Page 131 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 131


        204                                 210                                          CHEMISTRY
        1.0 Unit                            MANAGEMENT                          101
        BUSAD 204 off ers instruction and hands-on   3.0 Units                   GENERAL CHEMISTRY
                                                                                5.0 Units
        practice of customer service skills for selected   BUSAD 210 covers the fundamental concepts
        workplace environments in a culturally   and applied techniques for cost-eff ective   CHEM 101 is the  fi rst course in a two-
        diverse, e-commerce, globally competitive   management of both long-term develop-  semester sequence which covers important
        business climate. The course will teach   ment programs and short-term projects. The   chemistry concepts including physical
        students to eff ectively accommodate guests,   content deals with planning, scheduling,   properties of matter, chemical reactions,
        clients, customers, patrons, patients, and   organizing, and controlling projects. The   stoichiometry, electronic structure of atoms,
        other types of clientele in various types of   course uses cases from a wide variety of   quantum mechanics, chemical bonding,
        businesses. Activities and examples will   industries, including construction, infor-  and the three phases of matter. Lecture and
        be used from business areas such as medi-  mation systems, nonprofi t  organizations,   laboratory activities are integrated into one
        cal offi  ces, public and government entities,   the government, and the military. Project   cohesive lecture-lab section. The latter part
        restaurants, grocery establishments, and   management principles and methodology   of the course covers solution chemistry with
        a variety of other retail businesses, and   are provided with special focus on plan-  emphasis on chemical kinetics, thermody-
        may be taught on campus or on site of such   ning, controlling, and managing projects to   namics, and electrochemistry. Laboratory
        businesses (see ticket notes in schedule for   successful completion. The topics are divided   activities supports the above-mentioned
        the focus and location for any listed ticket   into two categories: the behavioral aspects   topics, including both qualitative and quan-
        number). Lecture 1 hour. Prerequisite: None.   of a project and the technical components   titative analysis of data and propagation of
        Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   that make up the project. Behavioral issues   errors. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 6 hours.
                                            include management and leadership, cultural   Prerequisite: 1) Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
        205                                 diff erences, organizational structures, and   ESL 151. 2) MATH 101 or 120 or 220B or 1.5
        PROFESSIONAL SELLING                confl ict and negotiation. The course exam-  years of high school Algebra. 3) CHEM 110
        FUNDAMENTALS                        ines technical issues including the relation   or 1 year of high school chemistry (labora-
        3.0 Units                                                               tory included) and satisfactory score on the
                                            between the performing organization and
        BUSAD 205 covers the principles, problems,   the project; determining strategy and proj-  Math/Chemistry Placement Exams. Course
        and techniques of one-on-one selling of ideas,   ect selection; developing the project plan;   Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/
        products, and services in today’s domestic   estimating costs, schedules, and the critical   Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
        and international markets. Active participa-  path; methods for determining project status;   CHEM 110)
        tion provides practical experience through   and risks, quality, and procurement. Lecture   102
        guided role-playing with techniques for   3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit:   GENERAL CHEMISTRY
        success as a sales professional. Psychological   CSU.                   5.0 Units
        and social aspects of buyer motivation are
        studied, as well as critical thinking, elements   212                   CHEM 102 is the second course in a two-
        of presentation, and ethics, as appropriate for   ADVANCED PROJECT      semester sequence which covers important
        developing beginning sales skills. Lecture 3   MANAGEMENT               chemistry concepts including physical
        hours. Recommended Preparation: CABOT   3.0 Units                       properties of matter, chemical reactions,
        265 and CABOT 280 or equivalent.    BUSAD 212 covers the advanced topics of   stoichiometry, electronic structure of atoms,
                                            project management (PM) including: sched-  quantum mechanics, chemical bonding,
                                            uling; risk and quality management; and   and the three phases of matter. Lecture and
                                            cost control. Comprehensive instruction in   laboratory activities are integrated into one
                                            scheduling and other PM tools is provided.   cohesive lecture-lab section. The latter part
                                            The topic of delivering complex projects   of the course covers solution chemistry with
                                            is introduced, with a focus on resource   emphasis on chemical kinetics, thermody-
                                            management, scheduling, control, and   namics, and electrochemistry. Laboratory
                                            opportunity and risk management. Lecture   activities supports the above-mentioned
                                            3 hours. Prerequisite: BUSAD 210. Transfer   topics, including both qualitative and quan-
                                            Credit: CSU.                        titative analysis of data and propagation of
                                                                                errors. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 6 hours.
                                                                                Prerequisite: CHEM 101. Course Typically
                                                                                Offered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
                                                                                Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.(CHEM 101
                                                                                & 102 C-ID CHEM 120S)

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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