Page 136 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 136


            231                                 90                                  93
            LABORATORY                          ADAPTED WORD PROCESSING             LABORATORY
            1.0 Unit                            2.0 Units                           1.0 Unit
            CAM 231 is a laboratory class for students   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE      NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            to practice on the Master-Cam program and   CABOT 90 is designed to provide individual-  CABOT 93 provides access to the High
            complete assignments from Computerized   ized, self-paced instruction to students with   Tech Center computer lab for students with
            Numerical Control 211. This class provides   disabilities. The course combines specially   disabilities, who have completed CABOT 92
            additional time on computers to expand   designed assistive computer technology   or the equivalent. Under the supervision of
            knowledge of and profi ciency in the use of   and a word processing program to enhance   High Tech Center faculty, students will learn
            Computer Aided Manufacturing programs.   basic word processing skill acquisition and   to utilize assistive technology and special-
            Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: CAM   facilitate the production of simple written   ized instruction within the framework of
            211 or equivalent (CAM 211 may be taken   documents.  Note: This course is primar-  the student’s abilities.  Note: Open Entry/
            concurrently.)                      ily intended for students who meet Title   Open Exit. This is a Pass/No Pass only.
                                                V eligibility requirements for Disabled   Individualized projects and specialized
            240                                 Students Programs and Services. Lecture 1.5   instructional support will be developed and
            BASIC LATHE PRACTICE                hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Recommended   implemented based upon student needs and
            1.0 Unit
                                                Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 189, ESL   technological developments. This course is
            CAM 240 is a laboratory class allowing   131, or ESL 133. Course Typically Off ered:   primarily designed for students who meet
            students to practice on the MasterCam   Fall/Spring.                    Title V eligibility requirements for Disabled
            program and to complete assignments from                                Student Programs and Services. Laboratory
            Computer Aided Manufacturing 220. Labo-  91                             3 hours. Prerequisite: Successful completion
            ratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: CAM 220 (CAM   INTRODUCTION TO ADAPTED    of CABOT 92 or demonstration of comparable
            220 may be taken concurrently.)     WORD PROCESSING FOR                 knowledge and skills. Note: May be taken 4
                                                STUDENTS WITH VISUAL                times for credit. Course Typically Off ered:
             COMPUTER APPLICATION               IMPAIRMENTS                         Fall/Spring.
                & BUSINESS OFFICE               2.0 Units                           94
                   TECHNOLOGIES                 NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               ADVANCED ADAPTED
                                                CABOT 91 is designed to instruct students
            50                                  with visual impairments in the use of a   APPLICATIONS
            COMPUTER APPLICATION                word processing application program with   3.0 Units
            INTERNSHIP                          either screen reading or text magnifi cation   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            1.0 to 3.0 units                    assistive computer technology, for produc-  CABOT 94 is designed to instruct students
                                                ing basic written documents and academic   with disabilities in the use of mainstream
            CABOT 50 is a discipline-specifi c  course,
            which allows students to earn from 1.0 – 3.0   assignments. Note: This course is primar-  application program and assistive computer
            units for a structured, supervised internship   ily designed for students who meet Title   technology to produce written documents.
            either on-campus or off -campus under the   V eligibility requirements for Disabled   Concepts related to spreadsheet/database
            supervision of a faculty advisor. It is designed   Student Programs and Services. Lecture 2   applications and advanced word processing
            to provide students with appropriate prepa-  hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   features are included. Note: This course is
            ration and a hands-on work experience in   Off ered: Fall/Spring.        primarily designed for students who meet
            one of the following fi elds: Secretaries Offi  ce   92                    Title V eligibility requirements for Disabled
            worker, and Administrative Assistants. The   INTRODUCTION TO ADAPTED    Student Programs and Services. Lecture 3
            purpose of this class is to enhance students’   WORD PROCESSING         hours. Prerequisite: Successful completion of
            knowledge, skill levels, and professional   3.0 Units                   CABOT 92 or demonstration of comparable
            competency in their targeted career. This   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE       knowledge and skills. Note: May be taken 4
            course is recommended for the self-moti-  CABOT 92 is designed to instruct students   times for credit. Course Typically Off ered:
            vated student, and requires faculty advisor   with disabilities in the use of a word   Fall/Spring.
            approval to register.  Note: Students must   processing application program and assis-  101
            arrange an approved internship prior to   tive computer technology to produce and   BUSINESS OFFICE PROCEDURES
            enrolling in this class. Complete two or more   format written documents and academic   3.0 Units
            courses within your program before attempt-  assignments. Note: This course is primarily   CABOT 101 is an in-depth study of general
            ing an internship. Note: This course is Pass/  intended for students who meet Title V eligi-  offi  ce procedures, including the selection
            No Pass only.  Lecture 0.5 hours/Laboratory   bility requirements for Disabled Students   of offi  ce supplies; processing of mail; use of
            3-9 hours.  Recommended Preparation or   Programs and Services. Lecture 3 hours.   postal services; receptionist and telephone
            concurrent enrollment: Eligibility for ENGL   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   techniques; handling travel arrangements;
            120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.  ENGL 191 or ESL 141.  Course Typically   preparation of offi  ce  documents;  banking
                                                Off ered: Fall/Spring.               procedures; payroll, insurance, and tax
                                                                                    records; and job preparation. Lecture 3 hours.
                                                                                    Recommended Preparation: OBT 31, OBT
                                                                                    33, CABOT 205 or equivalent and eligibil-
                                                                                    ity for CABOT 102, ENGL 120 or ESL 151 or
                                                                                    equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141