or related fi elds. The   The knowledge and skills off ered in this degree lead students to
            knowledge and skills off ered in this degree lead students to   develop foundational knowledge in the fi eld of history includ-
            develop foundational knowledge in the fi eld of Media Arts   ing those topics and issues related to global, national, and local
            including those topics and issues related to global, national,   aspects of the  fi eld of study.  Program Learning Outcomes:
            and local aspects of the fi eld of study.  Program Learning   Upon completion of this program, students will engage in wide
            Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, the students   reading, deep thinking, and clear communication about the
            will have the skill to apply concepts of composition,  fi lm   vast record of human experience. Students will learn how to
            language and lighting techniques to support the creative   discover facts, weigh interpretations, and draw conclusions in
            vision of the director; collaborate eff ectively as a member of   order to comprehend the present, envision alternative scenarios,
            a team to achieve the challenges of technical and conceptual   and identify with generations to come.
            goals of a project from origination to the completion of the   Required Core: HIST 117, 118;
            high quality fi nal deliverable media production; utilize con-
            ceptual editing techniques to support storytelling and solve   List A: (6 units) HIST 101 or 140, 102 or 141;
            story problems through the use of editing dialogue, sound   List B: Select one course from each area:
            design, music, and sound eff ects to complete the creation of      Area 1: (3 units) Any list A course not already used;
            the master for fi nal deliverables.                    ANTHR 102; ART 118; HIST 103, 104, 105, 111, 113, 115,
            Required Core: MCOMM 101, MEDIA 110                   119, 120, 121, 131, 132; ETH S 101, 102, 110, 120, 121, 123,
            List A: Select one course from each area (6 units)    124, 125, 132, 164; GEOG 102, 103; POL S 110; ENGL 111,
            Area 1: Audio MEDIA 107                               124; SPAN 102.
            Area 2: Video or Film Production: MEDIA 101, 103         Area 2: (3 units) Any history course (including list A
            List B: Select one course (3 units) ENGL 112          courses not already used) or any non-history course from
                                                                  the humanities or social sciences related to history; ART
            List C: Select one course (3 units) ART 220; MEDIA 213  113; ENGL 111, 124; HIST 132, 136, 152; PHIL 113, 114, 118,
            Required Units for Major: 18 units
                                                                  121; POL S 101, 110, 110H, 111; SOC S 101, 134; SPCH 108.
            AA-T — GEOGRAPHY                                      Required Units for Major: 18 units*

            The AA-T in Geography is designed to prepare the student   AA-T — JOURNALISM
            for transfer to four year institutions of higher education   The AA-T in Journalism is designed to prepare the student
            and is specifically intended to satisfy lower-division   for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education and
            requirements for a baccalaureate degree in geography at a   is specifi cally intended to satisfy the lower-division require-
            California State University. Program Learning Outcomes:   ments for a baccalaureate degree in Journalism at a Califor-
            Upon completion of this program, the student will have   nia State University.  Program Learning Outcomes:  Upon
            the knowledge and skills off ered to develop foundational   completion of this program, the student will have the skills
            knowledge in the fi eld of geography including those topics   necessary to recognize and produce well-written news and
            and issues related to global, national, and local aspects of   feature articles; the ability to visually present news material
            the fi eld of study.                                   (articles and pictures) in an appealing way; and demonstrate
            Required Core: GEOG 101, 102, 111;                    knowledge of what is newsworthy.
            List A: Select two courses (6 -9 units) GEOG 103, 107, 110; 155,   Required Core: JOURN 102, 103; MCOMM 101;
            160;                                                  List A: Select one (3 units) JOURN 104, 110, 250;
            List B: Select two courses (6 units) Any course from List   List B: Select two courses (6 units) ENGL 104; PHOTO
            A not already used; ANTH 102; GEOL 101.               101; POL S 101.
            Required Units for Major: 18 - 20 units*              Required Units for Major: 18-19 units*

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93