Page 180 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY               158                                 202
                                                VERDUGO POWER ACADEMY II            CAQI/QM/QS SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS
            155                                 10.0 Units                          MODULE
            VERDUGO POWER ACADEMY               The Verdugo Power Academy II is the second   1.0 Unit
            17.5 Units
                                                course in a two course series that prepares   ITECH 202 examines the knowledge
            The Verdugo Power Academy produces   candidates for an Electrical Line Mechanic   required to establish a system diagnostic
            candidates for an Electrical Line Mechanic   (ELM) position. Development of basic skills   process. This includes the use of data and
            (ELM) training program. Development of   needed to be successful candidates will be   tools to maintain system performance in
            basic skills needed to be successful trainees   emphasized. These skills include: overall   a dynamic environment. Lecture 1 hour.
            will be emphasized. These skills include:   safety considerations, power pole climb-  Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
            overall safety considerations, power pole   ing skills, knowledge of the basic tools and   ENGL 120 or ESL 151.
            climbing skills, knowledge of the basic tools   materials involved with the electrical theory
            and materials involved with the electrical   that is specifi c to this trade. A 175 hour   203
            theory that is specifi c to this trade. A 175 hour   power pole-climbing certifi cate of comple-  CAQI/QM/QS REFRIGERATION
            power pole-climbing certifi cate of comple-  tion is granted to students who successfully   MODULE
            tion is granted to students who successfully   complete this course. Lecture 4 hours/Labo-  1.0 Unit
            complete this course. Note: Students during   ratory 18 hours. Prerequisite: ITECH 157.   ITECH 203 examines the practical fundamen-
            the course of instruction will be required to                           tals and theory behind basic air conditioning
            lift up to 60 lbs with repetition and will be   160                     and heat pump systems. Topics include the
            required to climb and perform installation   WIND TURBINE FUNDAMENTALS  physical properties of air conditioning and
            and maintenance operations at the top of 30   3.0 Units                 refrigerants, basic system components and
            foot power poles. Physical or psychological   ITECH 160 introduces the industrial tech-  accessories, basic zone systems, air fi ltration,
            limitations should be taken into account   nology student to wind turbine mechanical   humidifi cation and ventilation. The use of
            when enrolling in the class. Lecture 8.0   related systems and their foundation; PLC   fi eld instruments for measuring refrigerant
            hours/Laboratory 9.5 hours.  Prerequisite:   (Programmable Logic Controllers) and   pressures and temperatures, velocity and
            None.                               control algorithms; turbine maintenance   volume, and system airfl ow  adjustments
                                                procedures; rotor construction, installa-  is covered. Lecture 1 hour. Recommended
            156                                 tion and airfoils; and SCADA (Supervisory   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
            ADVANCED METERING                   Control and Data Acquisition) systems.   ESL 151.
            TECHNOLOGY                          Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1 hour. Prereq-
            4.0 Units                                                               204
                                                uisite: None.
            ITECH 156 is an introduction to Automated                               CAQI/QM/QS SYSTEMS
            Meter Infrastructure (AMI)/Smart Grid   200                             PERFORMANCE MODULE
            technology. This includes increased use   NATE CERTIFICATION CORE       1.0 Unit
            of information controls, optimization of   TRAINING                     ITECH 204 examines the knowledge
            grid operations and resources, and use of   2.0 Units                   required to establish heating/ventilating air
            distributed resources and renewable energy.   ITECH 200 examines the core technical   conditioning (HVAC) system performance.
            Additionally included is the development   knowledge required to become a North   The process starts with the fundamentals
            and integration of demand response, energy   American Technician Excellence (NATE)   and theory behind residential and light
            effi  cient resources, smart metering, transfer   certified technician. The course empha-  commercial HVAC performance. This course
            of information to consumers and standards   sizes the basic physics and electrical theory   will also introduce the concept and ramifi ca-
            for the communication and interoperability   required to be a qualifi ed technician. The   tions of the HVAC being a subsystem in the
            of appliances and equipment connected to   course covers heating, ventilation, air condi-  building envelope and addresses the direct
            the electric grid. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory   tioning and refrigeration specifi c knowledge   and indirect problems that will aff ect system
            3 hours. Prerequisite: None.        in the areas of safety, tools, heat transfer/  performance. Lecture 1 hour. Recommended
                                                comfort and electrical systems. Lecture 2   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
            157                                 hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-  ESL 151.
            VERDUGO POWER ACADEMY I             ity for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.
            7.5 Units                                                               205
            The Verdugo Power Academy I is the   201                                CAQI/QM/QS AIR DISTRIBUTION
            fi rst course in a two course sequence that   CAQI/QM/QS ELECTRICAL MODULE  MODULE
            prepares candidates for an Electrical Line   1.0 Unit                   1.0 Unit
            Mechanic (ELM) position. Development of   ITECH 201 examines electrical theory, sche-  ITECH 205 examines the practical funda-
            basic skills needed to be successful candi-  matic diagrams, and electrical components   mentals and theory behind basic air distri-
            dates is emphasized. These skills include:   common to air conditioning and heating   bution systems. The course reviews the basic
            overall safety considerations and knowledge   systems. The knowledge gained will be used   physical properties of air, common defi ni-
            of the basic tools and materials involved with   to eff ectively understand and troubleshoot   tions used in the trade, psychrometrics, the
            the electrical theory that is specifi c to this   systems and components. Lecture 1 hour.   comfort index and indoor air quality. The
            trade. Note: A maximum of 17.5 units will be   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   course also reviews the skill sets required
            granted for any combination of ITECH 155,   ENGL 120 or ESL 151.        to properly design, install, commission,
            ITECH 157 and ITECH 158. Lecture 4 Hours                                maintain, service and diagnose air distribu-
            /Laboratory 10.5 Hours. Prerequisite: None.                             tion systems. Lecture 1 hour. Recommended
                                                                                    Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
                                                                                    ESL 151.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185