Page 178 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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HUMANITIES        175

            105H                                110                                 115
            3.0 Units                           HUMAN INSIGHT                       3.0 Units
            HUMAN 105H is an interdisciplinary,   3.0 Units                         HUMAN 115 is an interdisciplinary course
            intercultural course designed to challenge   HUMAN 110 is an interdisciplinary, inter-  in which students analyze ancient myths
            students to further develop critical read-  cultural course in which students further   in the context of the cultures from which
            ing, writing, and thinking abilities through   apply the principles of critical thinking and   they arose. It provides a basis for increased
            comparative study of materials from litera-  comparative critical analysis in order to   understanding of art forms from all over the
            ture and various disciplines. Students evalu-  better understand the relationships among   world, including literature, painting, sculp-
            ate some of the most relevant issues faced by   literature, science, and technology. Through   ture, and architecture. Students explore the
            people of the United States and other cultures   directed reading, class discussion, and   role myths play in answering the ultimate
            throughout history, with emphasis on values   writing, students develop logical thought   questions of human life and in expressing
            and ethics. The course examines the creative   processes enabling them to reason, induc-  the values of the societies which developed
            impulses and destructive forces that have   tively and deductively, to distinguish fact   and/or perpetuated the stories. Students see
            infl uenced the human struggle for order,   from judgment, to examine evidence and   the impact of psychology, oral transmission,
            acceptance, knowledge, understanding, self   credibility of sources, to propose new ideas,   and environment (social, geo-political, and
            expression, power, freedom, individuality   and to reach logical conclusions. Through   economic) on belief systems. Most impor-
            and survival. Students improve their abili-  their study of literature, students learn about   tantly, students relate myths to questions
            ties to analyze, synthesize, develop original   human values, behavior and motivations;   and issues of the present day, relevant to
            ideas, distinguish fact from opinion or belief,   through their study of scientifi c and tech-  their own lives and the lives of those with
            and use logic and reason in language and   nological achievements, they learn about the   whom they share the country and the planet.
            thought to determine whether the solutions   methods and limitations of science. Major   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ENGL 120 or
            of the past are compatible with the problems   historical and contemporary themes link-  ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/
            of today and tomorrow. Writing instruction   ing science and literature are presented for   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            focuses on improving advanced composition   evaluation. This course may be team taught.   UC, USC.
            skills. The course may be team-taught. The   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ENGL 120 or   117
            honors course will be enhanced in one or   ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  CREATIVITY AND CULTURE
            more of the following ways: 1. Accelerated   111                        3.0 Units
            standards of reading levels, emphasizing   IRISH HISTORY, LITERATURE, AND
            primary sources. 2. Accelerated standards   CULTURE FROM THE BEGINNING   HUMAN 117 focuses on creativity and inno-
            of critical thinking, including critical writ-  TO THE PRESENT          vation in a variety of cultures and periods,
            ing and thesis-based essay exams. Lecture   3.0 Units                   including applications within literature, art,
            3 hours. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL                             drama, music, architecture, fi lm, athletics,
            101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  HUMAN 111 is a broad-based, interdisciplin-  dance and movement, as well as in science,
                                                ary team-taught course that covers the entire   technology, engineering, education, math-
            106                                 history of Ireland: its mythology, folklore, art,   ematics, and business and law. Examining
            CULTURES AND MEANING                music, literature, and major political events.   the relationships of creativity to other areas
            3.0 Units                           The course also focuses on the impact of Irish   of college study, the course recognizes that
            HUMAN 106 is an interdisciplinary course   culture on England, Europe, Spain, Canada,   creative works are components of larger
            that emphasizes the complex relationship   and the United States through the centuries.   patterns. Students explore creativity theories
            between culture and meaning. Students   Through assigned readings, discussions, and   and concepts, “creatives,” and creative works
            are encouraged to read, think, discuss and   writing, the students gain critical insights   from a wide variety of media and appraise
            write critically about the concept of moder-  into the causes and consequences of Ireland’s   the interrelationships of creativity and
            nity, as interpreted from diff erent cultural   turbulent history and struggle for indepen-  surrounding cultures, exploring the creative
            perspectives. By comparing several liter-  dence as well as its literary and sociopolitical   process and asking what has led to, as well
            ary and scholarly texts, students address   contributions to world culture and civiliza-  as what results from, fi eld-specifi c creative
            several intersectional problems including:   tion. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ENGL   work as well as interdisciplinary expres-
            identity formation; the politics of repre-  120 or ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered:   sions. Students learn to analyze, synthesize,
            sentation; technologies; translations; social   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  draw inferences, propose new ideas, support
            transformations; and globalization. Lecture                             theses, reach logical conclusions, and become
            3 hours. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL                             active participants in creative processes. This
            101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.                             course may be team-taught. Lecture 3 hours.
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                          Prerequisite: ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer
                                                                                    Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183