Page 137 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 137


        102                                 110                                 206
        4.0 Units                           MATHEMATICS                         1.0 Unit
        CABOT 102 is a course designed to help   3.0 Units                      CABOT 206 provides students with a basic
        secretarial and business students achieve   CABOT 110 is a course in applied routine   introduction to the Macintosh Operating
        proficiency in grammar, punctuation,   mathematical tasks typically performed   System. Topics covered include managing
        and sentence structure. Lecture 4 hours.   by entry-level clerical employees in today’s   the desktop using a mouse and pull-down
        Prerequisite: CABOT 103.  Recommended   business offi  ces. Students learn to select   menus, creating and manipulating folders,
        Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 191 or ESL   and apply appropriate procedures to solve   fi les, and windows, and other standard
        141, and keyboarding skill at the rate of 25   problems arising in various business situ-  operations used in every Macintosh applica-
        words per minute or concurrent enrollment   ations. Emphasis is on real-world business   tion. The course includes an introduction to
        in a keyboarding course. Course Typically   math applications in such areas as payroll,   word processing, Internet applications and
        Off ered: Fall/Spring.               cash and trade discounting, and both simple   multimedia integration using Apple Creativ-
                                            and compound interest. This course off ers   ity Apps. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass
        103                                 students a solid preparation for entering   only. Lecture 1 hour.  Prerequisite: None.
        BUSINESS VOCABULARY                 courses in accounting, retailing, banking,   Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        DEVELOPMENT                         and marketing. Completion of this course
        3.0 Units                                                               208
                                            is intended to increase students’ success on
        CABOT 103 is designed to develop skill in   pre-employment exams for entry-level civil-  WINDOWS BASICS
        the acquisition and proper use of English   service-type offi  ce positions (e.g. county,   1.0 Unit
        vocabulary used in business communica-  city, state, and school district) as well as for   CABOT 208 provides students with a basic
        tions. Both general and specialized vocabu-  an array of private industry offi  ce positions.   introduction to the Windows environment.
        laries specifi c to business professions are   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   Topics covered will include the skills neces-
        covered. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   sary to manage the desktop, to use the
        Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL                            mouse and pull-down menus, to create and
        151. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   162                       manipulate folders, fi les, and windows, and
                                            LEGAL OFFICE PROCEDURES             other standard operations used in every
        104                                 3.0 Units                           Windows application. Note: This course is
        FILING METHODS AND SYSTEMS          CABOT 162 is a course off ering specialized   Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour. Prereq-
        1.0 Unit
                                            training in preparation of legal paperwork   uisite: None.  Course Typically Off ered:
        CABOT 104 covers principles and proce-  and forms, development of specialized   Fall/Spring.
        dures for establishment and use of various   vocabulary and spelling, familiarization
        traditional and electronic  fi ling  systems.   with law offi  ce routines, and other legal   209
        This includes practice in alphabetic, numeric,   procedures. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   ADVANCED WINDOWS
        geographic, and subject fi ling methods and   Preparation: CABOT 210 or equivalent,   1.0 Unit
        covers principles and procedures for storage   CABOT 101 and concurrent enrollment in   CABOT 209 reviews the fundamental skills
        and retrieval, retention, and transfer and   or completion of CABOT 265 or equivalent.   taught in CABOT 208 and continues with
        disposal of records. Lecture 0.5 hour/Labora-  Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.   more advanced features. Topics covered
        tory 1.5 hours. Recommended Preparation:   Transfer Credit: CSU         include modifying the desktop work envi-
        CABOT 102 and eligibility for ENGL 120                                  ronment, customizing with control panel,
        or ESL 151 Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  205                         and advanced fi le and document manage-
        Spring.                             KEYBOARDING & DOCUMENT              ment. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.
                                            PROCESSING I                        Lecture 1 hour. Recommended Preparation:
        105                                 3.0 Units                           CABOT 208 or OBT 80 or equivalent. Course
        INTRODUCTION TO OFFICE              CABOT 205 develops the basic skill of   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        CORRESPONDENCE                      keyboard techniques to give the founda-
        3.0 Units                                                               210
                                            tion for advanced training in keyboarding.
        CABOT 105 is an entry-level writing course   Training is given in the preparation of   KEYBOARDING & DOCUMENT
        for students completing programs in busi-  memorandums, personal letters, business   PROCESSING II
        ness. The course prepares students to accom-  letters, simple tabulation, outlines, and   3.0 Units
        plish tasks and solve problems through the   manuscripts. Note: Students who can type   CABOT 210 is a continuation of CABOT
        written word. Techniques are covered for   at least 35 words a minute should enroll in   205, providing refi nement and development
        creating eff ective documents in appropri-  CABOT 210. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   of technique with increased emphasis on
        ate styles and formats. These documents   Preparation: OBT 11 and Eligibility for   accuracy and speed. The course provides
        include business letters, memos, e-mail   ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.  a detailed study of business letters, special
        messages, telephone messages, and other                                 offi  ce forms, tabulated reports, manuscripts,
        written communications typically generated                              resumes, and letters of application. Lecture 3
        by an employee in an entry-level position. In                           hours. Recommended Preparation: OBT 12
        addition, short original essays responding                              or CABOT 205 or equivalent and eligibility
        to a review of rhetorical works in the fi elds                           for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course Typically
        of business and economics are prepared.                                 Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: CABOT 102.
        Recommended Preparation: OBT 33 and
        Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151 or the
        equivalent, and keyboarding skill at rate of 30
        wpm. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142