Page 183 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 183


        110                                 250                                 100
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        JOURN 110 provides instruction in tech-  JOURN 250 surveys the most signifi cant tech-  KIN 100 takes an interdisciplinary approach
        niques for producing photos for news and   niques and examples of visual communica-  into the study of kinesiology. Students will
        feature articles. Students learn eff ective   tion employed in the mass media, including   have the opportunity to pursue interests
        ways to take photos to accompany articles,   newspapers, magazines, television, the Inter-  in careers in the  fi eld of kinesiology. The
        as well as to use photos to tell a story of   net, and advertising. The course is designed   philosophy, history scientifi c  foundations,
        their own. Both conventional and digital   to lead students to an understanding of the   and future of kinesiology, exercise science,
        photography are used. Lecture 2 hours/  possibilities of visual communication in the   health and wellness, fi tness and sport are
        Laboratory 3 hours. Recommended Prepara-  mass media. The course exposes students to   covered. Students have the opportunity to
        tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101 and PHOTO   both practitioners and scholars in the fi eld   explore professional career opportunities in
        101. Course Typically Off ered: Every Other   to demonstrate how the media use images   teaching, coaching, athletic training, sport
        Year. Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID JOUR 160)  and how the students might incorporate   management, fi tness leadership, and health
                                            visual images into their own work. Students   and wellness. Note: Course is designed for
        116                                 develop their critical thinking skills by learn-  kinesiology majors. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-
        INTRODUCTION TO BROADCAST           ing the language and theory of visual media.   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
        JOURNALISM II                       Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1 hour. Recom-  190/191 or ESL 141 and completion of LIB
        3.0 Units
                                            mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   190 Course Typically Off ered: Fall. Transfer
        JOURN 116 continues to develop the process   101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   Credit: CSU, UC. (C-ID KIN 100)
        of gathering, writing, editing, and presenting   Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID JOURN 170)
        the news on radio and television. This course                           144
        involves practical application of the skills.   KINESIOLOGY             BASEBALL THEORY
        Students produce, report, and anchor a news                             2.0 Units
        segment for cable broadcast. In addition, they   50                     KIN 144 covers the basic theoretical founda-
        will produce and host a half-hour magazine   INTERNSHIP IN KINESIOLOGY  tions of the sport of baseball. Note: KIN 144
        format show for cable broadcast. Emphasis   1.0 to 3.0 Units            is recommended for kinesiology majors.
        is placed on writing for broadcast, new judg-  KIN 50 is a discipline-specifi c course, which   Lecture 2 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
        ment, visual versus sound considerations,   allows students to earn from 1.0 - 3.0 units   tion: Knowledge of Baseball fundamentals.
        interviewing techniques, ethics, scripting,   for a structured, supervised internship either   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer
        and new organizations’ infrastructure.   on-campus or off -campus under the super-  Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        Students will also be introduced to various   vision of a faculty advisor. It is designed to   146
        radio formats and perform on the campus   provide students with appropriate prepa-  ADVANCED BASEBALL THEORY
        radio station. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1   ration and a hands-on work experience   2.0 Units
        hour. Prerequisite: JOURN 106 or equivalent.   in one of the following fi elds: kinesiology
                                            (general studies), physical therapy assistance,   KIN 146 covers advanced theory and strate-
        210                                                                     gies used in the sport of baseball. Note: KIN
        ADVANCED NEWS WRITING               personal training, strength coaching, group   146 is recommended for Kinesiology majors
        3.0 Units                           fi tness, adapted exercise, athletic training,   and students planning to participate in
                                            sports offi  ciating, sports management or
        JOURN 210 emphasizes public aff airs report-  health and fi tness promotion. The purpose of   varsity baseball for a second year. Lecture 2
        ing. Students will cover public meetings both   this class is to enhance students’ knowledge,   hours. Prerequisite: KIN 144. Course Typi-
        on and off  campus, including trials, school   skill levels, and professional competency in   cally Off ered: Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU,
        board meetings, and city council meetings.   their targeted career. Students must work 54   UC, USC.
        They will also contribute to the college news-  hours on-site per unit earned. This course is
        paper, El Vaquero. The emphasis is on print   recommended for the self-motivated student,
        journalism, but students will also be exposed   and requires faculty advisor approval to
        to broadcasting, the Internet, and podcasting.   register.  Note: Students must arrange an
        Emphasis will be given to journalistic law   approved internship prior to enrolling in
        and ethics. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1   this class. The student must work 54 hours
        hour. Prerequisite: JOURN 102 or equivalent.   on-site per unit earned, and units may not
        Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID JOURN 210)
                                            be increased or decreased after registration.
                                            This course may be taken 4 times; a maxi-
                                            mum of 12 units may be earned. Laboratory
                                            3-9 hours.  Recommended  Preparation or
                                            Concurrent Enrollment: Eligibility for ENGL
                                            120 or ESL 151. Prerequisite or Corequisite:
                                            Enrollment in appropriate discipline-specifi c
                                            theory or lab course at GCC. Transfer Credit:

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188