Page 96 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 96

Course Descriptions        93

                                             COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

            Courses are listed in numerical order under department   DEGREE AND TRANSFER CREDIT
            headings, which are in alphabetical order. Each course is
            listed by number with the course title and the number of   Not all courses off ered at Glendale Community College
            units. Following each course description are the number   award Associate in Arts and/or Associate in Science
            of hours of lecture and laboratory and prerequisites of the   degree credit. Courses that do not award credit toward
            course. Transferability of the course is indicated for insti-  the AA/AS degrees contain the statement ‘‘non-degree
            tutions to which students tend to matriculate. Whether or   applicable’’ in their course description and may not be
            not all courses described will be off ered during the pres-  counted toward the 60 unit requirement for graduation.
            ent academic year will depend on the student enrollment.  All students completing non-degree applicable courses
                                                                  prior to Fall 1990 will continue to receive graduation
            COURSE PREREQUISITES/COREQUISITES/                    credit for these courses. Transfer credit is noted at the
            RECOMMENDED PREPARATION                               end of each course description. The note ‘‘UC’’ means the
                                                                  course is transferable to the University of California, all
                                                                  campuses. The note ‘‘CSU’’ means the course is transfer-
            “Prerequisite means a condition of enrollment that a student   able to the California State University, all campuses. The
            is required to meet in order to demonstrate current readiness   note ‘‘USC.’’ means the course is transferable to the Uni-
            for enrollment in a course or educational program.”   versity of Southern California. Agreements concerning
            Students are expected to have satisfi ed the prerequisite   transferability are constantly being updated, therefore
            requirements as stated in this catalog for all courses. All   the student is cautioned to check with a counselor or the
            prerequisite classes must have been completed with a   Transfer Center for exact transfer information. Some Uni-
            satisfactory grade. “Satisfactory grade means that, for   versity of California (UC) transfer credit may be limited;
            the course in question, the student’s academic record has   consult a counselor or the Transfer Center for additional
            been annotated with the symbol A, B, C, or P.”        information.
            Corequisites                                          VARIABLE UNITS
            “Corequisite means a condition of enrollment consisting   Certain courses in this catalog have variable units in-
            of a course that a student is required to simultaneously   dicated and specify the maximum number of units that
            take in order to enroll in another course.”           may be acquired by repetitive enrollment in the class.
            Classes listed as corequisites must have been either com-  Students who complete variable unit classes and earn less
            pleted or be taken concurrently.                      than the maximum units as indicated may repeat those
                                                                  classes only until the maximum indicated units have
            Recommended Preparation
                                                                  been earned.
            “Recommended preparation means a condition of enroll-
            ment that a student is advised, but not required, to meet   OPEN ENROLLMENT
            before or in conjunction with enrollment in a course or   Unless specifi cally exempted by statute, every course,
            educational program.”                                 course section, or class for which average daily atten-
            Recommended preparation has been judged by individual   dance is to be reported for state aid shall be open for en-
            departments to be important to success in a course.   rollment and participation by any person who has been
                                                                  admitted to the college and who meets the prerequisites
                                                                  of such courses.
            Whenever “equivalent” is listed as an alternative prereq-
            uisite, it is understood to indicate knowledge and/or skills
            learned through personal experience, education, and/or
            training equivalent to listed prerequisite courses. The cri-
            teria for such equivalency are established by each instruc-
            tional discipline to ascertain whether there has been suf-
            fi cient mastery of the content of the academic prerequisite.
            Note: Title 5, Section 55003 (p) permits a student to appeal a course
                 prerequisite based on the unavailability of the required course
                 (see waiver of prerequisites).

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101