Page 128 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 128


            112                                 115                                 131
            1.0 Unit                            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            BUSAD 112 covers contemporary and   BUSAD 115 is intended to help individuals   BUSAD 131 course introduces the student to
            controversial ethical issues facing the busi-  learn basic information regarding commer-  fi nancial management, budgeting, account-
            ness world today. Real-world scenarios and   cial insurance for use in employment as   ing, and decision-making. Financial manage-
            situations will be discussed to aid students   insurance professionals in entry-level   ment and budgeting are central to modern
            in developing their own ethical decision-  and higher positions. The course includes   business and the successful administrator
            making framework for the responsibilities   information on property insurance, busi-  must understand the processes of these
            and obligations they will face as members of   ness income insurance, commercial crime   activities. This course introduces the student
            the workforce. Lecture 1 hour. Prerequisite:   insurance, equipment breakdown insurance,   to basic concepts necessary for the evaluation
            None.  Course Typically Off ered: Spring   inland and ocean marine insurance, commer-  of these decisions, and familiarizes them
            (Every Other Year).                 cial general liability insurance, commercial   with analytical tools and current issues
                                                automobile insurance, and other types of   in today’s business world. The material is
            113                                 commercial insurance coverage. Lecture 3   applicable to large corporations, small busi-
            PRINCIPLES OF PROPERTY AND          hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   nesses, and nonprofi t organizations. Note:
            LIABILITY INSURANCE                 Off ered: Fall/Spring.               One year of accounting is recommended.
            3.0 Units                                                               Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 141 or
            BUSAD 113 is intended to help individuals   116                         146 or 246B. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            learn basic information regarding property   PRINCIPLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            and liability insurance for use in employment   INSURANCE
            as insurance professionals in entry-level and   3.0 Units               134
            higher positions. It covers the fundamentals   BUSAD 116 is intended to help individuals   INVESTMENTS
            of insurance including the types of insurers,   learn basic information regarding life and   3.0 Units
            institutions that provide insurance, how it   health insurance for use in employment as   BUSAD 134 is designed to develop the
            is regulated, and measurement of fi nancial   insurance professionals in entry-level and   student’s understanding of the various public
            performance. This course is intended to help   higher positions. It covers the fundamentals   investments available, their potential risks
            prepare students for a variety of entry-level   of insurance, including the types of insurers,   and rewards, and the situations in which
            positions in the insurance industry and for a   institutions that provide insurance, how it   they are best utilized. Topics include invest-
            number of insurance certifi cation examina-  is regulated, and measurement of fi nancial   ment principles and objectives, the operation
            tions. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   performance. This course is intended to help   of securities markets, investment banking,
            Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   prepare students for a variety of entry-level   and asset selection and allocation. Lecture 3
                                                positions in the insurance industry, and   hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
            114                                 completion of the course will satisfy the   Off ered: Spring (Every Other Year). Transfer
            PERSONAL INSURANCE                  requirements to “sit” for the State of Califor-  Credit: CSU.
            3.0 Units
                                                nia written test for a Life and Health Agent
            BUSAD 114 is intended to help individuals   License. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   135
            learn basic information regarding personal   Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   MONEY AND BANKING
            insurance for use in employment as insur-                               3.0 Units
            ance professionals in entry-level and higher   120                      BUSAD 135 is a course designed to help
            positions. This course may also be of value   BUSINESS LAW I            students secure employment with invest-
            to anyone who wishes to obtain the knowl-  3.0 Units                    ment banking houses, commercial banks,
            edge to manage his or her personal insur-  BUSAD 120 is a study of law as it infl uences   fi nance companies, stock and commodity
            ance needs. Information about automobile,   business conduct, including growth of law   exchanges, and securities dealers. It is a study
            homeowners, and residential insurance (e.g.   and recent changes, especially the new   of the American monetary system and Amer-
            earthquake, marine, etc.) is included in the   Uniform Commercial Code, and principles   ican fi nancial institutions. The course allows
            course. Financial planning, life insurance,   of contracts, sales, and agency. Lecture 3   students to obtain a critical understanding of
            and health insurance are also covered.   hours.  Prerequisite: None.  Course Typi-  the Federal Reserve structure, monetary and
            Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   cally Offered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  fi scal policy, and the commercial banking
            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.     Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID   process. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
                                                BUS 125)                            Course Typically Off ered: Spring (Every
                                                                                    Other Year). Transfer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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