Page 127 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        131                                           BUSINESS                  106
        3.0 Units                                                               COMMUNICATIONS
        BIOL 131 off ers individual and group investi-  50                       3.0 Units
        gation of the biological environment and the   INTERNSHIP               BUSAD 106 is a writing course for students
        impact of human activities upon it. Students   1.0 to 3.0 Units         completing programs in business. The course
        examine the inter-relationship between   BUSAD 50 is a self-motivated course which   prepares students to accomplish tasks and
        living organisms and their habitats by special   allows students to earn 3 units for structured,   solve problems through the written word.
        projects. Library research, a scientifi c paper,   supervised work off  campus under supervi-  The mechanics, strategies, and processes
        and/or an oral presentation may be a part of   sion of a faculty advisor. It is designed to   of technical writing, as well as creative
        the course. Field studies will investigate a   provide students with appropriate prepara-  and critical thinking skills, are applied to
        variety of world localities. When taught in   tion and a hands-on discipline-linked work   a variety of tasks which simulate typical
        Baja California, Mexico, the fi eld portion of   experience that will extend their knowledge   events in business. Techniques are covered
        the course is based at the Glendale College   and understanding of career demands in a   for creating eff ective business letters, infor-
        Field Station in Bahia de los Angeles. Lecture   fi eld. This internship course can be used for   mation summaries, proposals, and reports,
        2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Recommended   any program. Note: Students must arrange   including references and research sources
        Preparation: A biology or ecology course in   an approved internship prior to enrolling   and appropriate styles and formats. In
        high school or college. Transfer Credit: CSU.  in this class. Complete two or more courses   addition, original essays responding to a
                                            within your program before attempting an   review of rhetorical works in the fi elds of
        298                                 internship.  Note: This course is Pass/No   business and economics are prepared. The
        UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN           Pass only. Lecture 0.5/Laboratory 2.5 hours.   impact of organizational procedures on
        MICROBIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR          Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   business communications is explored, and
        BIOLOGY                             ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.  the automated technology which facilitates
        3.0 Units                                                               this communication is applied to a variety
        BIOL 298 is intended to give undergraduate   101                        of tasks common to the business organiza-
        students hands-on experience in microbiol-  INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS    tion. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours.
        ogy and molecular biology research while   3.0 Units                    Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 101 or
        working collaboratively in a laboratory   BUSAD 101 orients students to the fi eld of   completion of CABOT 105.  Course Typi-
        setting with a faculty-led team of students   business, introducing, in survey form, the   cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
        on various projects. It allows the student to   functions, characteristics, organization, and   Transfer Credit: CSU.
        practice and apply various scientifi c  tech-  problems of business. The course serves as
        niques and methods (e.g. wet lab skills) and   a foundation for later specialized study, and   110
        concepts learned in biology (e.g. molecular   directs the thinking of students to possible   HUMAN RELATIONS IN BUSINESS
        biology, microbiology, genomics, and bioin-  careers. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   3.0 Units
        formatics). Students are expected to apply   Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  BUSAD 110 aids future employees as well
        knowledge from prerequisite courses, to use   Summer/Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   as present employees in understanding
        their problem solving skills in carrying out   USC. (C-ID BUS 110)      and applying human relations concepts to
        assigned projects, and to write up and pres-                            the business environment. Topics include
        ent the results of their research on-campus                             attitude, morale, motivation, communica-
        Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 6 hours. Prereq-                              tion, business etiquette, productivity, ethics,
        uisite: BIOL 101 or BIOL 112 or equivalent.                             customer service and leadership. Lecture
        Recommended Preparation: BIOL 103, eligi-                               3 hours.  Recommended Preparation:
        bility for ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU.                              Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course
                                                                                Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
                                                                                Credit: CSU.
                                                                                INTRODUCTION TO INSURANCE
                                                                                1.0 Unit
                                                                                BUSAD 111 gives students a basic back-
                                                                                ground of the modern property/casualty
                                                                                insurance system. It is designed as a basic
                                                                                overview of insurance for those who have
                                                                                little or no knowledge of insurance but who
                                                                                wish to enter the fi eld of insurance. Lecture
                                                                                1 hour. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
                                                                                Off ered: Fall (Every Other Year).  Transfer
                                                                                Credit: CSU.

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