Page 133 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 133


        137                                 140                                 147
        CARE                                TEACHING                            TODDLERS
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        CHLDV 137 is designed for students inter-  CHLDV 140 examines the underlying   CHLDV 147 is designed to provide special-
        ested in working in before and after school   theoretical principles of developmentally   ization in the milestones of infant and toddler
        or out-of-school programs for children aged   appropriate practices applied to programs,   development, and the various programs
        5-12. The course introduces School Age   environments, emphasizing the key role of   currently available. Students consider prin-
        program philosophies and program types,   relationships, constructive adult-child inter-  ciples of care-giving, and learn appropriate
        examines needs and concerns relating to   actions, and teaching strategies in supporting   play activities and materials necessary to
        school-age children in child care and strate-  physical, social, creative and intellectual   enhance early childhood education. Obser-
        gies for managing classrooms and guiding   development for all children. This course   vation of infants and toddlers is required,
        children’s behavior. Knowledge of develop-  includes a review of the historical roots of   both in the classroom and outside in the
        mental ages and stages is emphasized. This   early childhood programs and the evolu-  community. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        course includes designing developmentally   tion of the professional practices promoting   CHLDV 135 or equivalent.  Recommended
        appropriate curriculum and experiences   advocacy, ethics and professional identity.   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
        for school age children and creating devel-  Note: Verifi cation of tuberculosis (TB) clear-  ESL 151 and MATH 145. Course Typically
        opmentally appropriate environments.   ance required. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: CHLDV 135   CHLDV 133 Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  150
        or equivalent. Recommended Preparation:   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID ECE 120)  INTRODUCTION TO CURRICULUM
        Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151 and   141                           3.0 Units
        MATH 145. Course Typically Off ered: Fall.   STUDENT TEACHING SEMINAR
        Transfer Credit: CSU.                                                   CHLDV 150 provides an overview of prin-
                                            2.0 Units                           ciples involved in planning, implementing
        138                                 CHLDV 141 provides for a demonstration   and evaluating developmentally appropriate
        HEALTH, SAFETY, AND NUTRITION       of developmentally appropriate early child-  curriculum. It includes processes for plan-
        3.0 Units                           hood teaching competencies under guided   ning and implementing developmentally
        CHLDV 138 introduces the laws, regulations,   supervision. Students utilize practical   appropriate environments and experiences;
        standards, policies and procedures and early   classroom experiences to make connections   selection of appropriate materials, emerging
        childhood curriculum related to child health,   between theory and practice, develop profes-  curriculum, scheduling, room arrangement,
        safety and nutrition. The characteristics   sional behaviors, and build a comprehensive   and planning developmentally appropriate
        of good health and the recognition of the   understanding of children and families.   activities and curricula for young children
        symptoms of communicable diseases are   Child centered, play-oriented approaches   from birth to age eight in child care and
        examined. The habits and attitudes essential   to teaching, learning, and assessment; and   early childhood development settings.
        for physical and mental health of teachers,   knowledge of curriculum content areas is   Included are focuses on children’s play,
        parents and children are identifi ed.  This   emphasized as student teachers design,   the role of assessment, webbing, activity
        course is intended to examine the current   implement and evaluate experiences that   planning, daily scheduling and curriculum
        concepts in the  fi eld of health, safety and   promote positive development and learning   areas such as art, science, math, literature,
        nutrition and their relationship to the young   for all young children. Note: Verifi cation of   music, language arts, and dramatic play are
        child and program planning. Emphasis is   current tuberculosis (TB) clearance required.   examined. Note: Verifi cation of tuberculosis
        given to the components of quality care   Lecture 2 hours.  Prerequisite: CHLDV   (TB) clearance required. Lecture 2 hours/
        for young children and the importance of   150.  Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: CHLDV
        collaboration with families and health care   in CHLDV 180, 181 or 182. Recommended   140. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        professionals. Lecture 3 hours.  Recom-  Preparation: CHLDV 156 (may be taken   Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID ECE 130)
        mended Preparation: ENGL 120 or ESL   concurrently).  Course Typically Off ered:   152
        151. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU. (CHLDV   MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN
        Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID ECE 220)  141 & 180 or 181 or 182 C-ID ECE 210)
                                                                                3.0 Units
                                            142                                 CHLDV 152 explores musical experiences
                                            CHILD, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY        appropriate to the development of the infant,
                                            3.0 Units                           the preschool child, the elementary school
                                            CHLDV 142 examines the developing   child, and the exceptional child. Lecture 3
                                            child in a societal context focusing on the   hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-
                                            interrelationship of family, school and   ity for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course Typi-
                                            community with an emphasis on historical   cally Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                            and socio-cultural factors. The processes of
                                            socialization and identity development will
                                            be highlighted, showing the importance
                                            of respectful, reciprocal relationships that
                                            support and empower families. Lecture 3
                                            hours. Prerequisite: CHLDV 135 or equiva-
                                            lent Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
                                            Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID CDEV 110)

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138