Page 122 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 122


            150                                 159                                 165
            1.5 Units                           1.5 Units                           1.5 Units
            (Previously ATHPE 102)              ATHPE 159 is designed for the student-  ATHPE 165 is designed for the student-
            ATHPE 150 is designed for the student-  athlete and is intended to provide focused   athlete and is intended to provide focused
            athlete and is intended to provide focused   strength and conditioning exercises with an   strength and conditioning exercises with
            strength and conditioning exercises with an   emphasis on safety, injury prevention, rules,   an emphasis on safety, injury prevention,
            emphasis on safety, injury prevention, rules,   and game plays for soccer.  Note: ATHPE   rules, and game plays for volleyball. Note:
            and game plays for baseball. Note: ATHPE   159 is designed for the intercollegiate men’s   ATHPE 165 is designed for the intercolle-
            150 is designed for the intercollegiate baseball   soccer team. Laboratory 4.5 hours. Prereq-  giate women’s volleyball team. Laboratory
            team. A combination of ATHPE 150 and/or   uisite: None.  Note: May be taken 4 times   4.5 hours. Prerequisite: None. Note: May be
            ATHPE 102 can be taken for up to 4 times for   for credit.              taken 4 times for credit.
            credit. Laboratory 4.5 hours. Prerequisite:   160
            None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   SOFTBALL CONDITIONING             AVIATION &
            Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   1.5 Units                       TRANSPORTATION
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                                ATHPE 160 is designed for the student-  112
            153                                 athlete and is intended to provide focused   PRIVATE PILOT LABORATORY I
            CROSS-COUNTRY CONDITIONING          strength and conditioning exercises with   2.0 Units
            1.5 Units                           an emphasis on safety, injury prevention,   AT 112 is a fl ight training laboratory course
            ATHPE 153 is designed for the student-  rules, and game plays for softball.  Note:   intended to begin the student’s preparation
            athlete and is intended to provide focused   May be taken 4 times for credit. ATHPE 160   for the Federal Aviation Administration
            strength and conditioning exercises with   is designed for the intercollegiate softball   Private Pilot Certifi cate Oral and Practi-
            an emphasis on safety, injury prevention,   team. Laboratory 4.5 hours.  Prerequisite:   cal Tests. Topics covered include: Prefl ight
            rules, and strategies for cross-country. Note:   None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.  inspection, weather briefings, starting
            ATHPE 153 is designed for the cross-country   161                       procedures and use of checklists, taxi
            team. Laboratory 4.5 hours.  Prerequisite:   WOMEN’S TENNIS CONDITIONING  procedures, normal and cross wind takeoff s
            None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   1.5 Units                and landings, slips, four fundamentals of
            155                                 ATHPE 161 is designed for the student-  aircraft control, emergency procedures, traf-
            FOOTBALL CONDITIONING               athlete and is intended to provide focused   fi c patterns, ground reference maneuvers,
            1.5 Units                           strength and conditioning exercises with an   stalls, and radio communications. Laboratory
            (Previously ATHPE 116)              emphasis on safety, injury prevention, rules,   6 hours. Prerequisite: AT 120 or equivalent.
                                                and game plays for women’s tennis. Note:
            ATHPE 155 is designed for the student-athlete                           113
            interested in conditioning for intercollegiate   ATHPE 161 is designed for the intercollegiate   PRIVATE PILOT LABORATORY II
            football. The course is intended to provide   women’s tennis team. Laboratory 4.5 hours.   3.0 Units
            strength and conditioning exercises with an   Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4   AT 113 is a fl ight training laboratory course
            emphasis on safety, injury prevention, rules,   times for credit.       intended to complete the student’s prepara-
            and game plays for football. Note: ATHPE   162                          tion for the Federal Aviation Administration
            155 is designed for the intercollegiate football   MEN’S TENNIS CONDITIONING  Private Pilot Certifi cate Oral and Practical
            team. A combination of ATHPE 155 and/or   1.5 Units                     Tests. Topics covered include: night fl ying
            ATHPE 116 can be taken for up to 4 times for   ATHPE 162 is designed for the student-  techniques, short and soft fi eld takeoff s and
            credit. Laboratory 4.5 hours. Prerequisite:   athlete and is intended to provide focused   landings, navigation, emergency procedures,
            None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   strength and conditioning exercises with   power on/off  stalls, s-turns across a road,
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      an emphasis on safety, injury prevention,   turns around a point, and instrument fl ight
            158                                 rules, and game plays for men’s tennis. Note:   procedures. Laboratory 9 hours. Prerequi-
                                                                                    site: AT 112 or equivalent.
            WOMEN’S SOCCER CONDITIONING         ATHPE 162 is designed for the intercollegiate
            1.5 Units                           men’s tennis team. Laboratory 4.5 hours.   114
                                                Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4
            ATHPE 158 is designed for the student-                                  INSTRUMENT FLIGHT LAB
            athlete and is intended to provide focused   times for credit.          4.0 Units
            strength and conditioning exercises with an   163                       AT 114 is a fl ight training lab course instruct-
            emphasis on safety, injury prevention, rules,   TRACK AND FIELD CONDITIONING  ing students to operate an airplane by refer-
            and game plays for soccer. Note: ATHPE 158   1.5 Units                  ence to instruments. Topics include: basic
            is designed for the intercollegiate women’s   ATHPE 163 is designed for the student-  and advanced attitude instrument  fl ying,
            soccer team. Laboratory 4.5 hours. Prereq-  athlete and is intended to provide focused   recovery from unusual attitudes, holding
            uisite: None.  Note: May be taken 4 times   strength and conditioning exercises with   patterns, IFR en-route procedures, IFR cross-
            for credit.                         an emphasis on safety, injury prevention,   country planning, departure and arrival
                                                rules, and strategies for track and fi eld. Note:   procedures, and precision and non-precision
                                                ATHPE 163 is designed for the intercollegiate   approach procedures. Lecture 2 hours/
                                                track and fi eld team. Laboratory 4.5 hours.   Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: AT 113 or
                                                Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4   possession of an FAA Private Pilot Certifi cate
                                                times for credit.                   (Single Engine Land) and AT 125 or proof of
                                                                                    satisfactory completion of FAA Instrument
                                                                                    Rating Knowledge Examination (AT 125 may
                                                                                    be taken concurrently.)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127