Page 143 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 143


        261                                 264                                 267
        AND MYSQL                           PLANNING                            DEVELOPMENT
        3.0 Units                           1.0 Unit                            3.0 Units
        CS/IS 261 provides students with training   CS/IS 264 is the first of three practical   CS/IS 267 presents a detailed overview of
        and experience in developing and managing   experience-building courses for the Web   the game development process, addressing
        an Internet Web server for business. Students   Development certifi cate. In this course, the   subjects such as game technologies, content
        will use an Apache Web Server, create and   student will complete a thorough Web site   creation strategies, production techniques,
        use MySQL database tables, and program in   plan including site navigation, production   game psychology, and criteria that deter-
        the PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) Web   charts and storyboards. Note: CS/IS 264, 265   mine game success. Career paths in the
        programming language to create interac-  & 266 is a three-session sequence which must   game entertainment fi eld will be discussed,
        tive Web sites. Students will also manage   be taken sequentially as each course builds   as well as the history of video game design
        their own Web servers to accomplish their   on the work of the previous course. Lecture   and programming. The student will examine
        course objectives. Note: Having the ability   1 hour. Prerequisite: CS/IS 260 or equivalent.   future industry predictions and the relation-
        to type at least 20 wpm is strongly recom-  Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   ship between industry inner workings and
        mended. Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.   265                            production tools. Lecture 3 hours. Prereq-
        Recommended Preparation: CS/IS 260 or   WEB DEVELOPMENT PROJECT II:     uisite: None.
        equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall   CONSTRUCTION               280
        (Every Other Year). Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                            1.0 Unit                            CONCEPTS OF PROGRAMMING
        262                                 CS/IS 265 is the second of three practical   LANGUAGES
        JAVASCRIPT AND JQUERY               experience-building courses for the Web   3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           Development certifi cate. In this course, the   CS/IS 280 discusses issues in the design,
        CS/IS 262 is a hands-on course designed   student will execute the plans created in   implementation and use of high-level
        to acquaint the student with creating Web   CS/IS 264. Industry standard software will   programming languages, historical back-
        scripts and Web scripting libraries. This   be used to build and test the web site. File   ground, and how languages refl ect diff erent
        course focuses on the fundamentals of   management and version control techniques   design philosophies and user requirements.
        programming. Students learn to write,   will be evaluated. Note: CS/IS 264, 265 & 266   Technical issues in the design of major proce-
        debug, and test Web page scripts and func-  is a three-session sequence which must be   dural programming languages and other
        tions. Use of JavaScript libraries like jQuery   taken sequentially as each course builds on   approaches to programming languages, such
        are also included. Lecture/Demonstration 3   the work of the previous course. Lecture/  as functional programming, logic program-
        hours.  Recommended Preparation: CS/IS   Demonstration 1 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS   ming, and object oriented programming, are
        260 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   264 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   studied. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS
        Spring (Every Other Year). Transfer Credit:   Fall/Spring.              112 or equivalent. Recommended Prepara-
        CSU, UC.                                                                tion: CS/IS 135 or equivalent. Course Typi-
        263                                 WEB DEVELOPMENT PROJECT III:        cally Off ered: Spring (Every Other Year).
                                                                                Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        CREATION                            1.0 Unit
        3.0 Units                           CS/IS 266 is the last of three practical experi-
        CS/IS 263 is a hands-on course designed to   ence-building courses for the Web Develop-
        introduce the student to the latest techniques   ment certifi cate. In this course, the student
        in database-driven Web page creation. This   will focus on the skills needed to maintain
        course focuses on the methods and tech-  a complex Web site. Techniques for site reju-
        niques used to generate on-the-fl y Web pages   venation and visitor log evaluation software
        from Internet databases. Students will learn   are also covered. Note: CS/IS 264, 265 & 266
        to write, debug, and test Extensible Markup   is a three-session sequence which must be
        Language (XML) data and then create Web   taken sequentially as each course builds on
        pages using a style sheet language. XML and   the work of the previous course. Lecture/
        the XML Style sheet language (XSL) will be   Demonstration 1 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS
        used in this course. Lecture/Demonstration   265 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
        3 hours. Recommended Preparation: CS/IS   Fall/Spring.
        260 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
        Spring (Every Other Year).

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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