Page 147 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 147

144     DANCE

        118                                 122                                 126
        SKILLS                              1.5 Units                           1.5 Units
        1.5 Units                           DANCE 122 provides the student with   DANCE 126 provides students with
        DANCE 118 provides the student with practi-  practical experience in performance skills   advanced, practical experience in tap
        cal experience in modern dance performance   and more advanced technical development.   dance techniques. Through discussion
        skills and technical development. This class   Emphasis is given to specific advanced   and movement, the course emphasizes the
        emphasizes specifi c training methods and   technical development. Emphasis is given   development of coordination, rhythm, and
        performance styles of modern dance. Note:   to specifi c performance values and rehearsal   performance skills. Students learn advanced
        An audition may be required. Lecture 1.5   techniques necessary to meet the demands   tap dance combinations and dances. Lecture
        hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite:   of current profession and dance for theater,   1 hour/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite:
        DANCE 116 or equivalent by audition. Trans-  fi lm, and television. Lecture 1 hour/Labora-  DANCE 125 or equivalent. Course Typically
        fer Credit: CSU. (Performance Skills Family)  tory 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite: DANCE 121   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                            or equivalent. (DANCE 121 may be taken   UC, USC.  (American Vernacular Dance
        119                                 concurrently).  Course Typically Off ered:   Family)
        HIP-HOP PERFORMANCE SKILLS          Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        1.5 Units                                                               127
                                            (Performance Skills Family)
        DANCE 119 provides the student with practi-                             SALSA I
        cal experience in hip-hop performance skills   124                      1.5 Units
        and advanced technical development. The   HIP-HOP I                     DANCE 127 provides students with practi-
        course emphasizes specifi c  performance   1.5 Units                     cal experience in beginning salsa dance.
        values and rehearsal techniques necessary   DANCE 124 provides students with practical   Through discussion and movement, the
        to meet the demands of current professional   experience in current hip-hop techniques,   course emphasizes the development of
        dance for theater, fi lm, and television. Note:   such as popping, locking, and ticking.   coordination, rhythm, and partnering skills.
        An audition may be required. Lecture 1   Through exercise and discussion the course   Students learn beginning salsa moves and
        hour/Laboratory 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite:   emphasizes the development of coordina-  patterns. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 1.5
        DANCE 129. Transfer Credit: CSU. (Perfor-  tion, strength, cardiovascular  fi tness,  and   hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
        mance Skills Family)                rhythm necessary to meet the demands   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                            of high intensity performance skills in the   UC, USC. (Cultural Dance Family)
        120                                 popular street dancing trends. The students
        JAZZ TECHNIQUE I                    are also encouraged to develop individual   128
        2.0 Units                                                               MIDDLE EASTERN DANCE
                                            interpretation and personal style indigenous
        DANCE 120 provides the student with practi-  to this dance form. Lecture 1 hour/Labora-  1.5 Units
        cal experience in the jazz dance techniques   tory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   DANCE 128 provides students with begin-
        and styles. Through demonstration, exercise,   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   ning level practical experience in Belly Dance
        and discussion the course emphasizes the   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (American Vernacu-  and a selection of related ethnic dance forms
        development of the basic physical skills,   lar Dance Family)           originating in Armenia, Egypt, Morocco,
        dance vocabulary, alignment, and coordi-                                Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan. Through
        nation necessary to excel in various jazz   125                         discussion, study, and demonstration of the
        dance forms. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3   TAP DANCE I                  movement vocabulary, the development of
        hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   1.5 Units                 basic technical and interpretational skills
        Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   DANCE 125 provides students with practical   is emphasized. The course includes an
        UC, USC. (Jazz Technique Family)    experience in basic tap dance techniques.   introductory exploration of the historical
                                            Through discussion and movement, the   and cultural context of the selected dances.
        121                                 course emphasizes the development of coor-  Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Prereq-
        JAZZ TECHNIQUE II                   dination, rhythm, and performance skills.   uisite: None.  Course Typically Off ered:
        2.0 Units
                                            Students learn tap dance combinations and   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        DANCE 121 provides further opportunities   dances. A brief history of the development of   (Cultural Dance Family)
        to extend the student’s knowledge of jazz   the tap dance medium is included. Lecture
        dance, and to acquire techniques to meet   1 hour/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite:   129
        the demands for dance in theatre,  fi lm,   None.  Course Typically Offered: Fall/  HIP-HOP II
        and video today. Lecture 1 hour/Labora-  Spring.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   1.5 Units
        tory 3 hours. Prerequisite: DANCE 120 or   (American Vernacular Dance Family)  DANCE 129 provides further opportunities
        equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/                             to extend the student’s knowledge of popu-
        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Jazz                            lar dance culture and to acquire Hip-Hop
        Technique Family)                                                       techniques to meet the demands for dance in
                                                                                video and dance clubs today. Lecture 1 hour/
                                                                                Laboratory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite: DANCE
                                                                                124 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
                                                                                Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                                                                (American Vernacular Dance Family)

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152