Page 90 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 90

Transfer Degrees       87

            AA-T — PHILOSOPHY                                     AA-T — POLITICAL SCIENCE
            The AA-T in Philosophy is designed to prepare the student   The AA-T in Political Science is designed to prepare the
            for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education   student for transfer to four-year institutions of higher
            and is specifi cally intended to satisfy the lower division   education and is specifi cally intended to satisfy the lower
            requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree in Philosophy   division requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree in
            at a California State University. The knowledge and skills   Political Science at a California State University. The
            off ered in this degree lead students to develop foundational   knowledge and skills off ered in this degree lead students
            knowledge in the fi eld of philosophy including those topics   to develop foundational knowledge in the fi eld of political
            and issues related to global, national, and local aspects of   science including those topics and issues related to global,
            the  fi eld of study.  Program Learning Outcomes: Upon   national, and local aspects of the fi eld of study. Program
            completion of this program, students will be able to identify   Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this program,
            and evaluate arguments. Students will be able to recognize   students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate
            the importance of reasoning in seeking truth. Students will   political institutions and processes in their state, national
            be able to articulate and distinguish competing theories   and international environments.
            and perspectives.                                     Required Core: POL S 101 (POLS 106 is also required if
            Required Core: Select two courses                     POLS 101 is completed prior to Spring 2014);
            PHILO 117 or 123; PHILO 101 or 116;                   List A: Select three courses (9 units) MATH 136;
            List A: Select one course (3 units) PHILO 119, 120;   POL S 102, 103, 104;
            List B: Select two courses (6 units) Any course from List   List B: Select two courses (6 units) ANTHR 102;
            A not used above; HIST 101, 102; PHILO 113 or 114 or 121;   ETH S 102, 120, 121, 123, 132; GEOG 102; HIST 104, 117,
            PHILO 112 or 118;                                     118; MCOMM 101; POL S 108, 110, 111; SOC 102.
            List C: Select one course (3 units) Any course from List A   Required Units for Major: 18-19 units*
            or B not used above: HUMAN 105, 106, 110, 111, 115, 117,
            125, 130; PHILO 112 or 118 (if not used above).       AA-T — PSYCHOLOGY
            Required Units for Major: 18-20 units*                The AA-T in Psychology is designed to prepare the student
                                                                  for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education
            AS-T — PHYSICS
                                                                  and is specifi cally intended to satisfy the lower division
            The AS-T in Physics provides a foundation in physics and   requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree in Psychology
            mathematics for students planning to transfer into a bacca-  at a California State University. The knowledge and skills
            laureate program in physics or physics education. Success-  off ered in this degree lead students to develop foundational
            ful completion of the transfer degree in Physics guarantees   knowledge in the fi eld of psychology including those topics
            the student acceptance to a California State University to   and issues related to global, national, and local aspects of
            pursue a baccalaureate degree in Physics or a related Field.  the  fi eld of study.  Program Learning Outcomes: Upon
            Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this    completion of this program, students will be able to com-
            program, students will be able to apply appropriate physi-  municate how genetics and environmental factors interact
            cal laws and mathematical techniques to analyze various   to aff ect behaviors. Students will be able to critically ana-
            physical situations. Students will be able to perform   lyze research articles.
            various scientifi c experiments and to analyze data to check   Required Core: MATH 136; PSYCH 101 or 101H;
            agreement with theoretical predictions.               SOC S 200;
            Required Core: PHY 101, 102, 103; MATH 103, 104, 105.  List A: Select one course BIOL 115, 122; PSYCH 103;
            Required Units for Major: 28 units*                   List B: (3 units) Any course from List A not already
                                                                  used; PSYCH 104;
                                                                  List C: (3 units) Any course from List A or B not already
                                                                  used; ANTHR 102; BIOL 120; CHEM 101, 102; ENGL 102,
                                                                  104; PSYCH 105, 106, 110, 111, 113, 115, 131, 203; SOC 101.
                                                                  Required Units for Major: 19.5-20.5 units*

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95