Page 159 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 159


        191                                 192                                 212
        4.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               ENGL 192 is a reading course designed for   ENGL 212 is a continuation of English 112.
        ENGL 191 is designed for students who need   students who are generally good readers,   Students will learn to think critically and
        to practice writing thoughtful and well-   but who wish to improve their speed of   develop their screenwriting skills through
        organized short compositions in standard   comprehension and to develop critical read-  reading selected screenplays and viewing
        English. Conducted as a writing workshop,   ing skills. Various textbook study strategy   dramatic scenes portrayed on fi lm. Students
        the class involves reading and discussion of   methods are covered including memory   will analyze fi lms to learn the fundamentals
        lively articles, stories, and possibly longer   improvement, speed-reading technique,   of character development, three act struc-
        works. Individualized computer lessons   vocabulary building through the study   ture, and cinematic sequences. Students
        provide tutorials and practice in the gram-  of prefi xes,  suffi  xes, roots, and the use of   will develop a variety of feature length
        mar and mechanics of writing. Computer   context clues. Basic grammar rules including   scenarios, choosing one to outline as a feature
        applications help students plan, write,   syntax, punctuation, and capitalization are   length fi lm. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        check, and revise what they have written.   reviewed. Comprehension skills are covered   ENGL 112 or equivalent. Course Typically
        The course helps students increase their   including Survey-Question-Read-Recite-  Off ered: Spring (Odd Years Only). Transfer
        familiarity with the style and organizational   Review (SQ3R) and Know-Will Know-Learn   Credit: CSU
        format of written English and improves their   (KWL) highlighting, note-taking, outlining,
        ability to compose, edit, and revise sentences,   summarizing, paraphrasing, diff erentiating   ENGLISH AS A SECOND
        paragraphs, and short compositions  Note:   between general and specifi c details, deter-  LANGUAGE
        A maximum of 8 units of credit will be   mining the topic and main ideas (stated and
        awarded for ENGL 191, ENGL 120.  Note:   implied), understanding inference, discern-  The Credit ESL Program prepares students for
        This course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 4   ing the diff erence between fact vs. opinion,   academic and work life in the United States.
        hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based on   and patterns of organization in longer essays.   The various writing, reading, and listening and
        academic background or satisfactory comple-  The emphasis is to continue the strengthen-  speaking classes in the program prepare students
        tion of  ENGL 189. Concurrent enrollment   ing of higher-level reading comprehension   to strengthen their communication skills through
        in or satisfactory completion of ENGL 190 is   and improve critical thinking while reading.   reading, writing, listening, speaking and/or
        required. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  Methods to improve literal and inferential   conversing and/or debating, and interpersonal
        Spring/Summer/Fall.                 comprehension are covered as are the use   interactions. ESL students learn to listen, under-
                                            of analogies, propaganda, the evaluation of   stand, debate and express themselves clearly and
                                            an argument, and critical reading. Lecture 3   concisely to others, as well as, using information
                                            hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based on   communicated by others.
                                            academic background or satisfactory comple-
                                            tion of ENGL 190. Recommended Corequi-  111
                                            site: Concurrent enrollment in ENGL 120   GRAMMAR AND WRITING I
                                            Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  5.0 Units
                                            Summer/Fall.                        NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
                                                                                ESL 111 focuses on grammar and composi-
                                            COMPOSITION WORKSHOP                tion for students at the beginning level of
                                            FOR READING, WRITING, AND           academic English as a second language.
                                            ACADEMIC LITERACY                   This course provides instruction in vocabu-
                                            0.5 Units                           lary, basic grammar, sentence structure,
                                                                                and writing. Students write academic one
                                            NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               to two-paragraph descriptive and narra-
                                            ENGL 199 is for students who have assessed   tive compositions of 100-150 words in
                                            into ENGL 120 or who have successfully   length. The course stresses the correct use
                                            completed a developmental English course   of a variety of grammatical structures and
                                            at Glendale Community College and desire   verb tenses within compositions. Lecture
                                            to concurrently enroll in English 101+: Fresh-  5 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement is based
                                            man English. ENGL 199 includes rigorous   on a composite of test scores and academic
                                            content and support for students in English   background.  Recommended Preparation:
                                            101+ that focuses on reading, writing, and   Concurrent enrollment in an appropriate
                                            critical thinking. Students practice articu-  ESL listening and speaking course and a
                                            lating written arguments and buttress their   reading course. Course Typically Off ered:
                                            skills in grammar, editing, and essay orga-  Fall/Spring.
                                            nization. Students develop strong academic
                                            identities, and build and strengthen their
                                            relationships with texts and peers. Labo-
                                            ratory 2 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement
                                            is based on a composite of test scores and
                                            academic background or successful comple-
                                            tion of English 191. Corequisite: ENGL 101+.
                                            Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164