Page 130 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 130


            170                                 177                                 185
            BUSINESS                            MARKETING                           SYSTEMS (GIS) FOR BUSINESS
            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            BUSAD 170 provides the student with an   BUSAD 177 examines the concepts, prin-  BUSAD 185 teaches the fundamentals of GIS
            overview of the basic issues in international   ciples, theory, and practice of international   industry-standard software and its appli-
            business. These include deciding on a busi-  marketing. Topics include the United States   cation to business. Emphasis is placed on
            ness organization for foreign operations,   and foreign marketing organizations, United   applied lessons to create and modify maps,
            establishing banking relationships, raising   States international marketing positions,   conduct geospatial research, and solve busi-
            capital, currency exchange and marketing   market entry strategies, analysis of foreign   ness related geospatial problems. Lecture 3
            in foreign environment, with particular   markets, culture and marketing, product   hours. Recommended Preparation: CABOT
            emphasis on Pacifi c Rim, Western European   design, pricing, distribution, promotion,   270 or equivalent.
            and South American markets. Import/  and sales. Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.   202
            Export regulations and locating manufac-  Recommended Preparation: BUSAD 101 and   LEADERSHIP FUNDAMENTALS
            turing abroad are also be covered. Lecture 3   170 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   3.0 Units
            hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   Fall (Every Other Year).
            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.                             BUSAD 202 introduces the basic concepts
                                                178                                 and theories of a leader’s role in infl uencing
            175                                 INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL       others to achieve a common goal. Deci-
            IMPORT/EXPORT BUSINESS IN THE       FINANCE                             sion making, problem solving, and critical
            PACIFIC RIM                         3.0 Units                           thinking concepts will be emphasized. The
            3.0 Units                           BUSAD 178 is a study of international busi-  role of a leader to an organization’s success,
            BUSAD 175 is a project course teaching the   ness  fi nancing and development, includ-  as well as the diffi  culties  and  challenges
            real-world process of establishing an Import/  ing the roles of diff erent types of lenders,   involved, will also be emphasized. Lecture 3
            Export business. The student is guided in   domestic and foreign government assistance   hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
            preparing a business plan for an Import/  programs, various methods of payment,   Off ered: Spring (Every Other Year).
            Export activity. Each country in the Pacifi c   identifying and managing risk in the interna-  203
            Rim is discussed in terms of their current   tional fi nancial arena, and tax considerations.   CUSTOMER SERVICE AND
            business conditions and Import/Export   Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.  Recom-  RELATIONS
            opportunities. The special business cultures   mended Preparation: BUSAD 101 and 170   3.0 Units
            and techniques contributing to Asia’s success   or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            and the success of its fi rms are presented.   180                       BUSAD 203 focuses on strategies for devel-
            A major part of the course is a discussion   PRINCIPLES OF IMPORT/EXPORT  oping a fi rst-class customer service environ-
            of the business aspect of the cultural views   3.0 Units                ment in a culturally diverse, e-commerce,
            and practices necessary to do business in                               globally competitive business climate. The
            these countries. Lecture 3 hours.  Recom-  BUSAD 180 prepares students to partici-  course covers topics that promote a customer-
            mended Preparation: BUSAD 101 and 170 or   pate in the international economy through   focused organization and will teach students
            equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Spring   importing and/or exporting activities. Topics   to handle problems and complaints, promote
            (Every Other Year). Transfer Credit: CSU.  include methods for locating products to   teamwork, “win back” customers, personal-
                                                import or export, import/export marketing   ize service, and create loyalty and retention
            176                                 strategies, pricing, and distribution channels,   of clientele of various types (e.g. patients,
            IMPORT/EXPORT WITHIN NAFTA          international payment transfers, import/  patrons, students, customers, and so on).
            AND LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES        export  fi nancing, shipping and receiving   Understanding and infl uencing  customer
            3.0 Units                           international goods, and strategies for   behavior through customer relationship
            BUSAD 176 discusses the special issues   successful importing and exporting. Also   management strategies will be emphasized.
            of doing business with North American   included are the trade patterns by countries   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) coun-  and commodities, with a focus on issues
            tries (Canada and Mexico) and with Latin   concerning the euro and trade in Europe’s
            America. Other Latin American countries are   single market, the World Trade organization,
            also analyzed for the governmental, social   NAFTA, and navigating the business worlds
            economic, and geographic systems as they   of Asia, Africa, and Latin America while
            relate to import/export and other business   tapping into the e-commerce phenomena.
            opportunities. A major part of this course   Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.  Recom-
            is a discussion of the business aspect of the   mended Preparation: BUSAD 101 and 170
            cultural views and practices necessary to do   or equivalent.
            business in the Americas, including Mexico,
            Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other
            Caribbean countries such as Guatemala,
            Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Columbia,
            Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina,
            and Chile. Current international economic
            opportunities will determine the emphasis
            placed on each area. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-
            mended Preparation: BUSAD 101 and 170 or
            equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135