Page 103 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 103


        150                                 154                                 103
        RECOVERY                            COMMUNITY NETWORKING                4.0 Units
        2.0 Units                           4.0 Units                           ASL 103 expands on the  fi rst courses by
        ADST 150 provides students with an oppor-  ADST 154 provides students with an   developing smooth transitions in produc-
        tunity to observe and evaluate Alcoholics   opportunity to attend, observe and evaluate   tion of American Sign Language in dialogue
        Anonymous and several other self-help   Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcot-  form. Emphasis is placed on realistic
        groups involved in the treatment of alcohol/  ics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous   dialogue situations and discussion groups
        drug dependency and related disorders.   and other self-help groups involved in the   conducted in the target language. Lecture
        Alcoholics Anonymous is studied as the   treatment of alcohol/drug dependency and   4.5 hour. Prerequisite: ASL 102 or equivalent.
        foundation or blueprint for emerging self-  related disorders. Alcoholics Anonymous is   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer
        help groups. The ‘Twelve Steps’ of recovery   studied as the foundation and blueprint for   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        from Alcoholics Anonymous are studied   other well utilized self-help groups. The class   104
        from both a psychological and self-help   provides an opportunity for the student to   AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE IV
        perspective. Lecture 2 hours. Prerequisite:   survey and analyze a variety of resources   4.0 Units
        AD ST 101 and AD ST 103. Recommended   in the community involved in the treatment
        Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or   of alcohol and drug dependency. In analyz-  ASL 104 is a continued expansion of the
        ESL 151.                            ing the facilities, students examine policies   preceding three courses emphasizing the
                                            and procedures as well as employment   course of dialogue form and develops narra-
        152                                 opportunities and expectations regarding   tive forms such as story telling and daily
        INTERNSHIP I                        services. Lecture 4 hours.  Recommended   events. Emphasis will be placed on realistic
        3.0 Units                                                               dialogue situations and abstract situations.
                                            Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL
        ADST 152 is one of two semester-length   151. Prerequisite: AD ST 103 or equivalent.   Conducted in the target language. Lecture
        internships in which the student is assigned   Course Typically Off ered: Summer. Transfer   4 hours/Laboratory 0.5 hour. Prerequisite:
        to an alcohol/drug related treatment   Credit: CSU.                     ASL 103 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        program or agency to acquire work experi-                               UC, USC.
        ence. The student functions under agency   AMERICAN SIGN                105
        supervision to gain case management expe-     LANGUAGE                  CONVERSATIONAL AMERICAN SIGN
        rience which may include working with                                   LANGUAGE I
        individuals, couples, and/or families, as well   101                    2.0 Units
        as groups. The course explores the extent   AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE I
        to which knowledge of personal family   4.0 Units                       ASL 105 off ers intensive practice in expres-
        history impacts counselor competencies   ASL 101 is an introductory course that   sion and comprehension of American Sign
        and relationships with agencies and clients.   provides instruction on deafness, deaf   Language. It provides the student with
        Internship experiences are explored as they   culture, and the language used by the deaf   practical conversation practice on everyday
        relate to lecture content. The internship hours   community. Note: This course not intended   topics, including culture, and allows for
        apply to the additional hours required for   for students with profi ciency in ASL or who   expansion of vocabulary and use of hand-
        state/national credentialing. Lecture 3 hours.   have attended schools where ASL was the   shapes. This class allows for opportunities
        Prerequisite: AD ST 110 and 112 or equiva-  language of instruction. Lecture 4.5 hour.   to interact with fellow students and the
        lent. Corequisite AD ST 50 (1 Unit). Course   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   instructor in order to improve conversational
        Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically   skills. Lecture 2 hours. Prerequisite: ASL 101
        Credit: CSU.                                                            or equivalent. Note: May be taken 3 times for
                                            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   credit. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        153                                 UC, USC.
        INTERNSHIP II                       102                                 202
        3.0 Units                                                               THEORY AND PROCESS
                                            AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE II           OF INTERPRETING FOR
        ADST 153 is one of two semester-length   4.0 Units                      PROFESSIONAL INTERPRETERS
        internships in which the student is assigned   ASL 102 is designed to provide a continua-  3.0 Units
        to an alcohol/drug related program or   tion of the introductory course. The major
        agency. The student functions under agency   focus of this course is to develop students’   ASL 202 is a skills based course for working
        supervision to gain case management experi-  American Sign Language vocabulary and   interpreters to improve their interpreting
        ence which may include working with indi-  comprehension of signed material. Lecture   skills by incorporating current theories of
        viduals, couples, and/or families, as well as   4.5 hour. Prerequisite: ASL 101 or equiva-  interpreting into their own work. The course
        groups. Course theory focuses on legal and   lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   presents an overview of current models
        ethical issues, including relationships with   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  of interpreting and models of cognitive
        clients, colleagues, and agencies. Internship                           processing. Weekly on-camera practice and
        experiences are explored as they relate to                              self-critique will be utilized to improve indi-
        lecture content. The internship hours apply                             vidual work. Note: This course is designed
        to the additional hours required for state/                             for non-certifi ed working interpreters inter-
        national credentialing. Lecture 3 hours.                                ested in pursuing their certifi cation as well
        Prerequisite: AD ST 110 and 112 or equiva-                              as certifi ed working interpreters needing to
        lent. Corequisite AD ST 50 (1 Unit). Transfer                           earn Continuing Education Units for their
        Credit: CSU.                                                            Certification Maintenance Program for
                                                                                Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
                                                                                and the National Association of the Deaf
                                                                                (NAD). Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108