Page 123 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 123


        115                                 123                                 128
        4.0 Units                           AERODYNAMICS                        3.0 Units
        AT 115 is a fl ight training lab course prepar-  3.0 Units               AT 128 is an analytical lecture course of study
        ing the student for the Federal Aviation   AT 123 provides the pilot with the necessary   which acquaints the student with practical
        Administration Commercial Pilot Practical   understanding of the aerodynamics of the   airport administration problems that exist
        Examination. Topics addressed include:   aircraft and of the construction techniques   today. Completion of this course enables
        operation of complex and high-performance   and processes involved in the building of   the student to perform and function eff ec-
        aircraft including the use of constant-speed   aircraft. This course meets the requirements   tively in any of the many diversifi ed airport
        propellers and retractable landing gear,   for commercial pilots in the study of aircraft.   operations. Course coverage includes airport
        maximum performance takeoff s and land-  Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Recom-  development, site selection, local advertis-
        ings, steep turns, chandelles, lazy eights, and   mended Preparation: completion of AT 120   ing, fi nancial considerations and benefi ts to
        eights on pylons. Students will log fi fteen   or possession of a private pilot’s certifi cate.   the community. Aviation safety within the
        hours of complex aircraft time. Lecture 2   Transfer Credit: CSU.       confi nes of the airport, airport maintenance,
        hours/Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequisite:   124                          familiarization with the Federal Aviation
        AT 114 or possession of FAA Private Pilot   RADIO PROCEDURES AND FLIGHT   Administration and Federal Air Regulations
        Certifi cate (airplane, single-engine land) with   REGULATIONS           governing airports as well as the National
        a minimum of 200 hours of fl ight time, and;   3.0 Units                 Transportation Safety Board. Lecture 3
        AT 135 or proof of completion of the FAA                                hours. Recommended Preparation: AT 120
        Commercial Pilot Knowledge Exam (AT 135   AT 124 is designed to provide the commercial   and 130 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        my be taken concurrently.)          pilot student with the necessary knowl-
                                            edge of radio navigation, radio-telephone   129
        120                                 communication procedures, and Federal   FLIGHT ATTENDANT I
        PRIVATE PILOT GROUND SCHOOL         Aviation Regulations required to pass the   3.0 Units
        5.0 Units                           Federal Aviation Administration Commer-  AT 129 prepares men and women for the
        AT 120 prepares the student for the Private   cial Pilot Written Examination. Lecture 3   highly competitive fl ight attendant positions
        Pilot Written Examination, and is taught   hours.  Prerequisite: None.  Recommended   and travel careers in the airlines and travel
        under Federal Aviation Administration   Preparation: completion of AT 120 or posses-  industry. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
        approved Private Pilot Ground School   sion of a private pilot’s certifi cate. Transfer   None.
        Certifi cate HH8S190Q. The course covers   Credit: CSU.                  130
        powerplant operations, radio procedures and   125                       AIR TRANSPORTATION
        radio navigation, meteorology, and enroute   INSTRUMENT RATING GROUND   3.0 Units
        navigation procedures common to the   SCHOOL
        private pilot. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite:   3.0 Units               AT 130 introduces the student to the devel-
        None. Transfer Credit: CSU.                                             opment of air transportation, problems in
                                            AT 125 introduces the student to the use of   commercial air transportation, commercial
        121                                 radio navigation, weather briefi ng, advanced   aircraft, organization and functions of the
        NAVIGATION                          navigation, standard instrument approaches,   airlines, regulations, airline routes in the
        3.0 Units                           procedures and Federal Aviation Regulations   United States and the pilot qualifi cations,
        AT 121 introduces the student to the aspect   pertaining to instrument fl ight. Students are   schedules and services, revenue sources and
        of dead-reckoning and pilotage navigation   prepared for the Federal Aviation Admin-  potential operating overhead. The impor-
        using the aeronautical chart. Composite   istration Instrument Pilot Written Exami-  tance of airports, airways, advertising, and
        navigation and vector analysis using the   nation. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite: AT   public relations is stressed. Lecture 3 hours.
        fl ight computer familiarizes the student with   120 or successful completion of the Private   Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        the practical features of navigation. Lecture   Pilot Written Examination or a Private Pilot   132
        3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Recommended   Certifi cate. Transfer Credit: CSU.  FLIGHT ATTENDANT II
        Preparation: completion of AT 120 or posses-  127                       3.0 Units
        sion of a private pilot’s certifi cate. Transfer   FLIGHT TRAINING MANEUVERS
        Credit: CSU.                                                            AT 132 prepares men and women for the
                                            3.0 Units                           highly competitive fl ight attendant positions
        122                                 AT 127 presents in detail the procedures   and travel careers in the airline and travel
        METEOROLOGY                         and methods for conducting the maneuvers   industry. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: AT
        3.0 Units                           required for the safe, skillful operation of   129 or equivalent.
        AT 122 presents the basic principles of   the airplane. The performance and applica-  134
        meteorology with emphasis placed on the   tion of the various maneuvers required by   AMERICAN AVIATION TRAVEL
        physical laws that operate in the atmosphere,   the Federal Aviation Administration for the   HISTORY AND OPERATIONS
        particularly as they aff ect  aircraft  fl ight.   Private and Commercial Pilot Flight Tests   3.0 Units
        Weather maps, reports, and forecasts and   are examined. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        their interpretation are stressed. Lecture 3   None. Recommended Preparation: comple-  AT 134 introduces the students to aviation
        hours.  Prerequisite: None.  Recommended   tion of AT 120 or possession of a private pilot’s   travel history and the manner in which
        Preparation: completion of AT 120 or posses-  certifi cate. Transfer Credit: CSU.  related events have affected the nation
        sion of a private pilot’s certifi cate. Transfer                         socially, economically and politically. This
        Credit: CSU.                                                            study of aviation emphasizes the develop-
                                                                                ment, testing, and utilization of aircraft in
                                                                                California. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128