Page 117 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        268                                 280                                 287
        PROTOTYPING                         TRENDS IN STUDIO ARTS               3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           ART 287 introduces the sculptor to human
        ART 268 trains students in the design of a   ART 280 is an intermediate studio art course   anatomy through the ecorche technique.
        complete game concept document. Lectures   that considers alternative technical and prac-  Using a live model and other references, the
        will focus on case studies of successful games   tical methods in drawing, painting, print-  student will sculpt a human fi gure from the
        and game concept presentations, with special   making, and mixed-media art. The course   skeleton up through the musculature to the
        attention paid to the factors that make a game   will examine trends in the studio techniques,   fatty tissues and the skin. The medium will
        concept marketable both conceptually and in   fabrication processes, and presentation   be the industry standard polymer clay on an
        terms of game-play. Students will be given   methods of currently exhibiting fi ne artists.   aluminum armature. Lecture 2 hours/Studio
        assignments to analyze the strengths and   The course will encourage students to apply   2 hours. Recommended Preparation: ART
        weaknesses of game design proposals. Game   these non-traditional methods to the ways   138 or equivalent, ART 180 or equivalent, and
        authoring software will be fully described   they conceive, plan, execute and exhibit   eligibility for ENGL 191 or ESL 141.
        so that students are able to envision using   their own work. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 2   288
        software components to create game content.   hours. Prerequisite: ART 130 or equivalent.   THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN LAB
        The class ends with a fi nal project in which   Recommended Preparation: ART 150, and   1.0 Unit
        students create and present their own game   152 or 160. Transfer Credit: CSU. (Special
        concept documents. Lecture/Demonstra-  Projects Family)                 NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
        tion 3 hours.  Recommended Preparation:   282                           ART 288 enables 3-D design students to have
        ART 267 or CS/IS 267 or equivalent. Course   METHODS IN WOOD SCULPTURE  additional supervised studio time, and to
        Typically Off ered: Spring.                                              increase their laboratory skills relative to
                                            3.0 Units                           concurrent enrollment in 3-D design classes.
        270                                 ART 282 explores a variety of techniques in   Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.
        3D GAME LEVEL DESIGN I              basic wood working for the sculptor. Using   Studio 4 hours. Corequisite: ART 138. Course
        3.0 Units                           both hand tools and power tools, students   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        ART 270 introduces students to the tools   become familiar with the procedures for
        and concepts used to create levels for games   creating an object from wood. There will be   ASTRONOMY
        and simulations using a level design editor.   an emphasis on safety in the shop. Lecture 2
        Students will apply basic principles of game   hours/Studio 2 hours. Recommended Prepa-  102
        design, including the design of rules, a core   ration: ART 138 or equivalent; Eligibility for   OBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMY
        game mechanic, victory, and loss conditions   ENGL 191 or ESL 141.      1.0 Unit
        using industry-standard game development   285                          ASTRO 102 maps the sky by means of bright
        toolsets. Current industry-standard game   SCULPTURE LAB                stars and constellations. Small telescopes are
        development software will be used. Lecture/  1.0 Unit                   used for observing celestial objects. Labora-
        Demonstration 4 hours. Prerequisite: ART                                tory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: ASTRO 110 or
        267 or CS/IS 267 or equivalent.  Recom-  NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE          120. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        mended Preparation: ART 230.  Course   ART 285 enables sculpture students to have   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        Typically Off ered: Fall.            additional supervised studio time, and to   103
                                            increase their laboratory skills relative to
        271                                 concurrent enrollment in sculpture classes.   TOPICS IN MODERN ASTRONOMY
        3D GAME LEVEL DESIGN II             Laboratory 3 hours. Corequisite: Enrollment   3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           in one of the following: ART 138 or 180 or   ASTRO 103 is designed for students who have
        ART 271 covers advanced subjects in 3D   181. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   completed a survey course in astronomy.
        Game Level Design, such as material   286                               This course deals with recent developments
        construction, volumes, physics objects,   PORTRAIT SCULPTURE            in astronomy. Specifi c topics covered are
        particle systems, and the game environment   3.0 Units                  exploration of the solar system with space-
        animation system. Students will be encour-                              craft, general relativity and black holes, active
        aged to incorporate externally generated   ART 286 is an introduction to traditional and   galaxies and cosmology. Lecture 3 hours.
        content into the game environment. Current   contemporary portrait sculpture. Students   Prerequisite: ASTRO 110 or 120.  Transfer
        industry standard game development soft-  learn technical modeling and casting skills,   Credit: CSU.
        ware will be used. Lecture/Demonstration 4   the physical and expressive possibilities of
        hours. Prerequisite: ART 270 or equivalent.   the human head, and appropriate use of
        Recommended Preparation: ART 231, ART   tools and materials. Lecture 2 hours/Studio
        235, ART 237 or ART 245. Course Typically   2 hours. Recommended Preparation: ART
        Off ered: Fall.                      138 or equivalent, ART 180 or equivalent, and
                                            eligibility for ENGL 191 or ESL 141.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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