Page 139 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 139


        285                                 102                                 101
        3.0 Units                           CONTROLS                            AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS
        CABOT 285 introduces students to the   1.5 Units                        5.0 Units
        beginning features and functions of Micro-  CIM 102 is the continuation of electronic   CS/IS 101 is designed to present the concepts
        soft Offi  ce Outlook. This course prepares   control automation systems, emphasizing   and technology of processing information to
        students for the Microsoft Offi  ce  Special-  the terms, principles, and techniques used   students who plan to continue their studies
        ist (MOS) certifi cation exam in Outlook.   in automated manufacturing processes.   in business information systems or computer
        Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.  Recom-  Programmable logic control applications   science or who plan to work in the  fi eld.
        mended Preparation: CABOT 208 or    are emphasized in central system industrial   This course has a hands-on component in
        equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Spring   design. Lecture 1.5 hours. Prerequisite: CIM   which the student learns basic system and
        (Every Other Year).                 101. Transfer Credit: CSU.          application software, Web site develop-
                                                                                ment, Internet, and networking. Information
        286                                    COMPUTER SCIENCE/                competency skills are introduced. Students
        MICROSOFT PUBLISHER                                                     will focus on the application of concepts
        3.0 Units                             INFORMATION SYSTEMS
                                                                                and methods through hands-on projects,
        CABOT 286 introduces students to the   50                               developing computer-based solutions to
        beginning features and functions of Micro-  COMPUTER SCIENCE/           business problems. Lecture 5 hours. Recom-
        soft Offi  ce Publisher, a desktop publishing   INFORMATION SYSTEMS       mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
        program. Students create fl yers, brochures,   INTERNSHIP                120, BUSAD 106, or ESL 151. Course Typi-
        newsletters, letterheads, forms, and other   1.0 to 3.0 units           cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
        publications that incorporate text, graphics,   CS/IS 50 is a discipline-specifi c course, which   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID BUS
        illustrations, and photographs. Lecture/  allows students to earn from 1.0 – 3.0 units   140 & ITIS 120)
        Demonstration 3 hours.  Recommended   for a structured, supervised internship either
        Preparation: CABOT 208 or equivalent.   on-campus or off -campus under the super-  112
        Course Typically Off ered: Fall (Every Other   vision of a faculty advisor. It is designed to   INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING
        Year).                                                                  USING JAVA
                                            provide students with appropriate prepara-  3.0 Units
        287                                 tion and a hands-on work experience in one   CS/IS 112 is a course in programming
        INTRODUCTION TO SHAREPOINT          of the following fi elds: systems analysis and   computers using the Java programming
        FOR COLLABORATION AND               design, computer networking, informa-  language, which includes defining the
        DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT                 tion security, database management and   problem, fl owcharting, writing, executing,
        3.0 Units                           software development. The purpose of this   and debugging application programs, and
        CABOT 287 covers the team collaboration,   class is to enhance students’ knowledge, skill   program documentation. Lecture 2 hours/
        document management and social features   levels, and professional competency in their   Laboratory 3 hours. Recommended Prepara-
        of Microsoft SharePoint. Students collaborate   targeted career. This course is recommended   tion: CS/IS 101 or equivalent. Course Typi-
        with individual students and student teams   for the self-motivated student, and requires   cally Off ered: Fall/Spring/Summer. Trans-
        within various SharePoint environments.   faculty advisor approval to register. Note:   fer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID COMP 112)
        Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  Students must arrange an approved intern-
        tion: CABOT 260 or equivalent.      ship prior to enrolling in this class. Complete   123
                                            two or more courses within your program   DESKTOP PUBLISHING
          COMPUTER INTEGRATED               before attempting an internship. Note: This   3.0 Units
              MANUFACTURING                 course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 0.5   CS/IS 123 is intended to acquaint the student
                                            hours/Laboratory 3-9 hours. Recommended
                                                                                with currently available offi  ce  publishing
        101                                 Preparation or Concurrent Enrollment:   technology. Students compose and create
        INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS            Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer   business fl yers, brochures and newsletters
        1.5 Units                           Credit: CSU.                        as well as explore the use of business graph-
        CIM 101 is an introductory course that   100                            ics programs. Students develop the skills
        provides a comprehensive study of the   COMPUTER CONCEPTS               necessary to plan, install, and maintain an
        fundamentals of industrial robotics. It   3.0 Units                     offi  ce publishing system. This course does
        prepares the student for more advanced   CS/IS 100 is a survey course designed to   not teach basic design concepts, but rather
        studies in robotic automation and related   introduce concepts and applications to   provides the student with new production
        technologies. Specifi c areas of concentration   students with no previous exposure to   tools for the offi  ce environment. Lecture 3
        include power and positioning of robots,   computing. It is directed toward students   hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
        robot actuators and motors, motion control,   who want a single survey course in computer   Off ered: Spring (Every Other Year). Transfer
        industrial electronics, and micro-controller   concepts, and who may be using a computer   Credit: CSU.
        technology, communication interfacing,   in a work situation. Note: This course is not
        programming concepts, and industry appli-  intended for CIS, IT or CS majors and may
        cations. Lecture 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite:   not be taken for credit by students who
        None. Transfer Credit: CSU.         have completed CS/IS 101. Lecture 3 hours.
                                            Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
                                            BUSAD 106 Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
                                            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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