Page 144 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 144

CULINARY ARTS         141

            COOPERATIVE EDUCATION               111                                 116
                                                FUNDAMENTALS OF                     PURCHASING FOR INSTITUTIONAL
            101                                 PROFESSIONAL COOKING 1              FOODSERVICE AND HOSPITALITY
            GENERAL WORK EXPERIENCE             4.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            1.0 to 3.0 Units
                                                CULIN 111 provides an introduction and   CULIN 116 examines policies, procedures,
            CO ED 101 is the structured supervised   application of the principles of food prepa-  and controls and their implementation in
            internship and opportunity for employ-  ration for the consumer by professionals.   purchasing merchandise and supplies for
            ment on or off -campus under the supervi-  The course emphasizes hands-on cooking,   the foodservice and hospitality industries.
            sion of a faculty counselor within Student   tasting and evaluation to teach professional   Topics include purchasing equipment,
            Services. It is designed to provide students   culinary techniques. The course also stresses   serviceware, furniture,  fi xtures,  contract
            with appropriate preparation and hands-on   how ingredients and culinary processes   services, and food and beverage. Lecture 3
            work experience. The purpose of this class   eff ect product outcome. Lecture 1.5 hours/  hours. Recommended Preparation: ENGL
            is to enhance students’ knowledge, skill   Laboratory 7.5 hours. Recommended Prepa-  191 or ESL 141. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            levels, and professional competency in their   ration: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.
            targeted career. This course is recommended   Transfer Credit: CSU.     122
            for the self-motivated student.  Note: This                             INTERNATIONAL COOKING
            course requires that students be employed   112                         3.0 Units
            in a job related to major. This course also   FUNDAMENTALS OF           CULIN 122 is an introduction to culinary
            requires concurrent registration in at least 7   PROFESSIONAL COOKING 2  principles and techniques derived from
            units at the college. Students may register for   4.0 Units             countries throughout the world. Specifi c
            cooperative education courses after receiving   CULIN 112 is a continuation of Culinary   areas of instruction covered include selection
            permission from the Cooperative Education   Arts 111. It is the introduction and applica-  of proper equipment and utensils, correct
            Coordinator and attending an orientation   tion of the principles of food preparation.   methods of preparation and procedures.
            session with a counselor who supports   The course emphasizes high production    Food preparation and presentation are also
            cooperative education programming at the   standards, attractive service, use of proper   emphasized. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
            college. Laboratory 3.3-12.5 hours.  Coreq-  equipment, and effi  cient use of time. The   None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.
            uisite: Concurrent enrollment in 7 units,   course also stresses work simplifi cation,   124
            including Cooperative Education.  Note:   nutrition requirements, and preparation of   INTRODUCTION TO BAKING AND
            May be taken 4 times for credit.  Transfer   specialized food. Lecture 1.5 hours/Labora-  PASTRY ARTS
            Credit: CSU.                        tory 7.5 hours. Prerequisite: CULIN 111 or   5.0 Units
                                                equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                  CULINARY ARTS                                                     CULIN 124 is a professional approach to all
                                                113                                 aspects of the pastry kitchen as related to the
            50                                  INSTITUTIONAL SANITATION            food service industry. The course emphasizes
            CULINARY ARTS INTERNSHIP            PRACTICES FOR FOODSERVICE           various methods of cake preparation, as
            1.0 to 3.0 units                    AND HOSPITALITY                     well as the basics of baking technology. The
            CULIN 50 is a discipline-specifi c  course,   3.0 Units                  course is designed to give students enough
            which allows students to earn from 1.0 – 3.0   CULIN 113 studies sanitation practices as   knowledge to understand the works of the
            units for a structured, supervised internship   they eff ect the individual, Institutional and   pastry kitchen and bake shop. Lecture 3
            either on-campus or off -campus under the   hospitality foodservice operations. It consid-  hours/Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequisite:
            supervision of a faculty advisor. It is designed   ers the prevention and control of problems   None. Note: May be taken 2 times for credit.
            to provide students with appropriate prepa-  encountered through guest and employee   142
            ration and hands-on work experience in one   experiences. Topics include: how to prevent   NUTRITION CONTROVERSIES
            of the following fi elds: kitchen preparation,   and control pathogens, safe food handler   2.0 Units
            customer service, safety and sanitation, and   practices, protecting food through its fl ow
            banquet operations. The purpose of this   through the establishment, food safety   CULIN 142 is a presentation of current nutri-
            class is to enhance students’ knowledge,   management systems, the Hazard Analysis   tion and dietary controversies. Emphasis is
            skill levels, and professional competency in   Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, inte-  placed on dietary planning for optimum
            their targeted career. This course is recom-  grated pest management, employee training,   health and disease prevention as it relates to
            mended for the self-motivated student, and   and state and local regulations. Students will   menu planning in the food service industry.
            requires faculty advisor approval to register.   use materials from the National Restaurant   Lecture 2 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.   Association Educational Foundation to   150
            Lecture 0.5 hours/Laboratory 3-9 hours.   complete the ServSafe certifi cation program.   HEALTHY CUISINE FOR KIDS
            Recommended Preparation or Concurrent   Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  1.0 Unit
            Enrollment: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL   tion: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   CULIN 150 is designed for school nutri-
            151. Prerequisite or Corequisite: Enrollment   Transfer Credit: CSU.    tion professionals who prepare and serve
            in appropriate discipline-specifi c theory or                            children in schools and child care centers
            lab course at GCC. Transfer Credit: CSU.                                every day. It provides an understanding of
                                                                                    the basic nutrition principles for preparing
                                                                                    healthy foods, and the culinary skills needed
                                                                                    to apply nutrition principles in preparing
                                                                                    healthy meals for children. Lecture .75 hour/
                                                                                    Laboratory .75 hour. Prerequisite: None.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149