Page 99 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        156                                 165                                 201
        ASSISTANCE (VITA) II                AND TAX FRAUD                       5.0 Units
        1.0 Unit                            3.0 Units                           ACCTG 201 is an advanced course in fi nan-
        ACCTG 156 is a course in which students   ACCTG 165 is a course in the principles   cial accounting. Topics include the income
        learn and apply the fundamental knowledge   of tax planning and tax research. Topics   statement preparation, statement of cash
        of income tax preparation. With the assis-  include general principles of tax planning,   fl ow, time value of money, income measure-
        tance of the instructor and state and federal   self-employed versus employee tax plan-  ment, balance sheet preparation, cash and
        agents, the students will assist low income   ning, family tax planning, fi xed and other   receivables, and inventories. Lecture 5
        and elderly citizens in the preparation of   assets tax planning, deduction tax planning,   hours. Prerequisite: ACCTG 101 or equiva-
        Federal and State tax forms. Note: This course   retirement planning, tax research proce-  lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall (Every
        is Pass/No Pass only.  Lecture 0.5 hour/Labo-  dures, Internal Revenue Code, treasury and   Other Year).
        ratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: ACCTG 155 or   judicial interruptions, primary and second-  202
        equivalent. Note: May be taken 4 times for   ary courses and tax procedures. Lecture 3   INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II
        credit. Course Typically Off ered: Spring.   hours. Recommended Preparation: ACCTG   5.0 Units
                                            150. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        157                                 Transfer Credit: CSU.               ACCTG 202 is a course that further develops
        VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX                                                    the concepts of liabilities and owner’s equity.
        ASSISTANCE (VITA) LEADERSHIP        170                                 The course covers short and long term liabili-
        1.0 Unit                            CALIFORNIA BUSINESS TAXES           ties, leases, pensions and payroll liabilities,
        ACCTG 157 is a course in which students   2.0 Units                     corporate income taxes, detailed prepara-
        learn and apply leadership skills by aiding   ACCTG 170 is an advanced course in Cali-  tion of Statement of Cash Flows, presenta-
        fi rst year VITA volunteers in interview-  fornia non-income business taxation. Topics   tion of accounting changes and errors and
        ing and preparing state and federal taxes.   include sales and use taxes, real and personal   disclosure and reporting responsibilities of
        Students will guide and direct VITA Volun-  property taxes, withholding on dispositions   a corporation. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite:
        teers in assisting low-income and elderly citi-  of real estate, environmental taxes and fees,   ACCTG 101 or equivalent. Course Typically
        zens in the preparation of their federal and   city business license taxes, and miscella-  Off ered: Spring (Every Other Year).
        state tax forms. Lecture 0.5 hour/Laboratory   neous taxes. Lecture 2 hours. Prerequisite:   210
        2 hours. Prerequisite: ACCTG 156 or equiva-  ACCTG 101 or equivalent. Course Typically   ADVANCED ACCOUNTING
        lent. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   Off ered: Spring (Every Other Year).   5.0 Units
        Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
                                            175                                 ACCTG 210 is an advanced course in fi nan-
        160                                 ESTATE, GIFT, AND TRUST             cial accounting. Topics include business
        ADVANCED INCOME TAX                 TAXATION                            combinations, consolidated statements,
        3.0 Units                           2.0 Units                           goodwill, intercompany transactions, cash
        ACCTG 160 covers the tax eff ects of account-  ACCTG 175 covers estate, gift, and trust   fl ow, earnings per share, special issues in
        ing methods, rental and royalty income,   taxation. Topics include computation of   investments, subsidiary equity transac-
        business income and expenses, mechanisms   gross estate tax, valuation of gross estate,   tions, leverage buyouts and partnerships.
        for realizing income such as corporations   deductions from the gross estate, transfers   Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite: ACCTG 201
        and partnerships, and minimization of   by gift, basis of property transferred by gift,   or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:
        taxes through tax planning. This course is   present and future interests, exclusions from   Spring (Every Other Year).
        of assistance to tax practitioners, individuals   gift taxes, generation-skipping transfer tax   220
        seeking an overview of the various methods   (GST), and taxation of trusts. Lecture 2 hours.   COST ACCOUNTING
        of taxation, and those planning to take the   Recommended Preparation: ACCTG 150 or   3.0 Units
        Enrolled Agents examination given by the   equivalent.
        Internal Revenue Service. Lecture 3 hours.   180                        ACCTG 220 is an advanced course in
        Prerequisite: ACCTG 150 or equivalent.   FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND         managerial accounting. Topics include job
        Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   COMMUNICATIONS             costing, product costing, process costing,
        Credit: CSU.                                                            joint-process costing, activity based costing
                                            2.0 Units                           systems, support service costs, value chain,
                                            ACCTG 180 is a course in which the students   quality management, cost-volume-profit
                                            apply the tools of the accounting profession   models, budgeting, variance analysis, capital
                                            to solve problems and complex case stud-  investment decisions, and transfer pricing.
                                            ies common in the industry. Topics include   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ACCTG 102
                                            the use of general ledger, database, and   or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:
                                            spreadsheet programs, advanced fi nancial   Spring (Every Other Year).
                                            ratios, extensive budget creation with vari-
                                            ance analysis, and real-time adjustments,
                                            setting up a general ledger package, decision
                                            making formulas, creating  fi nancial  state-
                                            ments and producing spreadsheet for vari-
                                            ous accounting decisions. Lecture 2 hours.
                                            Recommended Preparation: ACCTG 101 or
                                            equivalent; and CABOT 260 or CABOT 265 or
                                            CABOT 270 or equivalent. Course Typically
                                            Off ered: Fall/Spring.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104