Page 140 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 140


            125                                 133                                 151
            COMPUTING                           DEVELOPMENT - IOS                   3.0 Units
            4.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           CS/IS 151 is a course in programming
            CS/IS 125 is a course in discrete structures   CS/IS 133 introduces the art and practice   computers in the Python language for
            that furnishes a strong foundation of math-  of mobile application development for the   those who plan to be programmers or those
            ematical tools for modeling problems and   Apple iOS operating system. Students will   interested in graphics and Graphical User
            applications in computer science . Topics   use the Xcode IDE and Swift to create mobile   Interface (GUI) programming. Python is
            include logic operations, combinatorics,   applications. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   used in both business and game applications.
            undirected and directed graphs, trees,   CS/IS 112 or equivalent.  Transfer Credit:   The course covers the basics of the Python
            relations and sets, proofs, Boolean algebra,   CSU.                     language and reviews computer science
            algebraic systems, fi nite state automata, and   135                     concepts. Data types, decision structures,
            discrete probability. Lecture 3.5 hours/Labo-  PROGRAMMING IN C/C++     loops, functions, object-oriented program-
            ratory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 101 or   3.0 Units                 ming, and some basic graphics and GUI
            a satisfactory score on the Math Placement                              concepts will be presented. Lecture 3 hours.
            Examination. CS/IS 135 or equivalent. Trans-  CS/IS 135 is a course in programming using   Recommended Preparation: CS/IS 112 or
            fer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID COMP 152)  the C/C ++ languages, with uses in applica-  equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Spring
                                                tions programming for real time, business,   (Every Other Year). Transfer Credit: CSU.
            126                                 and image processing systems as well as
            DIGITAL IMAGING                     systems programming. Types, operators,   157
            3.0 Units                           control flow functions, object-oriented   ROBOT MOTION PLANNING
            CS/IS 126 is an in-depth study course which   programming, classes, data abstraction,   3.0 Units
            introduces and teaches the concepts of   and program structure pointers and arrays   CS/IS 157 provides an introduction to the art
            Digital Imaging. Current imaging editing   are covered in the programming assign-  and practice of programming mobile robots
            software, such as Photoshop, is used in the   ments. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   using modern programming language(s)
            class. This course does not teach basic design   Prerequisite: CS/IS 112 or equivalent. Course   such as C++, Java or Python. It uses the
            concepts, but teaches the student techniques   Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  context of robot programming to develop
            for the production of digital fi les which can   Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID   skills in software development. Students
            be used for printing and display. Lecture 3   COMP 122)                 gain experience specifying open-loop and
            hours.  Recommended Preparation: CS/IS   137                            feedback behaviors, handling RGB input
            101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.                             video, range images, tactile sensing, and
                                                C++ AND ADVANCED TOPICS
            130                                 4.0 Units                           other robot sensors, and reasoning about the
                                                                                    spatial context of navigation and localiza-
            INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS          CS/IS 137 prepares the student for C++   tion tasks. The vast majority of the course
            3.0 Units                           programming in the workplace and other   experience consists of implementation of and
            CS/IS 130 is a course in programming, algo-  real world environments. The course focuses   experimentation with these skills through
            rithm development and problem-solving   on the advanced object-oriented program-  hands-on labs. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory
            using both object-oriented and structured   ming concepts needed for today’s programs   3 hours. Recommended Preparation: CS/IS
            approaches. It includes a study of syntax and   as well as other advanced concepts such as   135 Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Winter.
            data structures with applications in science,   templates and generics,  fi les and streams,   Transfer Credit: CSU.
            engineering, and industry. This course is   and operator overloading. The course
            suitable either for students planning to trans-  provides students an opportunity to work   165
            fer or those wishing to develop a marketable   on advanced projects of the student’s choos-  COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND
            skill. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS   ing within the scope of the course. Lecture/  ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE
            112 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   Demonstration 4 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS   4.0 Units
            Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.  135 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   CS/IS 165 introduces the student to computer
                                                Fall (Every Other Year).  Transfer Credit:   architecture as well as the world of assembly
            132                                 CSU, UC, USC.                       language programming. The mapping of
            MOBILE APPLICATION                                                      statements and constructs in a high-level
            DEVELOPMENT - ANDROID               139                                 language onto sequences of machine instruc-
            3.0 Units                           JAVA                                tions is studied, as well as the internal repre-
            CS/IS 132 provides an introduction to the art   3.0 Units               sentation of simple data types and structures.
            and practice of mobile application develop-  CS/IS 139 is a hands-on course where the   Numerical computation is examined, noting
            ment for the Android operating system.   student will be working with programs to   the various data representation errors and
            Students use the software development kit   develop a knowledge of Java concepts in   potential procedural errors. Lecture/Demon-
            (SDK) to create programs including: how   an interactive environment. Stand-alone   stration 4 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS 112 or
            to craft Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs);   applications and network applets will be   equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall
            creating location-based applications; and   created and tested across operating systems   (Every Other Year).  Transfer Credit: CSU,
            accessing web services. Lecture 3 hours.   and hardware platforms. Lecture 2 hours/  UC, USC. (C-ID COMP 142)
            Prerequisite: CS/IS 112 or equivalent. Trans-  Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS 112
            fer Credit: CSU.                    or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:
                                                Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145