Page 115 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 115

112     ART

        210                                 230                                 233
        STORYBOARD                          GRAPHICS                            3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           ART 233 provides students with training
        ART 210 prepares students to analyze scripts   ART 230 introduces students to the Maya   in character set-up techniques. The course
        and to represent stories visually for anima-  user interface and essential modeling,   begins with a thorough review of the anima-
        tion. Students explore how elements of   rendering, character set up, and animation   tion and character set-up toolset. Skills taught
        cinematic storytelling such as composition,   tools and techniques. This course is intended   include installation of the skeleton within
        staging and editing are used to support and   to provide the student with an understand-  wireframe mesh, establishment of anima-
        enhance story. Acting for animation and   ing of theoretical concepts required for   tion controls such as inverse kinematic (IK)
        producing industry-standard storyboards   future projects. Note: Current industry stan-  handles and set-driven-key relationships,
        are discussed. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 2   dard digital animation software (Maya) will   and binding of mesh to skeleton using rigid
        hours. Prerequisite: ART 201 or equivalent.   be used. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5   and smooth models. Note: Current industry
        Course Typically Off ered: Spring.   hours. Recommended Preparation: CABOT   standard digital animation software (Maya)
                                            206 and ART 152. Course Typically Off ered:   will be used. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory
        220                                 Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.          1.5 hours. Recommended Preparation: ART
        INTRODUCTION TO MOTION                                                  230 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
        GRAPHICS                            231                                 Fall/Spring.
        3.0 Units                           INORGANIC MODELING
        ART 220 provides students with introductory   3.0 Units                 234
        instruction in motion graphics, compositing,   ART 231 provides foundation instruction   ADVANCED 3D CHARACTER SET-UP
        visual eff ects, and animation techniques   in the modeling of inorganic objects, such   3.0 Units
        using Adobe After Eff ects. Students learn   as vehicles, furniture, or buildings. The   ART 234 provides students with advanced
        to use digitally scanned photography or   course begins with a thorough review of   training in character set-up techniques. Skills
        artwork, vector based content, video, and   the modeling interface. Students learn to   covered include binding of the character
        audio to create animated sequences. Funda-  apply polygonal modeling techniques to   using joints and infl uence objects, instal-
        mental aesthetic concepts in creating motion   create game-ready or cinema-ready three-  lation and modifi cation of the Full-Body
        graphics are covered, including composition,   dimensional objects. Methods of optimizing   Inverse Kinematic (FBIK) skeleton, the
        color, motion, and timing. Students are   geometries for output are covered.  Note:   creation of blendshape targets, and the facial
        exposed to basic technical concepts, such as   Current industry standard digital animation   animation control system. The student will
        aspect ratio, output type, and compression/  software (Maya) will be used. Lecture 2.5   be encouraged to design a character set-up
        decompression. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 2   hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Recommended   and test it for use in an animated scene. Note:
        hours. Recommended Preparation: PHOTO   Preparation: ART 230 or equivalent. Course   Current industry standard digital anima-
        121 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   tion software will be used. Lecture 2 hours/
        Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.                                      Studio 2 hours.  Prerequisite: ART 233 or
        221                                 ORGANIC MODELING                    equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
                                                                                Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        ADVANCED MOTION GRAPHICS            3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           ART 232 provides instruction in the model-  235
        ART 221 provides students with advanced   ing of organic objects, such as the human   3D CHARACTER ANIMATION
        instruction in motion graphics and compos-  body, the body of an animal, or a fantasy   3.0 Units
        iting techniques using Adobe After Eff ects.   character. Students learn to apply polygon   ART 235 provides students with three dimen-
        Students learn to create broadcast-quality   and non uniform rational b-spline (NURBS)   sional (3-D) character animation training.
        motion graphic animations. Building on   modeling techniques to create game-ready or   The course begins with a thorough review
        the skills learned in ART 220, students   cinema-ready three-dimensional computer   of the animation toolset. Equal emphasis is
        are required in this course to realize their   graphic (CG) characters. Note: Current indus-  placed on technical competence and aesthetic
        designs with a high degree of fi delity to their   try standard digital animation software will   sensitivity. Topics covered include animation
        original design concepts. Lecture 2 hours/  be used. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5   controls to pose a character, forward and
        Studio 2 hours.  Prerequisite: ART 220 or   hours. Prerequisite: ART 231 or equivalent.   inverse kinematic animation, keyframes and
        equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   breakdowns, timing and movement, and
        Spring.                                                                 audio/dialog track. Note: Current industry
                                                                                standard digital animation software (Maya)
        229                                                                     will be used. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory
        INTRODUCTION TO 3D STUDIO MAX                                           1.5 hours.  Recommended Preparation:
        1.5 Units
                                                                                ART 230 or equivalent.  Course Typically
        ART 229 teaches the fundamentals of 3DS                                 Off ered: Fall.
        MAX. Students will acquire basic modeling,
        rendering, lighting, texturing, and anima-
        tion skills. Issues associated with creating
        presentation fi les for product development
        will be discussed.  Note: Current industry
        standard digital animation software will be
        used. Lecture 1 hour/Studio 2 hours. Recom-
        mended Preparation: Basic computer skills.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120