Page 92 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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General Education Requirements          89

                                 GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS
                                   FOR GRADUATION FROM COLLEGES
                                                 AND UNIVERSITIES

            It is important for students who plan to transfer to a four-  CSU BREADTH & IGETC GENERAL EDUCATION
            year college or university at the close of their community   REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION
            college studies to decide early which college they will enter.
            Having decided this, they should plan their program in   Listed below are the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the
            accordance with the requirements of that institution.  general education requirements for certifi cation to the California
                                                                  State University and/or the University of California. GCC off ers
            Transfer courses are designed to parallel lower-division   certifi cation through CSU or IGETC as a certifi cate program, as
            off erings at four-year colleges and universities. Through   well as part of the AA-T and AS-T degree requirements. After
            the transfer curriculum, GCC students may complete    completion of all requirements.
            freshman and sophomore requirements and transfer to
            the university with junior or upper division status. With   Mathematical Competency: Students will be able to understand,
            careful planning, students may also complete graduation   interpret, and manipulate numeric or symbolic information.
            requirements for the Associate in Arts /Science, or AA-T/  Information Competency: Students will be able to recognize the
            AS-T degree at the same time that they are completing the   need for information and defi ne a research topic.
            Baccalaureate degree requirements.
                                                                  Critical Thinking: Students will be able to evaluate the credibility
            A student may transfer a maximum of 70 units from a   and signifi cance of information, eff ectively interpret, analyze,
            community college to campuses of either the University   synthesize , explain and infer concepts and ideas; solve problems
            of California or the California State University systems.    and make decisions; and construct and deconstruct arguments.
            It is advised (and at some schools required) that students
            transfer with at least 60 transferable units to ensure that   Global Awareness: Students will be able to recognize and analyze
            they are admitted to the four-year institution with junior   the interconnectedness of global, national, and local concerns,
            or upper division status.                             analyzing cultural, political, social and environmental issues
                                                                  from multiple perspectives; they recognize the interdependence
            The following pages list the General Education requirements   of the global environment and humanity.
            for some of the four-year colleges and universities in this
            area. Requirements for additional colleges and universities   Personal Responsibility: Students will be able to demonstrate an
            are available from your counselor or the Transfer Center.  understanding of the consequences, both positive and negative,
                                                                  of their own actions; set personal, academic, and career goals; and
            Agreements concerning transferability are constantly   seek and utilize the appropriate resources to reach such goals.
            being updated, therefore the student is cautioned to check
            with a counselor or the Transfer Center for exact transfer   In order for students to show completion of their general education
            information. Some University of California (UC) transfer   requirements , upon completion of all requirements, students
            credit may be limited; consult a counselor or the Transfer   must request CSU Breadth or IGETC certifi cation be posted
            Center for additional information.                    to their offi  cial GCC transcript by completing the Transcript
                                                                  Request Form, checking the appropriate box (CSU or IGETC),
                                                                  and submitting it to the Admissions & Records Offi  ce.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97