Page 142 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            193                                 197                                 234
            INTRODUCTION TO                     ADVANCED NETWORKING: SERVER         ORACLE/SQL
            CYBERSECURITY: ETHICAL              OPERATIONS                          3.0 Units
            HACKING                             3.0 Units                           CS/IS 234 covers the introduction to the
            3.0 Units                           CS/IS 197 is a course designed to acquaint   advanced use of Oracle Relational Data-
            CS/IS 193 is a course that introduces students   the student with the knowledge and skills   base Management System and the use of
            to the concepts, principles, and techniques,   required to build, maintain, troubleshoot   Oracle’s Structured Query Language (SQL*
            supplemented by hands-on exercises, for   and support server hardware and software   Plus) query tool. This course focuses on the
            attacking and disabling a network within the   technologies. Students learn to identify envi-  design and organization of a specifi c schema
            context of properly securing a network. The   ronmental issues; understand and comply   diagram and how to build SQL statements to
            course emphasizes network attack methods   with disaster recovery and physical/soft-  access the data. This course also focuses on
            with the emphasis on student use of network   ware security procedures; become familiar   DML (Data Manipulation), DDL (Data Defi ni-
            attack techniques and tools and appropriate   with industry terminology and concepts;   tion), and DCL (Data Control) and Procedural
            defenses and countermeasures. Students   understand server roles/specializations and   Language/Structured Query Language (PL/
            receive course content information through   interactions within the overall computing   SQL), the programming language that uses
            a variety of methods: lecture and demon-  environment. Lecture/Demonstration 3   SQL. Note: This course may not be taken for
            stration of hacking tools will be used in   hours.  Recommended Preparation: CS/IS   credit by students who have completed CS/
            addition to a virtual environment. Students   190 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   IS 232 and/or CS/IS 233. Lecture 3 hours.
            experience a hands-on practical approach   Spring (Every Other Year). Transfer Credit:   Recommended Preparation: CS/IS 100, CS/
            to penetration testing measures and ethical   CSU.                      IS 101 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            hacking. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   211                            UC, USC.
            Preparation: CS/IS 190 and CS/IS 196 or   DATA STRUCTURES               255
            equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                                4.0 Units                           INTRODUCTION TO ECOMMERCE/
            194                                 CS/IS 211 is designed to provide a thorough   EBUSINESS
            INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY              coverage of data structures with data abstrac-  3.0 Units
            ESSENTIALS                          tion applied to a broad spectrum of practical   CS/IS 255 is a course designed to acquaint
            4.0 Units                           applications. Students who take this course   the student with Electronic Commerce. This
            CS/IS 194 provides an introduction to the   master the principles of programming as a   course focuses on the fundamentals of doing
            computer hardware and software skills   tool for problem solving. The students solve   business on the Internet. It includes hardware
            needed to help meet the growing demand   practical problems in a computer equipped   and software requirements, security strate-
            for entry-level Information Technology (IT)   laboratory using an Object Oriented   gies, payment systems, business strategies
            professionals. The fundamentals of computer   Programming (OOP) Language, typically   and integration with existing business
            hardware and software, as well as advanced   JAVA or C++. Lecture 3.5 hours/Laboratory   systems. Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.
            concepts such as security, networking, and   1.5 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS 135 or equiva-  Recommended Preparation: Knowledge of
            the responsibilities of an IT professional are   lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall (Every   Windows or Mac and Internet Tools.
            introduced. Preparation for the CompTIA   Other Year). Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   260
            A+ certifi cation exams is included. Lecture   (C-ID COMP 132)           INTRODUCTION TO WEB SITE
            4 hours. Recommended Preparation: None   212                            DEVELOPMENT
            Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                                ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES            3.0 Units
            196                                 3.0 Units                           CS/IS 260 provides students with training
            ADVANCED NETWORKING:                CS/IS 212 is designed to provide a thorough   and experience in developing and manag-
            SECURITY                            coverage of data structures with data abstrac-  ing Web sites using HTML (HyperText
            3.0 Units                           tion applied to a broad spectrum of practical   Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style
            CS/IS 196 is a course designed to help prepare   applications. Students who take this course   Sheets). Primary emphasis is placed on the
            the student for industry-recognized certifi ca-  master the principles of programming as   development of the client-side of the Web
            tion in advanced networking infrastructure.   a tool for problem solving. Students solve   for business purposes. Topics include basic
            This course focuses on security installa-  practical problems in a computer-equipped   Web pages, images, tables, forms, multimedia
            tion, confi guration and administration in   laboratory using an object oriented program-  linking, limited scripting using JavaScript,
            the modern networking environment. The   ming language, such as JAVA. Some specifi c   and publishing coursework to an Internet
            course includes an introduction to the funda-  topics covered include hash tables, trees,   Web site. Students use a variety of free and
            mental principles and topics of Information   persistent structures, indexed fi les, and data-  proprietary software tools to create the
            Technology Security and Risk Manage-  bases. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS   coursework. Note: Having the ability to type
            ment at the organizational level. Lecture/  211 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   at least 20 wpm is strongly recommended.
            Demonstration 3 hours.  Recommended   Spring (Every Other Year). Transfer Credit:   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course
            Preparation: CS/IS 190 or equivalent. Course   CSU, UC, USC.            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring/Summer.
            Typically Off ered: Fall (Every Other Year).                             Transfer Credit: CSU.
            Transfer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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