Page 98 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ACCOUNTING          95

                    ACCOUNTING                  102                                 121
                                                MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING               ADVANCED COMPUTERIZED
            50                                  5.0 Units                           ACCOUNTING
            ACCOUNTING INTERNSHIP               ACCTG 102 continues student development   3.0 Units
            1.0 to 3.0 Units                    in the use of accounting concepts. It presents   ACCTG 121 is an advanced course allowing
            ACCTG 50 is a discipline-specifi c  course,   managerial accounting from an information-  students to learn computerized accounting
            which allows students to earn from 1.0 – 3.0   user, decision-making viewpoint. Emphasis   skills using two of the most used accounting
            units for a structured, supervised internship   is placed on developing students’ ability to   programs, prepare sophisticated practice sets
            either on-campus or off -campus under the   critically judge and evaluate issues covered in   from assorted accounting software.  Note:
            supervision of a faculty advisor. It is designed   the course. The majority of the course covers   This course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 3
            to provide students with appropriate prepara-  managerial accounting for business opera-  hours. Recommended Preparation: ACCTG
            tion and a hands-on work experience in one   tions, stressing four-year college transfer   101, ACCTG 110, ACCTG 120, OBT 97 or
            of the following  fi elds: Public accounting,   expectations, with the remainder concerned   equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            Management accounting, Governmental   with fi nancial management, and evaluating   Winter.
            accounting, and Internal auditing. The   businesses. Ethical issues and open-ended   130
            purpose of this class is to enhance students’   exercises requiring critical judgment and   PAYROLL ACCOUNTING
            knowledge, skill levels, and professional   narrative response by students may be used   3.0 Units
            competency in their targeted career. This   throughout the course. Lecture 5 hours.   ACCTG 130 is an in-depth and practical
            course is recommended for the self-motivated   Prerequisite: ACCTG 101 or equivalent.   instruction in payroll accounts. It off ers
            student, and requires faculty advisor approval   Recommended Preparation: Concurrent   an opportunity for the student to learn
            to register. Note: Students must arrange an   enrollment or completion of CABOT 260 or   essential concepts of payroll and to master
            approved internship prior to enrolling in this   270, or equivalent spreadsheet experience.   these concepts thoroughly by complet-
            class. Complete two or more courses within   Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  ing a wide variety of realistic activities. It
            your program before attempting an intern-  Summer/Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   covers payroll laws, payroll calculations,
            ship. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.    USC. (C-ID ACCT 120)   paying and recording payroll, Federal and
            Recommended Preparation  or concurrent   110                            State payroll taxes and returns and payroll
            enrollment: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL   BASIC ACCOUNTING I        systems - manual and Computerized-Payroll
            151. Transfer Credit: CSU.          4.0 Units                           Accounting. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
            101                                 ACCTG 110 is an introductory course in   Preparation: ACCTG 101, ACCTG 110 or
            FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING                bookkeeping including study of the account-  equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            5.0 Units                           ing equation, the theory of debit and credit,   Spring.
            ACCTG 101 introduces students to the use   accounting devices, working papers and   150
            of accounting information, and to analysis   business forms, and the preparation of   PRINCIPLES OF INCOME TAXATION
            using accounting and  fi nancial  concepts   balance sheets and income statements. Note:   3.0 Units
            and terminology. Accounting information   This course is suitable for students to prepare   ACCTG 150 is a course that focuses on the
            is presented from the user’s viewpoint. The   for ACCTG 101 and for those interested in   analysis and preparation of tax returns, item-
            course covers fi nancial accounting, dealing   fi nancial recordkeeping for small business.   ized deductions, and a technical profi ciency
            with such topics as the accounting cycle,   No credit will be awarded for ACCTG 110 if   in federal and state tax law as it applies to
            revenue and expense recognition, internal   taken concurrently with ACCTG 101 or after   the individual. This course provides the
            control, external reporting requirements,   completion of ACCTG 101 or ACCTG 102.   foundation of knowledge required for tax
            cash flow, financial statement analysis,   Lecture 4 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   practitioners. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequi-
            GAAP, IFRS and asset, liability, and stock-  Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  site: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            holder’s equity valuation. Ethical issues and   120                     Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU
            open-ended exercises requiring critical judg-  COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING
            ment and narrative response by students may   SYSTEMS                   155
            be used throughout the course. Note: ACCTG   3.0 Units                  VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX
            101 may not be taken by students who have   ACCTG 120 provides students with computer   ASSISTANCE (VITA) I
            completed ACCTG 106 with a grade of “C”   skills required for employment in the fi eld   3.0 Units
            or better. Lecture 5 hours.  Recommended   of computerized accounting. This course   ACCTG 155 is a course that teaches the
            Preparation: Concurrent enrollment or   provides an introduction to the basics of   fundamental knowledge of Federal and State
            completion of CABOT 260 or 270 or equiva-  accounting application software for book-  Income Tax Preparation. The concentration
            lent spreadsheet experience.  Prerequisite:   keepers, accountants, and business manag-  will be on the tax information for the low
            None  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  ers. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended Prepa-  income and elderly and computer generated
            Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   ration: Concurrent Enrollment in Account-  tax returns. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass
            UC, USC. (C-ID ACCT 110)                                                only. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ACCTG
                                                ing 101 or Accounting 110 or equivalent
                                                experience in accounting. Course Typically   150 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
                                                Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  Winter (Every Other Year).

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103